How do I invest on BTC or ETH?

How do I invest on BTC or ETH?


Let’s look at what it means to invest in Bitcoin or Ethereum. Investing in cryptocurrency is typically associated with moving value from one asset class to another, with a view of generating a return on investment (ROI) over an expected time.

If your goal is only to make more money, then you are looking to pick the project that you think will go up in value the most. If the demand outgrows the supply of people willing to sell over a given time, then you can expect your investment to be profitable. When deciding between Bitcoin or Ethereum, you need to look at their different aspects of supply and use cases (demand). Let’s begin by looking at the supply BTC to eth

Supply Comparison

Bitcoin (BTC)

Circulating Supply

17.3 Million BTC

102 Million ETH

Ethereum (ETH)

21 Million BTC


Supply Inflation rate per year (Current Rate 2018)

3.8% (Inflation rate halves every 4 years with next one in 2020)

12.8% (future inflation rate not clear)

BTC to eth

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