How to Schedule an Appointment to Renew Your Medical Marijuana Card in Rochester

How to Schedule an Appointment to Renew Your Medical Marijuana Card in Rochester

Renewing your medical marijuana card in Rochester, New York, is a simple process, but it does require scheduling an appointment with a qualified healthcare provider. Here's what you need to know about scheduling an appointment to renew your medical marijuana card in Rochester.

Step 1: Find a Healthcare Provider Who Can Certify You for Medical Marijuana

To renew your medical marijuana card, you'll need to find a healthcare provider who is registered with the New York State Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Program and can certify you for medical marijuana use. You can search for registered healthcare providers on the New York State Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Program website or ask your current healthcare provider if they are registered.

Step 2: Schedule an Appointment

Once you've found a healthcare provider who can certify you for medical marijuana, you'll need to schedule an appointment. Most healthcare providers who are registered with the Medical Marijuana Program offer online scheduling or allow you to schedule an appointment over the phone.

When you schedule your appointment, make sure to ask what documents and information you need to bring with you to the appointment. You'll likely need to bring your current mmj card Rochester, proof of identity, updated medical information, and proof of residency.

Step 3: Attend Your Appointment

On the day of your appointment, make sure to arrive on time and bring all of the required documents and information with you. During the appointment, the healthcare provider will review your medical records and assess your medical condition to determine whether you still qualify for medical marijuana use.

If the healthcare provider determines that you still qualify, they will provide you with a certification for medical marijuana use, which you can use to renew your medical marijuana card. The healthcare provider will also provide you with instructions on how to renew your card.

Step 4: Renew Your Medical Marijuana Card

After your appointment, you'll need to renew medical marijuana card Rochester with the New York State Department of Health's Medical Marijuana Program. You can renew your card online through the Medical Marijuana Program website.

To renew your card, you'll need to provide your certification from the healthcare provider, as well as proof of identity, updated medical information, proof of residency, and payment of the $50 renewal fee.

It's important to start the renewal process at least 30 days before your card expires to ensure that you receive your new card before your current card expires. If you fail to renew your card before it expires, you will no longer be able to legally purchase or use medical marijuana in New York State.


Renewing your medical marijuana card in Rochester is a straightforward process, but it does require scheduling an appointment with a qualified healthcare provider. By following the steps outlined above, you can schedule an appointment, attend the appointment, and renew your card to ensure that you can continue to legally purchase and use medical marijuana to treat your qualifying medical condition.

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