How every House member voted on aid to Ukraine, Israel and more - The Washington Post

How every House member voted on aid to Ukraine, Israel and more - The Washington Post

The Washington Post

The House on Saturday passed four bills in a $95 billion foreign aid package brought by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) in defiance of the right flank of his party. They include a measure that could force TikTok to cut ties with its parent company or face a nationwide ban, $8.1 billion in funding to the Indo-Pacific region to counter China, $60 billion in aid to Ukraine and $17 billion in offensive and defensive weapons for Israel, paired with just over $9 billion in humanitarian aid for Gaza and elsewhere.

A simple majority — 216 if all vote — was needed to pass each bill.

Various sanctions, including a TikTok ban SAN in table below

This bill is full of Republican priorities, including banning TikTok and seizing Russian assets.

Supporting allies in the Indo-Pacific PAC

This bill would provide $8.1 billion for the Indo-Pacific region to deter China.

About $60 billion in Ukraine aid UKR

This bill provides $60 billion for Ukraine. Most of the money goes to U.S. weapons manufacturers to build back depleted U.S. weapons supplies, and about 20 percent of that goes directly to the country in the form of a loan. The president can cancel Ukraine’s debt, however, after Nov. 15.

Weapons for Israel and humanitarian aid for Gaza ISR

This bill provides $17 billion in weapons for Israel and around $9 billion of humanitarian assistance for Gaza and elsewhere.

The foreign aid package will now go to the Senate, where senators will have to vote again on it before the bills can be sent to President Biden, who has endorsed the package.

Earlier, the House failed to approve a fifth bill of Republican priorities to secure the border and limit migrants entering the United States. That measure had needed the support of two-thirds of the House since it is moving under a different process.

Border security measures BOR

This bill of Republican priorities for the U.S.-Mexico border requires a two-thirds vote to pass, unlike the other bills, which require a simple majority.

See how your representative voted in the table below.

Note: There are four vacancies in the House as of Saturday. Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.) has announced plans to resign later this weekend. Read full bill text for H.R. 8038 (sanctions, including TikTok ban), H.R. 8036 (Indo-Pacific), H.R. 8035 (Ukraine), H.R. 8034 (Israel) and H.R. 3602 (border measures). Data from the U.S. House.

Leigh Ann Caldwell and Marianna Sotomayor contributed to this report.

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