How to Avoid Becoming a Cyber Security Statistic

How to Avoid Becoming a Cyber Security Statistic

Companies face many threats to data and digital operations. Information is the most valuable resource, so it is essential to protect it from hazards in many ways. Cyber security is about defending networks, systems, and applications from cyber-attacks. Whether you are concerned about cyber security, IT consulting services help you know about the statistics and help you mitigate the risks you face.

Cyber security statistic

The data breaches reveal the sensitive information that often leaves and exposes the users' risk to identify the theft. Consequently, it will ruin their reputation and leave them responsible for breaches.

Most organizations had more than 20 incidents per year, and most of the cyber security incidents were caused by human error. Moreover, the security service Corpus Christi ultimately helps to protect your information.

Where do cyberattacks come from?

Increasing the number of cyberattacks is a concern among business leaders, and it is suitable for a reason. Hackers will attack every second and time, which means:

  • More than 40% of breaches include the hacking
  • 22% of breaches contained errors as the casual events
  • More than 20% of social attacks included
  • 17% malware
  • 8% involves misuse by authorized users

The risk

The hackers still compromise corporate data and systems regularly and relatively easily. Unfortunately, the organizations lack cyber security awareness and use poor practices that result in unprotected data and weak to theft and breaches.

For cyber security solutions, it was indicated that 57% of SMBs believe online criminals won't target them. However, around 20 percent reported the attack in the near years.

In America, somewhat concerned about hacking involves personal information, final institutions, government agencies, or certain utilities where there is no protection.

How are you affected?

The major hacking events have witnessed businesses suffer costly losses: the data, customer details, financial records, and personal information. In the vast industry untrained 31.4% of untrained users will fail a phishing test. Once your organization is well trained, only 16.4% of users failed in 3 months of completing the training. On the other hand, the business reputation and its finance are all at risk so teach about cyber security for your industry.

You should be concerned

Unfortunately, many people consider cyberattacks as someone else's issue. But, in reality, there are many potential common security mistakes, like leaving the data unprotected and using weak passwords. This makes organizations vulnerable to breach, and in 2020, you could easily avoid the average cost of the data breach. Moreover, you could change these statistics within the company, and you need to comprehend the risks.

Moreover, don't let your business become a statistic, and we provide the clients with the cyber security services which need to be balanced security or productive, sustainably and cost-effective. Cyber security services are all framework principles for success, but they cannot stand alone. IT strategy, design, implementation, and support resources are essential to implement security for optimal business stability.

Avoid becoming statistic

Many companies were unprepared to move to a home workforce when the COVID-19 pandemic escalated. Yet 41 percent of the cybersecurity professionals say the businesses they work for still have not responded enough to increase the threats.

Researchers report that companies offer security awareness training for employees to be much better at spotting or stopping or security threats than those who don't. In addition, it delivers the ROI, which should do the large business and takes it to the second look.

Final word

Be ready and get your organization upgraded on the latest cybersecurity or data privacy. Contact our Layer One Networks team and learn about award-winning solutions. We provide customized training to your company's data security requirements. Contact us by today and book an appointment.

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