How to change an account in Wallet Pay

How to change an account in Wallet Pay

Wallet Pay Business Support

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I accidentally signed up with the wrong Telegram account, can I change it?

Changing an account is technically impossible, but it is possible to connect a new one: 

To do this, you need:

  1. Withdraw all funds that you have on the old account.
  2. Log out of the old account on the website.
  3. Log in to the new account, fill out the application and go through verification.

Since the verification process has already been passed, you will receive a message about the duplicated data. To pass the verification once again, contact the support:

I can’t change my account when I try to log in to Wallet Pay, what should I do?

In order to log in under a new account in Wallet Pay, it is important to terminate the previous session on the current account, for this:

1. Go to the official channel with notifications from Telegram in the messenger (Telegram Service notification).

2. Find the message about the connected Wallet Pay session.

3. Click on the “Terminate session” button below the message.

Now you can log in with a new account on the Wallet Pay website.

How to connect Wallet Pay;

Information about fees, balance and withdrawal;

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