How to choose the best baby transporting option

How to choose the best baby transporting option


The popularity of travel systems for infants has increased in the past decade. While they have gained a good reputation, lots of parents still view a traditional stroller and car seat as more convenient, safe and practical options. However, many people, especially first-time parents, are completely at sea with all the different options and many products marketed as essential. From this article you will learn how to choose the best baby transporting option.

To begin with, let us see which options are available. A good overview is given at, but here we shall look at general definitions. 

●      A stroller is a wheeled baby chair which you can push around to take your baby anywhere you go. 

●      A baby car seat is a baby chair which you attach to a regular seat in the car. It is necessary because its shape is suitable for a smaller child’s body and the safety belts are positioned in a special way to keep the baby safe and comfortable. 

●      A travel system is a car seat and stroller combination: the car seat is shaped and equipped in such a way that it can be easily raised from its base and put on a stroller frame to make a buggy. A travel system set includes the car seat-buggy convertible, a car seat base, a stroller frame and sometimes other accessories.

So, a baby car seat and stroller combination may replace two separate items at once. It has other advantages as well. An obvious one is that with a single baby chair for the car and the stroller there is no need to wake up your little one when you need to get into a vehicle or when the ride is finished. You can simply take the car seat from its base and gently snap it into the stroller frame, without disturbing the baby’s sleep. Moreover, even if the baby wakes up on their own, they can easily get comfortable in their seat: thanks to the popularity of travel systems, they now come in various sizes, configurations, forms, styles and colours, and it is easy to find the right one for your kiddie. They may include multiple accessories: cupholders and trays for the seat, additional storage space for the buggy.

On the other hand, there are some aspects in which a separate stroller and car seat seem to be a better option.  First, some travel system models may be quite heavy. This may become an inconvenience once your baby is more or less grown, as it would be difficult to move the seat from the car to the frame. Second, it is important to let your baby have enough daily exercise. Although young children cannot run around much, they still need to be able to move properly. Staying strapped to the same seat in the car and in the stroller may get uncomfortable, as your infant will want some activity. Another point to consider is that the most convenient baby car seat and stroller combos can be rather expensive.

As it is with any other products, both traditional children’s car seats and strollers and travel systems have their pros and cons. You can look through more details on websites such as, and then choose what would be best for you and your little one.

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