How could Niantic Support be conniving brainsick, F-words speaking players in Ingress COMM all the time?

How could Niantic Support be conniving brainsick, F-words speaking players in Ingress COMM all the time?


Warning: explicit words inside. Not intended to pollute your eyes, they are just used as reference

Please do not come up with the idea “You should go to Niantic Support”...It’s because we’ve been there but it proved useless and thereafter we are here. As C.O.R.E. members we are extremely disappointed that Niantic could not even deal with players with mental issues like this properly, that is, get rid of him and make a lot of paid Ingress players feel comfortable.

It’s recommended using in-built Google Translation or when reading this post, as most of the COMM messages are in Mandarin but are well self-explained when translated into English 

First of all we don’t want to defame Niantic or specific players as all of the following would be based purely on the facts and you would see how we reach this conclusion. At least we would like everyone to know that there are several ENL players(accounts) with psychopathy in Shanghai who keep SPAMing, trolling, insulting, harassing and even threatening to attack in reality normal RES players that have some privileges of not being punished. The most famous one is “hvn04I3” (please note it’s currently alphabetic letter i not numeric letter 1) has even been accustomed to speaking F-words in COMM which is completely unacceptable. Take following record as an example:

2021-02-01 11:40:36 PM hvn04I3: 用鸡巴打字的生物我也是第一次见呢

Google Translation: This is the first time I have seen a creature typing on a dick

2021-01-03 4:25:44 PM hvn04I3: @Hesal 你的手机和良心都不值钱,滚吧

Translation: Your phone and conscience are worthless, Fuck off

Please consider the fact that this player, as he mentioned by himself on 2021-01-04, has been already COMM-banned for three times and account-banned once, but he still kept saying those “dick”, “fuck off” things (later you will see more “pussy”, “idiots”, “loser”, “your mother” things)

2021-01-04 10:52:20 AM hvn04I3: 举报我comm?老子comm被封了三次,号都被封过一次了,害怕你们几个跳梁小丑不成?继续举报啊

Google Translation: Report me comm? I have been blocked three times on comm, and the account has been blocked once. I'm afraid you won't be the clowns? Keep reporting

Umm...Although this player is shouting loudly that he is not afraid of reporting, according to “Niantic Player Guidelines” and “Report Inappropriate Behavior” , you might suppose that his account was put on a permanent probation this time because “Based on our policy, we may warn a person, place restrictions on their account, or take other appropriate actions.”. How could an account survive from continuing speaking F-words in COMM, after previous warnings and bans?

Unfortunately NO. Here comes the problem: Niantic Support is not enforcing the three-strike policy against COMM harassment at all, not to mention the fact that it’s already difficult to have it received strike once. The account hvn04I3 is currently still sending SPAMs in public COMM today, which means the functionality of COMM of this account was not restricted at all, despite the fact that normal players would suppose that its entire account should be banned.

2021-03-14 12:51:12 AM hvn04I3: @Jooooooey 交易老板又回来啦

Please don’t misunderstand us. It’s not because we were not filing reports so that he got no bans. WE DID FILE NUMEROUS REPORTS but hvn04I3 never receives due punishment as ruled by Niantic. Before we do collective reports, this account was doing daily trolling which primarily involves bad words such as “xxx your mother”

2019-06-17 12:54:32 AM hvn04I3: @Madbard 你蓝就数你这种傻逼最多,拉黑了

DeepL Translation: You blue on the number of your kind of stupid pussy the most, pull the black

2019-06-17 12:57:06 AM hvn04I3: @Madbard 帮我转告谢尔顿谭,他逃到北新泾也是个loser

DeepL Translation: Tell Sheldon Tan for me that he is a loser even if he escaped to Beixinjing

2019-08-08 2:03:25 PM hvn04I3: @LuoboTiX 就凭你这战五渣还去打xma?只能给友军拖后腿吧

Translation: You trash going to XM Anomaly? You can only hold allies back

2019-08-08 11:03:46 AM hvn04I3: @LuoboTiX 敢在comm里放一个屁吗?怕是被猩猩塞口球了吧

Translation: Dare to put a fart in comm? I'm afraid you were gagged by Niantic

2019-08-06 9:20:06 PM hvn04I3: @droopychn 打你🐴呢

Translation: Hit your mother

2019-08-08 1:36:08 PM hvn04I3: @LuoboTiX 上次没用八炸就打掉了你十几个A盾,装你🐴呢

Translation: The last time I didn’t use lvl 8 XMPs and already destroyed a dozen Aegis shields. Pretend to be your mother

In Chinese the 马 (horse) implied by the emoticon 🐴 pronunciates in the same way as 妈 (mother) and hvn04I3 is using the emoticon to intentionally avoid being identified by Niantic Support, but every Chinese speaker know that it’s an intentional attack on other players’ mums

...and actually this account was renamed several times. When it's codename was “hvnmidori”, “hvn0413” (numeric letter 1), it’s already been sending COMM messages every day to attack other players and threaten to assault them in reality, and of course received some warnings but obviously no permanent bans because this player survived until now:

2017-07-27 4:19PM hvn0413: 还有 @yiwenleo 你这个傻逼,喷人也专业点好不好

Google Translation: And @yiwenleo, you idiot, be professional too, OK?

2017-07-27 4:19PM hvn0413:  忘了还有 @Franpo 这个傻逼

Google Translation: Forgot to have @Franpo this idiot

2017-07-27 4:20PM hvn0413:  @tolves 秃驴你也是

Google Translation: Bald donkey you too

2017-07-27 5:32PM hvn0413: @SheldonTan @ngimzsjit @CaptainMall @Marvin27 @284045581 对说的就是你们几个傻逼

Google Translation: I'm talking about you idiots

2017-11-19 2:04 PM hvnmidori: @ngiamzsjit @flandrekoishi @NolanFun 你们还敢当着我的面叫,先打你们

DeepL Translation: You still dare to shout in front of my face, first beat you

2019-03-15 2:20:36 PM hvnmidori: @LuoboTiX 当猪皮的小妾挺爽吧?

DeepL Translation: Being Pigskin's concubine is pretty cool, right?

2019-03-15 2:23:24 PM hvnmidori: @LuoboTiX 每天去他家假po找日?

Translation: Go to his home of a fake portal to get fucked?

Again, please don’t misunderstand us. It’s not because after that behaviour of this player was improved so that he was not banned..or because he exaggerated about the times that he already received COMM bans (3) and temporary account ban (1) due to COMM harassment. The behaviour is actually worsening and he did receive that many COMM bans.

Let me show you 5 batches of harassment made by this player/account recently, while each one of them were collectively reported and deserve an account probation. You definitely would immediately question why Niantic has not yet banned and removed his account forever.

(Starting from here we would not attach the translation (if it’s simply insulting with dirty words but not with extremely explicit ones) because there are too many texts. Please select “Translation to English” upon right click in Chrome or Firefox.)

By the way for reports of each batch we receive an automatic response like:

 “We’re writing to confirm that your report has been carefully investigated and we have taken appropriate action as per our policies. While we are unable to discuss our actions in detail to protect the Agent’s privacy, they may include, but are not limited to, sending a warning message, placing restrictions on their account, putting their account on probation, or placing a temporary or permanent suspension on their account.”

And thus we could only observe by ourselves to see whether this player got any punishment and reach some inaccurate conclusions.

  1. Threaten to assault player LuoboTiX (who first took the risk of being continuously harassed, to seriously warn hvn04I3 of stopping doing things that make all players uncomfortable) in reality by camping around other players’ homes

2020-04-26 6:43:59 PM miclovesisi: @LuoboTiX 哥们不守家的么?

2020-04-27 8:02:47 PM hvn04I3: @LuoboTiX 二狗乖

2020-05-21 10:54:42 PM hvn04I3: @LuoboTiX 你打波特曼一次我就打你床一次,记住了

Google Translation: You hit Portman once and I'll hit your bed once, remember

2020-05-23 9:28:14 PM hvn04I3: @LuoboTiX 哥们不守家的吗?All the best~

Google Translation: Don't you guys not guard the house?

  • Niantic Support’s decision: 30-DAY ACCOUNT PROBATION (confirmed, but this player immediately created new account SuperSonicss and kept SPAMing, which we would talk about it later or in another new post) 

2. Stalk and make sneak shots of unspecific RES players including LuoboTiX (routine) and Zombifier, publish them in public Telegram channel with filthy comments, and defame player droopyCHN by calling him “Uncle PigSkin”

2020-12-31 3:17:08 PM hvn04I3: 欢迎观赏连体人表演

Google Translation: Welcome to the Siamese show

In there are multiple posts of sneaky shots (photos and videos) made by ENL players including hvn04I3 of multiple RES players and along with insulting descriptions. This is very disgusting and how could Niantic do nothing with that? 

2021-01-01 12:35:15 PM hvn04I3: 猪皮大叔的充电bot又失灵了,是不是该升级了呢

DeepL Translation: Uncle Pigskin's charging bot is not working again, is it time to upgrade it?

Here “猪皮” in Chinese sounds (zhupi) quite like droopy, which is widely used by some ENL players with mental problems to defame player droopyCHN but Niantic haven't recognized it

  • Niantic Support’s decision: Removed recent COMM messages of hvn04I3 in the system. No other punishment. Regarding the stalking and sneaky photos, reporters were suggested to talk to Telegram by themselves and Niantic won’t help in this case. (???)

3. Framed up a case that player Hesal made sneak shots of him hvn04I3 (which never happened), insult Hesal along with sub-account KanashiiSora (because Hesal saw a brand new account KanashiiSora and asked if help is needed but the friendly behaviour unexpectedly exposed the fact that RES KanashiiSora is actually one of the sub-accounts of ENL hvn04I3 who is fond of multi-accounting) and LuoboTiX (routine)

2021-01-03 4:19:34 PM hvn04I3: @Hesal 你们北蓝都是这样喜欢跟踪偷拍的吗?tg已拉黑,biocard已撕,勿扰

Google Translation: Do you Beilan like to track sneak shots like this? tg has been pulled black, biocard has been torn, do not disturb

2021-01-03 4:25:44 PM hvn04I3: @Hesal 你的手机和良心都不值钱,滚吧

Translation: Your phone and conscience are worthless, Fuck off

2021-01-03 8:51:40 PM hvn04I3: 萝天王是不是哪方面不行啊?这才坚持了几秒钟啊?

2021-01-04 4:16:10 AM hvn04I3: 建议蓝军玩家除了已经是萝卜形状的Hesal以外远离这位founder大佬,不信邪非要接触一起玩耍也没办法,总有一天你们会后悔的

Google Translation: It is recommended that blue players stay away from this founder boss except Hesal, who is already in the shape of a carrot. If you don’t believe in evil, you have to contact and play together. One day you will regret

2021-01-04 5:53:42 AM hvn04I3: Let's make LuoboTiX and his friends great again!

2021-01-04 8:55:44 AM hvn04I3: @KanashiiSora 哈哈哈,小丑竟是他自己

Google Translation: Hahaha, the clown is actually himself

2021-01-04 10:52:20 AM hvn04I3: 举报我comm?老子comm被封了三次,号都被封过一次了,害怕你们几个跳梁小丑不成?继续举报啊

Google Translation: Report me comm? I have been blocked three times on comm, and the account has been blocked once. I'm afraid you won't be the clowns? Keep reporting

2021-01-04 11:15:13 AM KanashiiSora: @hvn04I3 哥,这群小丑太可恶了,看我收拾他们

2021-01-04 4:46:18 PM hvn04I3: 而且我是被偷拍的一方哦,我也没威胁要上海人任何人哦,倒打一耙前先过过脑子

Google Translation: And I was the one who was secretly photographed, and I didn’t threaten anyone from Shanghai. I thought about it before hitting it back.

  • Niantic Support’s decision: This looks OK. (???) Didn’t do anything.

4. As probably Niantic Support does not warn him at all, hvn04I3 continue to SPAM, insult in succession and publish real name of Hesal, and defame LuoboTiX and droopyCHN

2021-01-04 8:14:20 PM hvn04I3: 看来猪皮比萝卜好不了多少嘛,也就多个五秒吧

2021-01-04 8:50:35 PM hvn04I3: 萝天王家上了两个绿军beacon和烟花,欢迎围观

2021-01-04 8:51:16 PM hvn04I3:,121.439079&z=17

2021-01-04 9:03:10 PM hvn04I3: 萝天王,你也有今天啊

2021-01-04 10:08:59 PM hvn04I3: 猪皮萝卜,弃游吧,你打不过我们的

2021-01-04 10:19:01 PM hvn04I3: 当指责别人作弊之前,先看看自己干净吗

Google Translation: Before accusing others of cheating, see if you are clean

2021-01-04 10:22:30 PM hvn04I3: 萝天王家里那群朋友咱就不提了,哈哈哈,有洋人有狗有女优

Google Translation: Let’s not mention the group of friends in Luo Tianwang’s family, hahaha, there are foreigners, dogs and actresses

2021-01-04 11:42:18 PM hvn04I3: 暖尻男,偷拍哥,你升到也不会有人看得起你,何苦呢

Translation: Ass warming man, Mr. Sneak Shots, nobody will look up at you even if you rise, why suffer

2021-01-04 11:47:27 PM hvn04I3: 听说你姓(REMOVED),还真是萝卜的孝顺儿子呢

Google Translation: I heard that your surname is (REMOVED), and you are really a filial son of radish

  • Niantic Support’s decision: Removed recent COMM messages of hvn04I3 in the system. 2-week temporary COMM ban (or maybe not)

5. Now that hvn04I3 realized that whatever he says, Niantic Support just doesn’t ban him permanently and thus he started to harass others again instantly after the COMM ban. This time he directly calls out dick in COMM

2021-01-29 4:03:05 PM hvn04I3: so weak

2021-01-31 8:32:09 PM hvn04I3: 某些东西就别在这叫唤啦,好好孵你的蛋吧,全球第一我看好你喔

Google Translation: Some things don’t call it here, just hatch your eggs, the number one in the world, I look forward to you

2021-01-31 8:58:15 PM hvn04I3: 何必这么急着送🐴呢?好不容易插到7的小床po又化为灰烬啦!

Translation: Why bother to send mom off in such a hurry? It's hard to get the small bed portal to lvl 7 and it turned to ashes again!

2021-02-01 3:47:51 PM hvn04I3: 只要能达成目的,作弊也无所谓,是这个意思吧

Google Translation: As long as the goal can be achieved, cheating doesn’t matter, right?

2021-02-01 11:40:36 PM hvn04I3: 用鸡巴打字的生物我也是第一次见呢

Google Translation: This is the first time I have seen a creature typing on a dick

  • Niantic Support’s decision: Removed recent COMM messages of hvn04I3 in the system. 1-month temporary COMM ban (or maybe not).

Given all that, you would easily notice that Niantic Support somehow is very reluctant to put hvn04I3’s account on probation, even if he has already received 3+2=5 temporary COMM bans and 1 account ban. The three-strike policy is not enforced at all. Why was that?Why is a permanent ban, if not on the account level but merely COMM ban, that hard to put?

If you don't realize how ridiculous this is, let's say, this guy actually has 15+ sub-accounts and every time his main account hvn04I3 got COMM banned, he simply switch to a sub-account and keep trolling. Thus a pernanent account ban is the only way to make him realize that he should STOP.

Someone would like to ensure that some extra money could be gained from hvn04I3 despite the fact that almost every normal player in China hated him and he seriously violated the guideline. That’s the only reason we could think of. But hey, WE ARE ALSO PAYING. You want us to leave the space for him?

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