How to do the homework?

How to do the homework?

When a child is born, he or she often goes straight to university. And that university is its parents, who start raising a genius from the womb. The Glenn Doman method of teaching reading, which can be tested on a one-year-old, is a case in point. Trying to outrun the times and embody their unfulfilled hopes and ambitions in their children, parents create a perpetual race for the child, who is often not at all ready for it. Often, as a consequence, by the time a child reaches the age of seven, he or she has, at best, no interest in learning, or, at worst, a nervous breakdown due to mental stress simply prevents him or her from doing so. And yet from school a child brings home not just knowledge, but also a lot of homework to reinforce the material you learned, the moral strength to perform which is no longer enough. After all, solving math examples or memorizing historical dates can't be compared to playing football in the yard or riding a bike. When parents don't know how to motivate their child to do their homework, the struggle for knowledge becomes excruciating for both sides. Here are ways to motivate a school child who struggles to complete homework. One such way is to use the services of experts from online services for exercises. . You can understand which one of the services is legit by the reviews. For example Studybay has very good reviews.

Way 1: Positive Attitude

If you say to child about the following words: "I know that "homework" is not really something that you want to do, but you will have to, because you have to," then it will be the surest way to demotivate the child.

On the contrary, think positively, based on the three main pillars - the aims of homework:

- Reinforce what you've learned in school. Plus, you'll learn something else new and interesting. It's easy and useful.

- How nice that when you do your homework, you learn to study on your own, separate from the class. It will help you in life.

- It is good that you are learning to plan your time, this will help you later in life.

Way 2: A Good Example Is Contagious

Children have been known to copy adults. A great way to motivate your child to do their homework is to do their own time. For example, read the literature you need for your work, fill out bills, clean the house, wash the dishes. Let your child know that each age has its own responsibilities and duties. If mum/dad didn't do their duties, they wouldn't get paid for their work, the light, water and gas would be cut off in the flat, the house would be swallowed by dirt and rubbish and mountains of unwashed dishes would fill the kitchen. In order to move forward and live in society with dignity, you have to work. Remember, as Mary Poppins used to say: "Only he who does, accomplishes".

Way 3: Comfortable Workplace

Comfortable in terms of proper seating and availability of study supplies. The child's seat depends on the type of work he or she does. For example, a special desk or writing table is the most suitable place for writing. Professor S. M. Grombach, who has made an enormous contribution to the theoretical basis of hygiene and health in children and adolescents, points out that "having sufficient support points is the first condition for correct seating.

Correct seating includes:

- placing the feet on the floor or footrest, with the feet forming right angles or angles of 100-110 degrees at the knee and hip joints;

- 2/3 to 3/4 of the thigh length on the planting position;

- support of the lower back on the back of a chair;

- resting both arms and elbows on the table with the shoulders equally level;

- Tilting the trunk and head strictly forward (not to the side) by no more than 15-20 degrees;

- The distance between eyes and the working place is approximately 30 cm;

- a free distance between the chest and the desk.

Children can choose more comfortable places to read books: a chair, a sofa, a rug on the floor. But this is an area where you need to pay close attention to your child's posture and the distance between your child's eyes and the book. In any case, provide your child with enough light above the work surface. It's best if the desk is by a window. Daylight or artificial light should fall either directly or from the side opposite the writing hand. If the general artificial light in the room is yellow or white, the desk lamp should echo this.

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