How to Buy Doors With Mirror in Moscow

How to Buy Doors With Mirror in Moscow


If you're looking for doors in Moscow, you may be wondering how to get the best price. You can compare prices from various Russian and western door manufacturers. Prices in Moscow range from less than $100 to thousands of dollars. The price of doors in Moscow is influenced by the price of real estate, but the style and material quality are also important.

Russians believe in omens, prophetic dreams and astrology

According to a Levada Center survey, 52 percent of Russians believe in astrology and omens. In the year 2000, 57 percent said they believed in astrology. In addition, 26 percent believe that aliens visit the Earth occasionally. Russians who believe in astrology are more likely to be women, younger people, and people with a secondary education.

The Russians have several traditions that relate to astrology. For example, they do not wish a happy birthday to their friends and family before the actual day of the birthday. Another example of this is the practice of naming a child after a saint. If the child has a name with two saints on either side, they will be protected by them.

Russians believe shaking hands or kissing a guest across a doorway is a big no-no

In Russian culture, shaking hands or kissing a visitor across a doorway is frowned upon. It is believed that the threshold is the place where the "house spirit" dwells and that kissing a guest across the threshold is considered bad luck.

If you wish to shake hands or kiss a guest across a doorway, you must wait until the person is out completely before you do so. You should also avoid seating the unmarried in the corner of the table, as it is a sign of bad luck. However, younger children are allowed to sit in the corner of the table.

Russian door manufacturers compete with western door manufacturers

As the number of Russians looking for better housing increases, Russian door manufacturers are competing with western manufacturers in a range of markets. These companies are known for high quality and competitive prices. In addition to producing exterior doors, they also produce interior doors. The company was founded in 2002 and has been competing with western door manufacturers since 2004. It is also in partnership with Italian and German companies in the production of interior doors.

Prices of doors in Moscow

Prices of двери с зеркалом in Moscow are quite affordable compared to other parts of the world. Many Russians were desperate to get out of the country, and mirror trading was the perfect escape route. However, it is important to be aware that the prices can fluctuate significantly between different regions. It is advisable to compare prices at different stores to get a realistic idea of the price range. In addition, you should check the quality of the materials used in the doors.

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