How to Take Proper Neonatal Care?

How to Take Proper Neonatal Care?

Sunaina Singh

Are you pregnant and worried about whether you can care for your newborn properly? Fret not. During your stay at a hospital, for example, in Brookefield, Bangalore for delivery, feel free to speak to the feeding specialists or lactation consultants to guide you for neonatal care. You may even find the nurses helpful, who can train you how to burp and change your baby. However, just to prepare yourself in advance, here is a guide for newborn care.

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The neck muscles of your neonate are yet to be developed fully. So, make sure to support his/her head when you pick him/her up.


Whenever you bathe your newborn, be gentle. Hold him/her carefully as stated above. The products you use on the baby should be good-quality, clinically tested safe and gentle on the neonate's skin without drying it up. Also, ensure that they are tested negative for allergies. When you're at the maternity hospital in Brookefield, Bangalore, you can consult the doctor beforehand about the products to use and avoid for your newborn.


Breastfeed your neonate whenever he/she needs it. Crying, sucking, lip licking, bringing hands to the mouth and clenching fingers are the usual signs that he/she is hungry. When you see any such sign, go ahead to feed him/her.

Limiting Visitors

Even this is a part of neonatal care. Everyone will be excited to see your little one. But you need to limit the visitors politely. Try explaining to them that the newborn is highly vulnerable to infections now as his/her immunity is still developing. So, don't allow the people who smoke or are sick. The ones whom you allow should sanitise their hands before entering your baby's room.

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Proper Dressing

Try not to overdress your baby to avoid profuse sweating, irritation and crankiness. Choose soft, breathable cotton clothes. Consider dressing him/her in stretchy jumpsuits that can be fastened at the front or tops having envelope necks.

Changing Diapers

Be prepared to change your baby's diapers multiple times a day. So, it's good to store plenty of diapers before bringing your newborn home. Remember to use a diaper rash cream every time you change a diaper. It can prevent the baby from feeling irritated by reducing friction on the skin.


Some relaxing neonatal care is massaging the newborn with baby oil. It can help calm him/her to ensure sound sleep. Plus you can bond with the little one greatly while massaging him/her.


A newborn quite normally sleeps for around 15-16 hours every day. Allow him/her to sleep this long. Don't expect your baby to adjust to the sleep timings of the adults. Besides, your baby may wake up often at night. Just be prepared for that and remain patient.

When you are in the hospital in Brookefield, Bangalore, you can even ask the doctor how to look after the umbilical cord stump and any circumcision. See the doctor at once if at home your newborn vomits often, develops chest pain, cough, cold, fever, watery stools or another discomfort, or refuses to be fed.

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