How to download and install the Tron Wallet app

How to download and install the Tron Wallet app

Go to the Play Market or App Store

We write "klever" in the search bar

Click on the "Install" button

We go into the application by clicking on the "open" button:

We agree with the terms (the slider is moved to the right) and click on the continue button:

Click on the button "Create wallet"

Make 6-digit pin code (be sure that you wrote it down, otherwise you will lose access to your wallet)

We repeat the same pin code:

We save the mnemonic code IMPORTANT. Click on the icon to copy and save the phrase in the TXT file.

Click on the button "I wrote it down"

Insert ALL words into an empty rectangle in the order in which they were given to you, click on the "check" button


The wallet was successfully created:

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