How to Cook the Best Steak: A Resource for Meat Eaters

How to Cook the Best Steak: A Resource for Meat Eaters

Steak is an ageless classic that acts as a sign for indulgence, richness, and luxury. Nearly every culture has its own way of preparing steak, however grilling has actually been the popular technique to cook it for ages. There's absolutely nothing better than a well-grilled juicy steak to please your palate and cravings. As tempting as it may sound, barbecuing steak to excellence is not as simple as it seems. It needs persistence, the best method, and the appropriate equipment. In this guide, we will cover whatever that you require to know about grilling the perfect steak. I read a lot of BBQ ideas on Bob's BBQ Secrets.

Choose the Perfect Cut of Meat

The quality of the meat is the element that can make or break the ideal steak. Prior to barbecuing, it's essential to pick the best type of cut that fits your choices. Ribeye, New York strip, T-bone, sirloin, and porterhouse are a few of the popular types of cuts. The density is another aspect that you require to think about. Steaks that are 1-2 inches thick are ideal for barbecuing. Ensure to select well-marbled pieces with consistent density and avoid steaks with too much fat outside. Grilling steak


After you have actually picked the favored cut of meat, it's time to prepare your steak for grilling. Take the steak out of the fridge and let it sit at room temperature for about an hour. This step helps the meat cook uniformly. While the meat is resting, generously season it with kosher salt and black pepper to improve the flavor. If you prefer spicy meat, then brush some chili powder or cayenne on the steak.


Now comes the essential part - barbecuing your steak to excellence. Preheat your grill to high. As soon as the grill is hot, brush the grates with oil to keep the meat from sticking. Location the steak on the grill with meat tongs at an angle. By doing this, you will get good grill marks on the steak. For a medium-rare steak, prepare it for 4-5 minutes on each side, flipping just once. Use a meat thermometer to examine the internal temperature level-- one thirty degrees for unusual, a hundred and forty for medium, and a hundred and forty-five for medium-well.

Let It Rest

When the steak is prepared, it's essential to let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This process allows the steak to rearrange its juices, and you will get a more tender and juicy steak. For thin cuts of meat, resting time ranges from 3-5 minutes, whereas, for thicker cuts, 5-10 minutes is perfect. Cover the steak with aluminum foil to keep it warm during the resting time.

Plating Up

Lastly, how you provide your steak matters. You can decorate the steak with fresh herbs, pieces of lemon or lime, or some garlic butter for added taste. Serve your grilled steak with a side of grilled veggies and a glass of cabernet sauvignon.

Final thought

Grilling the perfect steak requires time, persistence, and practice, however following the above actions will help guarantee that your steak comes out simply the way you like it. Picking the ideal cut of meat, preparing it before barbecuing, cooking it to the right temperature, and permitting it to rest is the secret. Keep in mind to have a good time and play with the recipe till you find the best balance of flavoring and cooking time for your ideal steak. Happy grilling!

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