How to Select the Best Button Making Machine

How to Select the Best Button Making Machine


It is likely that you will spend some money on the top button maker therefore it's crucial to know these things prior to buying one. Be sure to take note of them!


Consider why you require an automated button maker. Do you run a business that needs an automated button maker device capable of creating large numbers of buttons with different features?

If you're creating buttons in large quantities and require a buttons frequently, you should choose one that is durable. It can also permit users to create various sizes by using multiple molds and various shades.

If you are sewing buttons only for fun, choose a button press machine that is mobile, easy to assemble and not intended to be put to heavy-duty use.


It is possible to get an idea of how durable and sturdy the button maker is by looking at its design. You should also check the materials used during design. Cast iron and stainless steel are great at preventing the rust. However, you can pick one made from aluminum.

Check that the machine's base is made of plastic or acrylic. The machine must be suitable for short-term, light-duty use. The side plates shouldn't be damaged. They should be made from metal.

Dimensions of the Machine

The right size will be determined by the size of the badge maker. For easy storage and portability opt for a smaller model. You don't need much space to create small objects like buttons.


The efficiency of the machine will determine how many buttons you'll be able to create in one hour. If you're involved in the creation of buttons, a device that can make 300 buttons in an hour is necessary. 50 buttons per hour is enough for small, DIY-oriented businesses.

Button Size

Before you select the kind of button maker you want, it's important to measure the button. Machines that you need to buy. You own a fabric company and need buttons that are larger than 3 inches and smaller than 1.5 inches. Hence, you should choose an equipment that will give buttons of all sizes.

Find the button molds to determine if they can be modified according to the dimensions of the button you would like to make. While you are at it make sure to check if the machine can produce various kinds of buttons. It will be able to create the most buttons possible.


The accessories like cutters are crucial to take into consideration before purchasing a button maker. Certain machines are equipped with cutters, while others don't. In this case you'll need to purchase an additional cutter according to the shape you want.

Simple Operation

It is crucial to choose the right kit to set up and operate. Read the instruction manuals provided with each device to learn how to set it up and use it. These button makers don't require batteries or power so they are very simple to utilize.

Find out what pressure is required to make an ordinary button maker. If it's a basic and simple button maker, it's not required to have high-pressure machines.

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