How to Energize Your Medicine to Give You the Maximum Healing Benefit

How to Energize Your Medicine to Give You the Maximum Healing Benefit

Stop! Before you take any medicine, herb, homeopathic or vitamin You can Energize it to offer you the utmost healing benefit.

This can raise your process of recovery by a minimum of ten fold.

How many times have you said or heard this?

This prescription medication is killing me.

I hate using this stuff; I think this really is making me sicker than I was initially. If I job my medicine I will die.

Well awaken!

What you might be saying is like a prayer, mantra or perhaps a negative affirmation.

You may be putting a curse in your own mind and body and don't even know it. That drugs are following a instructions on the T, as it goes down your tubes, as well as each of the negative program that you are swollowing.

You can transform all of that by only making the change and telling your medicine where to go and what to do.

In the Buddhist doctrines, it states the importance of the purification of body, speech, and mind.

Our speech to others, especially that which you are saying to ourselves is paramount for a health.

Back inside the eighties, I was an individual trainer and consultant with an international company, Midwest Research, producer of self help Programs and tapes.

I was always searching for techniques and products to aid my clients and patients to produce positive changes. Most motivational speakers and books tell us that we create our life with this thoughts, but you, we rarely "choose" our thoughts.

Most of what we should call "thoughts" are actually automatic reactions coming out of our subconscious programming.

These programs, many of which are negative, help it become hard for us to have the, happiness and success we desire and deserve.

Once the subconscious accepts a note, new programs are made and our conscious mind learns new responses. site web talk ourselves into health or sickness mentally, physically and emotionally.

Before you add any medicine with your mouth, imagine what you look for the medicine to do.

How do you need it to react inside your body?

Give it a certain job or assignment...

Where does it need to go?

What would you like it to accomplish?

When do you want it to begin working as well as for just how long?

Visualize your internal healers; what ever you suspect will work as your internal healer.

I make a pure white light surrounding me, in addition to being I gulp down the medicine, I feel my figure filling with pure white healing light moving through every pore of my body.

The most reliable Blessing or Prayer will depend on your spiritual background.

It is as simple as- "I bless this medicine to go to the right organ or system to heal my figure, speech and mind."

The medicine becomes so powerful that it can heal anything it meets. It is so powerful it instantly heals all disease, with the body and mind.

"Unless you change how you are, you'll always have what you've got." - Unknown

Make some changes today on your health.

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