How does Namecoin work?

How does Namecoin work?


The digital money is "a key/esteem pair enrollment and move framework dependent on the bitcoin innovation." This implies Namecoin can be utilized to record and move self-assertive names or keys in a protected manner. It can likewise append information to these names.

On account of their connections with the Namecoin network, these names are hard to control or seize, implying that they are impervious to outside impact. Also, the creators of Namecoin indicate that "queries don't produce network traffic." The aftereffect of this is that Namecoin offers improved security abilities.

Namecoin was created as a fork of bitcoin. Its engineers refer to it as the principal fork of the world's most mainstream cryptographic money and call it "one of the most imaginative altcoin right up 'til the present time.

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