How to buy HMSTR token through Binance exchange?

How to buy HMSTR token through Binance exchange?

If you are a user of the Binance exchange, then purchasing a token will be much easier, saving time and money on network commissions.

  1. Open the main screen in the exchange application:
Make sure you have enough BNB tokens in your Binance wallet. The exchange is only possible when paired with BNB, as the token only supports the BSC network (BEP20).

2. Swipe down to open the marketplace:

3. In the marketplace menu, select the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange:

4. Connect your decentralized wallet to PancakeSwap:

Next, create a wallet:

next press here:

Next press details:

Next press Add funds to Web3 Wallet in one click

Next select Max and press Withdraw

Then confrim

5. Then go back to MarketPlace and PancakeSwap icoin in your Binance account

CLieck on this CAKE option

6. Enter token address:


7. Click "I understand" and then "Import":

8. Open the settings panel by clicking on the gear at the top of the page and activate "Expert Mode":

9. Next enter “Confirm” and wait for a confirmation:

10. Enter your BNB amount and make “Swap”:

11. Confirm the transaction by pressing “Confirm”:

12. Congratulations! You bought token.

13. To add it to your wallet go to Wallets -> Web3 - > Assets - Manage Tokens - > Press + -> Select Network Bep 20 and enter token address


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