How to Maintain Dependencies in PHP Composer and Make Changes

How to Maintain Dependencies in PHP Composer and Make Changes

Mark Fridman

You can't get the most out of your development efforts if you don't properly manage your PHP dependencies. With this method, you can be certain that your project is making the most of any external packages or libraries.

Composer is a popular tool that enables you to manage dependencies in PHP applications, much as JavaScript (and Node.js) utilize npm or Yarn.

Composer is a package manager that may be told what code libraries your project requires and then left to take care of them. Composer can now handle library management. It may be used to manage PHP dependencies and facilitate their installation, update, and removal.

This article focuses on Composer, the dependency management solution for the PHP programming language.

Handle PHP Dependencies More Easily With Composer Composer is a free and open source program that makes it simpler to manage PHP dependencies. Keeping tabs on the many moving pieces of your project will become harder as its scope grows.

Yet with Composer, you can easily manage your PHP project's direct and transitive dependencies (dependencies on dependencies), allowing you to focus on writing excellent code.


It allows you to use pre-built packages that already exist to assist you solve common programming problems.

Helps you stay up-to-date on the latest versions of all your programs.

You'll save time since it instantly loads all of your courses and documents.

Helps you see your dependencies clearly, keep them running smoothly, and check that they're safe to use.

There are three main criteria that determine a composer's level of success:

All of the requirements that must be downloaded and installed for the project are listed in the composer.json file.

Composer.lock stores information about the versions of all installed dependencies.

The Packagist Repository, or just Packagist, is a central location for freely distributable packages that may be deployed using Composer.

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