How to Buy Category A Driving License in Russia

How to Buy Category A Driving License in Russia

If you are planning to buy a стоимость прав категории А in Russia, you may want to read about the process. Russian drivers must pass a number of tests before obtaining a driving license. While the process is not difficult, it can be confusing. This guide provides the basics you need to know about the process.

To buy a Russian driving license, you need to show proof of identity, your foreign driving license, and a notarized translation of your driving license. You also need a passport to purchase a driver's license. Foreigners who are staying in Russia for more than six months will need to have their driving license converted into Russian. Alternatively, they can apply for a temporary permit.

Getting a driver's license in Russia is fairly straightforward. The process starts with a theoretical exam. In addition, a practical test must be completed. Both of these tests can be arranged through a driving school. Driving schools are registered with the government, and the government has a list of those schools in Moscow and other regions.

Depending on the country you are coming from, you may only need to take a theory or a practical test. This is especially true if you are from a country that signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.

There are a number of driving schools in Moscow and other cities, and the cost of a course will vary. Some will charge you around RUB 2,000 for a course, while others will charge you more. They will provide you with classroom lessons and a driving instructor. These courses can last from two to six months, and include both a theory and a practical exam.

Getting a driver's licence in Russia is similar to purchasing a driver's license in the U.S., and the entire process takes place in Russian. However, the rules regarding vehicle import taxes and parking are much more strict. Having a clean car is a must. Also, using your mobile phone while driving is illegal. Unless you have a hands-free kit, it is best to avoid doing so.

The theoretical exam is administered by the State Road Traffic Safety Inspectorate. It consists of twenty multiple choice questions on road regulations. Typically, the test is computerized.

After passing the theoretical test, you will need to practice driving for at least 50 hours. Practice can be done either in the city or on a test track. During the practical test, you will be required to drive on the test track, in the city, and on public roads. When you are ready, you can make an appointment at your local traffic police unit.

Taking a driving lesson in Russia is a great way to learn the ropes. Most driving schools offer packages that include both the theory and practical exams. Depending on the company you use, you can pay anywhere from RUB 15,000 to 20,000 for a course. For more information on a driving course in Moscow, visit the government's website.

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