How to Handle Multiple Tests in the Same Selenium WebDriver?

How to Handle Multiple Tests in the Same Selenium WebDriver?

Karishma Nimavat

WebDriver is a part of Selenium, one of the best testing tools in the country. Also, there is tons of world-class selenium testing services provider in the world that offer all-encompassing testing services. Selenium is an open-source automation testing. Though there are several testing tools in the industry, not all of them are as efficient and popular as Selenium. Two of the key features that make Selenium the best testing tool are the accuracy rate of the tool as well as the pace at which it works. Being a topnotch automation testing tool, Selenium is preferred by companies across the world. One of the other reasons why Selenium is preferred by firms across the globe is the fact that it lets you perform multiple tests. Mostly, multiple tests can be handled via the WebDriver, and in this article, we will find out how. 

Let’s Explore Selenium WebDriver 

Selenium WebDriver is nothing but a high-end web automation framework. It enables the testers to perform all the necessary tests against a wide range of browsers. Selenium WebDriver is not only limited to Chrome or Firefox, but it is used for different browsers as well so Selenium WebDriver is the best for Cross Browser Testing. The WebDriver sends the report straightaway to the web browsers. And, it even seeks noteworthy outcomes. There are plenty of features that Selenium WebDriver includes, like the object-oriented API. At the same time, it is even extremely scalable and flexible. Some of the other browsers supported by the WebDriver include Chrome, HtmlUnit, iOS, Android, etc. At the same time, multiple tests can be managed using Selenium WebDriver as well. It is just that one has to understand the tool to make sure that it is handled decently.

Handling multiple tests in WebDriver

To execute several tests, you would have to run multiple automated tests together. This concept eradicates the need of executing the tests one after the other, rather tests are run in a synchronized manner. The testers take the complete batch and then segregate amongst a different group of servers. And, every server executes one test at one time. It is a fantastic feature that is extremely beneficial for any software development process. 

Handling multiple tests in WebDriver becomes easy if you are using TestNG 

In case you are using TestNG, then in that case, every method with annotation @Test will be executed as sole test cases. You can even line up the tests by the scenario with the help of priority feature which is available with test annotation. In case the testers want to run a certain series of methodologies from TestNG class, then, in that case, the testers would have to use group annotation. 

With textNG.xml, the testers can configure a wide range of classes. And, every class consists of several test cases which are tagged to certain annotations as well as attributes. Every different method depicts a certain test case. Therefore, it is not very difficult to run tests using Selenium. Several test cases can be easily executed using WebDriver without any hassle. It is just that the testers will have to parameterize the data to the particular test case with the help of the data provider. And, then you can easily group them to execute the tests run together with the help of TestNG.

You can also learn it through a video made by Edureka

It is not very difficult to handle multiple tests using Selenium WebDriver. The testers need to understand the concept and then follow the generic principles to manage the tests without any hassle. Also there are tons of selenium testing services providers available to offer such Selenium testing services as well. 

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