How to Prepare My Child for Heart Surgery?

How to Prepare My Child for Heart Surgery?

Simran SIngh

Heart conditions for children could be congenital or pediatric. In either case, heart surgery is a significant event in the life of the child as well as the parent. If your child is scheduled for heart surgery, you need to ensure that he is in good health before the operation. Here are a few tips by the best pediatric cardiac surgeon in Hyderabad, which will help you prepare your child for cardiac surgery. 

Keep Away from Fever and Cold

To operate a child for heart surgery, the child must be healthy for fifteen days before the operation date. If you find that the child has developed a cold, cough, or fever, you need to consult with the doctor about the right course of action. The best child cardiologist in India advises delaying the surgery until the health becomes normal.  

They will conduct preoperative tests and counseling a week before the scheduled date of surgery. Some of the standard tests conducted are electrocardiogram, blood test, echocardiogram, and chest X-ray. 

Prepare for Changes in Operation Schedules

In most cases, children are admitted one day before the scheduled date of the surgery. However, in case of medical emergencies, the operation schedule can change unexpectedly. 

The doctor may even postpone the operation schedule to any other date. You may even need to stay longer in the hospital. So, it is essential to prepare your child for such emergencies. 

Make Your Child Comfortable

It is usual for your child to be anxious and scary about the surgery. Preparing him for surgery can help calm him in the days before the operation. Talk about the process, be there for the child, and creating a secure space in the hospital room will help a lot. It would be best if you made efforts to relieve the stress and make them relax. Bring toys, blankets, pictures, pillows, or any other thing that would make them feel at home. 

Stay Confident

Your child may have queries and want to know more about the execution of the surgery. While communicating about the surgery process, you need to act confidently. Use the words and body language that shows him that you have control over the situation. Act that you are powerful over events and circumstances. It will enable the child to take control of their fears. 

Follow Advice Diligently

The best pediatric cardiac surgeon in Hyderabad will provide you with all the necessary information to prepare for preoperative assessment, surgical operation, and hospitalization of the child. 

Specially trained nurses, social workers, and child life specialists will help resolve your concerns. It is beneficial to take a tour of the hospital a day before the operation. It will help you understand how the hospital stay will be and accordingly make arrangements. 

Heart surgery can be a very delicate time for your child. It is a critical phase for both children and parents. In this period, it is imperative to be with your child as much as possible. Give emotional support, take care of health, and prepare them for the operation. The above tips will help you sail through this crucial phase successfully and prep your child and family better.


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