How to claim your TON domain from the auction and assign a TON crypto wallet to it.

How to claim your TON domain from the auction and assign a TON crypto wallet to it.

TON Community

1. Make sure you’ve won the auction for your domain name.

Go to and enter your domain. If the auction has closed, you’ll see this:

Check whether the owner’s address is the same as your wallet address from which you placed bids.

The domain is yours. Congratulations!

2. Claim your domain from the auction.

To claim your domain from the auction and become its full owner, you need to complete one final step.

You need to assign your wallet address to your domain name. Once you’ve completed this, you’ll be able to use your short .ton domain name instead of your long wallet address in all applications that support this function.

3. Assigning your wallet to your domain.

  1. Open the Google Chrome web browser on your computer.
  2. Install the TON extension for Google Chrome by clicking on this link.
  3. Open the extension, click on “Import wallet,” and go to your wallet from which you were bidding and where you have your recovery phrase.
Recovery phrase
Your recovery phrase is the 24 words you wrote down when you created your wallet.
If you’ve lost your recovery phrase, you can retrieve it from any TON wallet.
In Tonkeeper: Settings > Security > Back up recovery phrase
Write the 24 words down and keep the phrase somewhere safe. If something bad happens, you can recover access to your wallet with your recovery phrase.
Store your recovery phrase somewhere reliable where only you know its location. If someone were to gain access to your recovery phrase, they would have complete and total access to your funds.

4. Now open your domain on and click on “Edit.”

5. Copy the address of your wallet, paste it into the “Wallet address” field, and click “Save.”

6. Confirm the transaction in the TON extension.

7. All done!

Can I do this without the Google Chrome extension?

Yes. Soon, Tonkeeper will release an update allowing users to store domain names in the “NFT” tab. Also, every TON DNS will have a “Link” button — i.e., an “Assign” button to connect a wallet address to a domain.

If you don’t want to install the Chrome extension, you’ll have to wait a bit for the newest version of Tonkeeper — the domain will still be yours.

Using domain names in apps

The first to announce TON DNS support were crypto wallet Tonkeeper, TON Web Wallet, TON Browser Extension, NFT marketplaces Getgems and Disintar, and the Tonscan explorer.

These apps either already support TON DNS or will release support updates shortly.

Other services and products are already planning on implementing TON DNS support, allowing domain names to be used everywhere in the TON ecosystem.

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