How to Get More YouTube Subscribers & Views: 10x Increase in 2 Weeks!

How to Get More YouTube Subscribers & Views: 10x Increase in 2 Weeks!

Priya Joshi
Youtube Subscribers & Views

In the present times, the digital age has taken over our lives completely, and there is no turning back. We have all gotten accustomed to this new normal pretty well. Of course, none of us would like to deny the comfort it offers and the exposure it provides us with. It also puts forward another lucrative proposal, making good, substantial money. The digital platform is never-ending and is sure to keep growing in leaps and bounds in the upcoming days. 

One of its most incredible offerings has to be social media, for sure. It has paved the way to a plethora of diverse opportunities to express ourselves as creatively as possible and design a source of income through it as well. Compared to most other applications, YouTube has been around for a significantly longer time. Hence, the level of competition in its domain keeps soaring regularly. What does this mean for the content creators who produce content there? Let us find out.

Most of YouTube's functioning and effectiveness depend on metrics and analytical data. The growth and popularity of a YouTuber or a YouTube channel is often reflected through their subscribers' count [website] and the views and likes that their videos garner on a regular basis. 

Hence, let us look at some of the most genuine and organic ways in which a YouTuber can increase their subscriber count.

1. Interacting With Audience:

This is probably the most obvious and straightforward way in which you can boost your subscriber count effectively. Your audience should match your dynamic and the vibe of your channel to follow your work regularly. It is crucial to keep your audience engaged with your content at all given times. This will automatically lead them to subscribe to your channel.

Apart from this, you can keep dropping in reminders for your audience to subscribe to your channel, albeit in a gentle and creative manner. It is essential to keep in mind that hard selling will not work and is more likely to turn people off by irritating them. 

2. Collaborate With Other Influencers:

This is another really good hack that can help your channel to improve its subscriber count. Collaborating with other fellow Youtubers will lead to a combined audience viewing your shared content. This will make you popular amongst a vast range of viewers, who might not be aware of your channel and content otherwise.

3. Proper Keyword Research:

Making proper use of keywords is another imperative tool that most creators fail to make use of. Using relevant keywords in your video's description will aid the algorithm to make the video reach the appropriate audience who are most likely to consume similar content.

4. Create Playlists:

If you wish to keep your audience hooked to your channel for longer time spans, this method will suit you best. Create similar content that can be classified under another expansive topic. When the attention of the audience falls on such videos, they are bound to watch the entire playlist and all the videos under it. This will lead them to subscribe to your channel once they realize that you produce tangible content under their areas of interest.


These are some of the tried-and-tested methods that a YouTuber can incorporate to increase the subscriber count {check here} of their channel organically, without resorting to unethical and underhanded methods that are bound to fail, or even worse, lead to the termination of the channel.

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