How to Organize Effective Bottom Navigation for Your Site?

How to Organize Effective Bottom Navigation for Your Site?

Ever visited a website without a navigation menu or an inappropriate one? Looks quite abandoned, isn’t it? Your website is your medium to showcase your business model, your products & services. And your website navigation menu is their ultimate shopping destination. We’re talking about your website users. They come to an exhibition of options & alternatives. Such options & alternatives may vary from website to website. Following this, you’ll find an eCommerce navigation menu way dissimilar with respect to personal blog navigation. 

However, they exist on most of the websites. A Website’s Navigation Structure is an organization of internal links to your essential web pages. Therefore, you have to pay adequate attention to its appearance, ease of access, and framework. A bottom navigation design is equally important when you think of certain internet surfing devices your website’s going to be viewed on. A mobile-friendly website design is always expected to carry bottom navigation. 

That’s because a mobile phone display usually provides for a specified thumb zone distributed among 3 forms of movement- natural, stretched & hard movements. Now as your website navigation is quite likely to get visited frequently, how can you place it in the hard zone? Though you can find many eCommerce website’s navigations placed in the hard zone, such websites also display the same links on other positions of the same web page. Some of them also have a dedicated bottom navigation section to showcase their special services, offers & features. 

In this article, we’re going to talk about the various constituents of effective bottom navigation and what essentials you need to keep in mind while creating your website’s bottom navigation. Before proceeding let us give you an initial insight into our incredible services. SFWP Experts is a renowned custom WordPress design & development company based in San Francisco. Here we bring you the best SEO friendly & WordPress optimized website design solutions!!

Constituents of an Efficient Bottom Navigation

Before understanding the vital rules for setting up your first bottom navigation you must know about the various constituents that together make your website navigation successful. You can originate multiple bottom navigation ideas by using these features. Moreover, you get an idea to help your website visitors stay looking for more. Let’s review these important components:

Bottom Tab Bar

The first component on the list is the tab bar. It represents the most important web pages or functionality of your website. Additionally, it scrolls up other important links or functions you may apply to explore the website further. The tab bar is further divided into other bottom navigation functions that open in the natural thumb zone. Take a look:

  • News Feed
  • Notifications
  • Blogs 
  • More Options
  • Cart
  • Media Library
  • Home Page
  • Offers 
  • Search Option
  • Profile & Account Settings & more

A bottom tab bar may vary from website to website. First, you have to ensure your website category only then you can decide on your priorities. The bottom tab bar isn’t going to cover whatever you’ve got on your regular web pages. Remember, we’re talking about a mobile responsive website design here.


The first thing that clicks your mind going through a website’s bottom navigation is the icon. You suddenly recognize where you’re going to reach after tapping on a specific option. That’s because icons resemble each other. You can take the example of millions of mobile-friendly websites out there. A notification icon nearly looks the same whether on 2, 3, or 5 social media websites. Therefore, you have to make sure if you’ve got easy to grasp bottom navigation icons for your website’s mobile responsive design. 

Color Scheme

The color scheme of your website’s bottom navigation could be distributed among your tab bar, fonts & icons. Some color arrangements are very disturbing and the user is unable to understand what you need to convey. You have to test your results ahead of time. Have a preview of your color arrangement before implementing the same for daily usage. Must ensure that the icons or fonts are easily visible along with the tab bar background you have. 

Along with this, you can also decide on the shape & size of the icons & fonts. The more time you’ll devote to your bottom navigation design the more efficient it will come out to be. Out of time? Cheer up! With SFWP Experts’ unmatched support you can build the finest conversion-centric WordPress website representing your business possibilities exceptionally!

Things to Remember Regarding Bottom Navigation

Effective bottom navigation could not be achieved without proper standards & norms of mobile responsive design. Bottom navigation is way more essential in the case of a mobile-friendly design than a regular design. You might have seen many desktop websites with almost no bottom navigation as users often prefer top navigation on such websites. Here are the leading standards you need to remember while initiating your website bottom navigation:


Always remember you don’t have to win a styling battle here. A tab bar on a small mobile phone screen has nothing to do with aesthetics. You’ve got a size & color organization functionality on your WordPress CMS and that’s enough. We suggest you must make it easy to understand so that the users won’t get confused & pissed off eventually. Moreover, you can decide on a perfect WordPress theme that comes with a ready-to-serve mobile-friendly interface. You’ll get bottom navigation along with the theme which you can customize later. 


The visibility of your website’s bottom navigation could get offended by the color arrangement & size of your tab bar icons. Though it is a mobile responsive design you cannot compromise on the size of the navigation components on your website. We’re not saying you need to oversize them for clear vision neither shrink them like Antman. You must pay attention to the ideal size of the mobile display fonts as usual and design accordingly. 


You may wonder what’s the difference between visibility & clarity here. It’s quite simple, the meaning behind the subject. Visibility doesn’t have any relationship with the meaning of the icons or feature fonts you’ve placed on your bottom navigation. However, clarity is something related to the essence of the icons. You should always make sure that your bottom navigation icons and words exhibit a clear & corresponding meaning. 


Another important standard you have to maintain is the consistency of your bottom navigation design with respect to different web pages on your website. Never go for a distributed navigation structure as website users would easily get offended by such a design. Uniformity allows them to access certain functionalities & web page links from their existing spots. 

Don’t forget the Thumb Zone

Always remember what a decent thumb zone is capable of providing your website’s mobile users, comfort. Though reaching a hard zone on a mobile phone display is not a big deal, various mobile phone holding postures could create notable problems. Your website’s mobile responsive design could result in the visitor’s anger if he drops his/her device accidentally. 

What do We Conclude?

A website navigation menu is a mirror of your leading online products, services & inter-device functionality. Therefore, you can’t overlook this factor in the near future. There’s going to be a future full of revolutionary internet surfing & multimedia devices that you cannot ignore. As such SFWP Experts want to help you establish a revenue-generating custom WordPress website for your future business goals. Let us know how we could assist you!!

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