How popular is perfect money and bitcoin in India?

How popular is perfect money and bitcoin in India?


Do you have an account with Perfect Money and you want to buy Bitcoins with it? Then you might want to read about these websites that you can use your Perfect Money account.

You can purchase Bitcoins directly from exchange websites or you can also purchase Bitcoin from people that sell them through Perfect Money.

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Bitcoin Exchanges that accept Perfect Money payments

The mentioned websites above, Bitsquare, Paxful and LocalBitcoins are trade websites in which you can purchase Bitcoin directly from a seller. With BTC where you purchase Bitcoins from posted “Sell Orders”; in which you need to have USD in your account to purchase Bitcoins.

You can also use RUR or EUR but put in mind that Perfect Money payments only support USD and EUR. So you can choose to purchase Bitcoin using your USD or EUR depending on your preference.

Advantages and disadvantages of Perfect Money

Let’s talk about what you would get if you want to trade Bitcoin using Perfect Money. First would be the advantages of having to trade through Perfect Money. Convenience, that would be the case if you already use Perfect Money to do online transactions. That would only be the reason I can think of that would be of great advantage to you.

Now let us talk about the disadvantages of having to use Perfect Money for your Bitcoin transactions. On the provided example above, you can see BTC in which you can trade USD/EUR to BTC. Both USD and EUR deposits would have a charge of 7.5% on top of that you would also be charged a trading fee to purchase Bitcoins.


If you have an account with Perfect Money then it would be easier for you to transact with the websites that are mentioned above. If you do not have any account with them beforehand, then it would be best to read more about them and know the transcation fees involved as you might want to to compare them with other payment methods and get the most out of your money.

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