How to Include Custom Taxonomies in Your WordPress Website?

How to Include Custom Taxonomies in Your WordPress Website?

Whether WordPress or a different website, you have to organize your website content for better understanding and consideration. Apart from the website users, you have different search engine crawlers to please with your website design and content organization. Search engine crawlers help you index your website pages, files, and components so that your target audience easily finds you on the SERPs amid looking for solutions to their problems. If your website content is not organized properly, you can face problems regarding your website traffic and corresponding search engine ranking of your website pages. But how would you organize your website accordingly? 

Website content organization can be of different types and levels. It depends on your business model how you want to design & organize your website content. WordPress is famous around the world for its easy functionalities and website organization features. Custom Taxonomies are one of those features. In this post, we will talk about this amazing feature in detail and suggest to you how you can create such taxonomies for your WordPress website. Using custom taxonomies you can attract ample traffic to your website and it can support user engagement effectively. 

Your website users aren’t just there to purchase something from your website. Information is the core of a website creation project and website designing is a crucial concept for the right organization of information on your website. If the information is not organized, using your website can be quite complicated & time-consuming for your audience. They usually get irritated and prefer skipping your website to fetch another to get answers to their queries. 

Let us know if your website is also unorganized & consequently inconvenient to provide for your website visitors’ experience accordingly. SFWP Experts is a renowned Custom Website Designing Company from San Francisco and here we try to bring revolutionary solutions to the emerging webmaster concerns!

What Are WordPress Custom Taxonomies?

It is a website content organization technique that’s focused on groups of posts & custom page creation. There are different groups & sub-groups of website pages, content, and blogs that you have to maintain and also mention in your navigation menu. This helps your website visitors to recognize where they want to head to get answers to their queries. As the name suggests, this website content organization technique is highly customized and lets you create more smart arrangements for your website content. There are 2 essential types of WordPress Taxonomies that are widely considered:

  • Categories &
  • Tags

Apart from these 2 categories, you have to make sure of your more customized requirements. You can further create more subcategories related to a particular product line or type. For example, you have categories representing Mens’, Womens’ & Kids’ shoes. Further, you can add more customized categories and subcategories into all these options. That will be a perfect taxonomic arrangement for your website content.

Furthermore, you may require considerable time to organize your website accordingly. You can reach out to SFWP Experts anytime if not ready to devote such sort of time to your website-building goals. Our Award-Winning Website Designing Company is there to assist you throughout your website building project. Just let us know! 

How to Include Custom Taxonomies to Your WordPress Site?

Before creating custom taxonomies for your WordPress site you have to be clear about your business model. Your business model defines what you’re supposed to include in your website content. You have to decide ahead of time what you want to put into your navigation menu. There are numerous topics and sub-topics related to your online business that you can represent through your website but you have to figure out how. There are two ways of creation of taxonomies that you can follow in this context- Creating Taxonomies Manually (Coding), Creating Taxonomies With The Help of Plugins. 

As WordPress is famous for its plugin support and time-saving approach, we suggest you go for the plugin idea. However, you have to go through a corresponding plugin implementation procedure too. Here’s what you need to follow regarding your Custom Taxonomies:

Install Plugin

The beginning of the story is about the installation of the plugin. Make sure that you install a custom post type UI plugin in this context. The installation process of a WordPress plugin is very easy. You just need to look into your WordPress Dashboard and there you find a section for plugins that you need to click on. The approaching step takes you to a dedicated page for your existing & other plugin opportunities. You can also search for a specific plugin that’s not pre-installed on your WordPress database. 

Create a Custom Post Type

The approaching step is to create a custom post type that you want your specified data to be organized into. A post type can be a particular product, say Clothes. You will further add more sub-topics into this section. And that’s how taxonomy is created. While creating your custom post type you need to keep in mind if what you’re offering your audience is not something imaginary. Keep your offers to the point and logical. If you forget the logic, there’s no need for the organization of information. 

Get Started

Now start with your taxonomy creation process. Follow the enlisted steps to create your taxonomies via WordPress plugin support: 

  • Visit “CPT UI” on your WordPress dashboard
  • Now go to the Add/Edit Taxonomies Menu 
  • You may find the same in the WordPress Admin Area available to your website
  • On the basic settings page for your taxonomy creation, you can find certain options where you have to fill required fields
  • You will find the following fields to fill up Taxonomy Slug, Plural Label, Singular Label & Attach to Post Type, etc
  • In the Post Type section, you can find your decided post type, say Cloths that you can follow to create your Taxonomy
  • The slug is going to be used in the URL & WordPress Search Queries
  • Put specified letters and numbers in the slug portion and the same is converted to lowercase letters automatically
  • After that fill the singular or plural names into your custom taxonomy to get them an identity
  • Now go to the option of “Populate Additional Labels” to add additional information for your taxonomy arrangement
  • It will be based on your earlier chosen labels
  • You can go for additional labels that represent the following items you can fill up- Description, Menu Name, All Items, Edit Item & View Item, etc
  • You can further use these labels in your WordPress Dashboard to reorganize your content from time to time 
  • Now you have to set up different attributes for the different taxonomies you have decided on for your website
  • Here are the different attributes that you have to choose your required on from- Hierarchical, Show UI, Public, Show in Menu, Public Queriable, etc

In this way, you can create and employ your Custom Taxonomies in your website creation project. 

Final Words

The aim of website creation is to provide the user convenience and fun. You’re not supposed to earn in the initial time period but to build relationships instead. Plan your Custom Taxonomies with SFWP Experts’ unmatched website building support & assistance. We’re an Award-Winning WordPress Designing & Development Company based in San Francisco delivering potential services to small & medium-sized businesses all over the world. Let’s have a conversation!!

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