How to Rank For a Keyword

How to Rank For a Keyword


Keywords are vital aspects of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). A properly done SEO can land you on the first page of Search Engine Result Pages. More than 90% of internet users search with Google. Google as a company has invested so much in algorithm and bots that index all webpages. 

While indexing, these bots are particular about keywords. With the right usage of a keyword, you can rank on Google. However, how will you go about this? There are several other website owners trying to rank for the same keyword you are interested in. In this article, we detail everything to know on how to rank on the first search engine result page. 



The competition to rank for a particular keyword is always high. However, here are some tips and processes on how to stand out and rank for a keyword. You can check your site ranking at ( keyword rank tracking tool )

Build a Solid Foundation

Your keyword-optimized content creation efforts won’t matter if there you don’t have a solid website foundation. First, you need an authoritative website. Attaining authority level with your website will take time. However, if you plan it right from the outset, you can achieve this. 

If you already own a website, you can also make corrections. Follow the best SEO practices; accrue backlinks, create anchor contents, etc. 

You also need to develop a strong and loyal audience. Building a network of people around you signifies trustworthiness. Hence, the search engine bots rank you high amongst your peers. Building an audience is easy; you can leverage social media. 

Keyword Research

The keyword you have in mind is certainly not the only relevant keyword. Do an in-depth research to find keywords that aren’t too competitive and optimize for it. Several keyword tools will help with research. 

Choose a keyword with good search volume; make sure it’s not too much. High search volume keywords attract fierce competition. Also, don’t choose a keyword with very low search volume. A keyword with moderate volume of internet search is just perfect. 

Make sure the keyword you choose is highly relevant to your content. Optimizing for a random and less relevant keyword is of no use. 

Research your Competition

Researching your competition is vital. You should know what they are doing per time. Check how they approach using the keyword; titles, domain authority, etc. 

You aren’t researching your competitors for the purpose of copying. Your research’s purpose is to find a way to differentiate yourself. Research through as many competitors as you can find; the more the better. 

Design Thinking

Design thinking is the concept referring to you, as a content provider, trying to embrace how your potential readers approach search. You begin to think like them. By engaging in design thinking, you get to identify how your potential customers and readers are querying Google. Then, you can create relevant content addressing the topics. 

Create Content Concept

Once you identify your target keyword, research and plan content around it. For some keywords, videos are best. For some, text contents are good enough. Plan and conceptualize the content you’ll create. 

Execute Content Creation

Create relevant content. Ensure that the content is optimized for the keyword. You should also perfect your on-site SEO optimizations.



It takes a while to rank for a keyword, especially competitive ones. You should be patient. Once you do the right things, your website will rank soon. Reiterate on these steps till your website ranks on the first page of Google SERP. 

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