How do you plan a camping excursion with 3-4 kids and how to make sure everyone is happy

How do you plan a camping excursion with 3-4 kids and how to make sure everyone is happy

Hello! I'm a mom of 3-4 children. Why would I choose to add an unknown number between three and four children? Because I have four children and 2 older boys, that have no longer the ability to participate in our family activities and we typically only see one. This trip will have two younger girls as well as one of their sons. They must be at the minimum 12 years older. Yes, I am an excellent mom, which is why my 14 year old son is staying at home this time around, hopefully he will not invite friends or make lots of bad choices however there was no way for him to go alone, as he said, he weren't going away this weekend.

Our camping adventures are well-known throughout the whole family. Every family has their own stories, and we tell them. Because children are at the heart of all things, it's crucial that everyone has an icebreaker or conversation starting point. We visit them every month, which means there are plenty of stories to share. There is an account for every person. We won't be lying about any of this stuff It was all real.

You can also spend time on the way back and getting there. There will be down periods when heavy rains are heavy or bad weather when everyone can snuggle up together in the tent to listen to music or TV. We do play a lot of games, however there are also times when we just want to relax after going up the mountain or exploring nearby caves. We discovered that a mix of playing games and driving in the car was an excellent way to teach our children. It also has plenty of video content that is suitable for young and old. Since it was purchased we've split it into two tablets. One is for kids and the other one is for teenagers. They simply require both at all times, so keeping 2 tablets just is more sensible..

One device is intended to be used by children. It is packed with educational videos to help youngsters to churn their minds a little. Of course, there are also videos of baby sharks as well as other famous children's celebrities Unboxing toys, tele-tubbies and unboxing. A lot of these videos were discovered on Youtube. We tried using WiFi outside in the woods at first, but the hotspot toolkits worked. This is because our phones aren't able to connect to Internet and our phones go out of reach of the network. It's okay. We love the weather, and have learned to accept the lack of Internet. Before heading to the camping site we make video-related materials. For the kids, we determine the videos they enjoy, and then choose one of the three most well-known Youtube video download websites : Y2mate, Flvto or 2Conv. Each has its pros and negatives, pros and cons and I've learned that if one is unable to download an Youtube video, the third and fourth could come in. However, Y2mate can usually take charge of everything. Flvto and 2Conv could sometimes stop downloading specific videos.

You can search Youtube videos with Y2mate. After entering the lyrics your children are singing, it will show you the results. Choose the one you want and save it as an MP4 file to your desktop. If you have a Youtube playlist You can copy the URL and forward the URL to Y2mate. It will give you a selection of videos to choose from and allow you to download them one by one. Y2mate can also be used for converting videos from Youtube to mp3. In all instances, we create at home, we download several videos for our kids as well as for teenagers. For teens, we just download a handful of the popular music videos. They are awestruck by them, so we needn't worry about it.

Also, we have our laptop which has a lot of movies and TV shows. Since the storage capacity is bigger, we also installed Netflix and HULU apps that let us download shows and movies offline. It's incredibly simple to do, all you need to do is hit on a button. In a matter of hours, or days it will appear in your library. Now you can play and stream any time and anywhere regardless of where you are. It's not stored on your PC and you can play it whenever and wherever you'd like. pengunduh video youtube You won't need to transfer data or store it. It's instant and you can watch it on your computer or laptop. The ones we keep under the umbrella only to get out when it's too heavy, the one we want to see with our kids is educational or DIY. But movies and television shows are great for calming down a family that has been camping in the tent for 36+ hours.

These tips and tricks should aid you in planning your next camping trip. pengunduh youtube In light of the recent epidemics that have been sweeping the country, it's always good to take camping trips.

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