How do I post my ad?

How do I post my ad?

Dear channel members!

Here you will find all the information about posting vacancies, projects, leads, candidates. And also about the search for outsourcing contractors.

To publish you need

send a text to the admin (@Andrewlazarew) along with contact information. You need to send this in one message so that one message contains both text and contact information.

Allowed for publication

only remote vacancies \ projects \ leads \ candidates related to the IT-sphere.

Not allowed

Links, files and images are not published, cities and countries are not indicated. Vacancies/projects where it is necessary for the candidate to be in a certain city or country, even if the client needs it or these are the conditions of the company/vacancy, are not allowed for publication.

Also, companies, leads, projects, people who are associated with terrorist countries, such as the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus, are not allowed to be published.

Remote work or work at home (also remote work, telework; this means freelancing in the absence of a permanent employer) - a form of employment in which the employer and the employee (or the customer and the contractor) are at a considerable distance from each other, transferring and receiving the terms of reference , the results of labor and payment using modern means of communication.

Price per publication

Remote vacancies \ projects \ leads are published free of charge.

Candidates \ their CVs are published for a fee, 1 candidate - 1 $

Why are candidates published for a fee? Because there are a lot more of them than vacancies. This is done in order to remove spam from candidates and allow those who are confident for themselves or their candidate.

Text \ post format

The format is arbitrary, you yourself can write a text that will help you in your search. From my own experience, I can say that if you write only in essence and briefly, then it works more than praising your company and writing everything in detail. It is easier to send details of the vacancy in private messages later.


Possible every 3 days.

Frequently asked Questions

Question: What if I need the candidate to be in city X or country Y?

Answer: Then you need to search on other channels that target a specific city or country.

Q: How much does it cost to post a job?

A: Free

Q: What is the guarantee that I will pay for the candidate, and no one will write to me?

A: None. You can offer yourself or your candidate suitable vacancies for free. All vacancies are published on the channel.

Q: Are vacancies just copied from other channels?

A: No. Vacancies are sent by the employer himself. The fact that the employer publishes this in the maximum number of sources is quite logical and normal.

Q: What if I write about a vacancy or a project, but I am offered something completely different?

A: Write to the admin and then the admin will figure out the situation. The same applies if you have been deceived. It is advisable to send proofs immediately, everything will be anonymous.

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