How to Take care of Dry Hair?

How to Take care of Dry Hair?

Nora Ross

Dry hair occurs when your scalp cannot make enough oil to moisturize it, or your hair loses its moisture.

Dry hair symptoms

You may notice your hair:

  • Dull
  • Brittle
  • Frizzy

Dry hair is a sign of trouble.

Dry hair can be caused by:

  • Dry scalp. Hair has no natural lubrication. Keeping your hair moisturized depends on oils found in its roots. Dry roots cause dry hair. A dry scalp can cause hair loss and flakes on your shoulders.
  • Age. Your hair becomes less oily as you age. Hormonal changes after menopause can also cause dry hair.
  • Environment conditions. These conditions include a hot, dry climate, frequent sunlight and wind exposure, and frequent exposure to salty or chlorinated water.
  • Protection is lacking. The cuticle is a protective layer that covers each strand of hair. The cuticle protects hair from sun and heat, just as shingles protect your home from the elements. Healthy cuticles have layers that are tightly bonded and retain moisture. If the cuticle's layers begin to separate from the hair, it won't retain moisture, and oil can escape.
  • Hair care at home These can include:
  • Too often, washing your hair.
  • Use a harsh shampoo.
  • Do not blow-dry your hair too often.
  • Straighteners and curling irons can cause heat damage.
  • Harsh chemicals such as dyes, perms, and relaxers

Problems with your health. Hair loss can be caused by:

  • Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia
  • Hormones can cause hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, and other hormonal problems.

To ensure you are not suffering from a health problem, consult your doctor if your dry hair is accompanied by fatigue, intolerance or weakness to cold, hair loss, and fatigue.

Dry Hair Treatments and Home Remedies

  • Reduce the frequency you wash your hair. It is possible to wash your hair once or twice weekly instead of washing it daily. (Many people can.) You won't have to shampoo your hair as often, and you won't need to heat-style or blow-dry it.
  • Use mild shampoos. Dry shampoos will contain fewer drying agents than products specifically designed to dry hair. You can use Nora Ross's best shampoo for normal to dry hair. 
  • Use a conditioner. Choose a moisturizing conditioner. You can keep your hair's cuticles flat to retain natural oils.
  • Avoid alcohol. Avoid alcohol.
  • Use natural oils. Use coconut oil or jojoba oils to massage your hair.
  • Deep conditioning can be done by a professional. Ask your stylist for this treatment if none of the above options works.
  • Trim split ends. They can cause hair to look frizzy. They can be removed to make your hair look smoother.
  • Make sure you are getting your vitamins and minerals. Hair can be kept healthy with iron, vitamin D, folate, and vitamin B12.

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