How to Choose Seeds in Russia

How to Choose Seeds in Russia

If you're looking for information about как выбрать семена in Russia, you're not alone. The country has one of the largest collections of seeds in the world. The Vavilov Institute in St. Petersburg is the most important repository for seed genetic material in the world. Sadly, most seed selection programs were closed after the fall of the Soviet Union, making the process of choosing seeds a difficult and complex process. The Russian government is trying to change this, but the work is long and difficult.

Seed producers have made efforts to improve the seed selection process in Russia. The market for seeds in Russia is estimated at more than 50 billion rubles. Growth is expected to be about 5 to 7 percent over the next few years. The seed industry is largely dependent on imports, with sugar beet growers accounting for 75 percent of the market. The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation reported that Russian growers imported 3,200 tons of sugar beet seed in 2018. The market for vegetable seeds was estimated at around 900 tons.

The seed industry in Russia is growing fast. The local seed market was worth almost 50 billion rubles last year. The seed industry is expected to grow five to seven percent this year. The market is dominated by sugar beet growers, who import about 75 percent of the seed they use. The Federal Customs Service reported that sugar beet seed is the most imported product in the country, and vegetable seeds accounted for just over 900 tons.

Seed production in Russia is growing quickly. It has almost 80 percent of the seed market, and Russia has invested $20 million in building a robust seed selection infrastructure. The country is able to sell more seeds than foreign countries, which is important for the country's food security. But despite this increase in demand, it has also become important to maintain quality control over seed products. The Russian government is taking steps to protect its citizens from fraudulent producers.

The Russian government has also made it easier to select seeds in Russia. The government has made seed selection more transparent. Its seed selection facilities are the biggest in the country, and many global companies have a presence in the country. These efforts are crucial for the Russian economy. The quality of the seeds also contributes to food security. With these efforts, the Russian government is trying to improve its seed market. But there are many problems to keep in mind.

Ensure the quality of the seeds. This will help you avoid fraud. In addition to the quality of seeds, you should pay attention to the type of seed. Choosing a seed that is resistant to disease and pests is also essential for food security. It is also vital for the country's farmers to have seeds that are free of contamination. This is an excellent opportunity to support the local economy by improving seed quality. And if you're in a hurry, it's best to get started before it becomes too late.

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