How to design prompts for ChatGPT

How to design prompts for ChatGPT

@matskevich @aihappens

How to design prompts in a way to leverage strong properties of LLM and overcoming weak. Describe both low level specific rules and high level metaphors. 

Designing prompts effectively can help leverage the strong properties of LLMs while overcoming their weaknesses. Here are some low-level specific rules and high-level metaphors to guide you in designing better prompts:

Low-level specific rules:

 1 Be explicit: Clearly state the information or format you want in the response. This can help the model understand the context and provide a more relevant answer.

 2 Specify the desired perspective or source: If you want information from a specific viewpoint or source, mention it in the prompt to guide the model.

 3 Provide context: Include relevant background information in the prompt to help the model understand the situation and give a more accurate response.

 4 Limit response length: If you want a concise response, specify the maximum length (e.g., "In 50 words or less, explain...").

 5 Ask for step-by-step or pros/cons: When seeking a detailed response, request a step-by-step explanation or a list of pros and cons.

High-level metaphors:

 1 Think like a GPS: Just as a GPS needs clear and precise destination information, provide specific details and requirements to guide the LLM towards the desired response.

 2 Be a good dance partner: LLMs can be seen as dance partners in a conversation. Guide and steer the conversation, while also being flexible and adapting to the model's responses.

 3 The model is an eager student: Treat the LLM as an eager student who needs guidance to provide the best answer. Give clear instructions and, if needed, correct or refine the model's responses.

 4 The model as a brainstorming partner: Use the LLM as a brainstorming partner to generate ideas or explore different perspectives, but remember to verify and evaluate the information provided.

 5 The model as an assistant: Treat the LLM as an assistant who can help you with various tasks, but may require specific instructions to perform optimally.

By using these low-level rules and high-level metaphors, you can design prompts that better leverage the strengths of LLMs while mitigating their weaknesses. Remember that prompt engineering is an iterative process, and refining your prompts based on model responses can help improve the overall interaction.



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