How can I reduce my hip weight

How can I reduce my hip weight

reduce hip suseetrendsweightloss

When it comes to losing fat and toning muscles, especially around your hips, the right combination of diet and exercise can make a difference.

However, since you can’t spot-reduce fat in one area of your body through diet or exercise, it’s important to focus on losing overall body fat. Once you start losing weight, you can focus on exercises that can help tone the muscles in and around your hips and core.

Having less fat and stronger lower body muscles may give your hips a leaner, more sculpted appearance. Plus, having more muscle and less fat will help you burn calories at a faster pace, making it easier to control your weight.

" I’m a personal trainer, nutritionist, meal planner, cook and a writer. I'm here to motivate and inspire you as you prepare for one of the most important battles of your life – We keep trying to get rid of weight loss, fit and healthy is not an easy task! Not everyone has support, so through this blog I’ll give my best to be the support you need. You have me and my diary – SUSEETRENDS WEIGHTLOSS - BELIEVE IN YOU! "

Do these exercise regularly



Bird Dog strengthens your core and back. It aids in the improvement of overall body equilibrium. Bird Dog is also good for your back, particularly your lower back. It will help you improve your core and stabilizer muscles.

The bird-dog is a floor exercise, kind of like yoga, that strengthens the core using your own body weight. It primarily targets the abdominal muscles, lower back, butt and thighs.

To begin, get down on all fours on the floor. Maintain a strong core and a sturdy spine and neck while looking down at the floor. Your wrists should be directly below your shoulders, and your knees should be directly below your hips. Stretch your left leg up till it is parallel to the floor. Do not raise your leg above the level of your hips. After then, carefully raise your right arm off the floor, keeping it straight and parallel to the ground. Hold the position for a few of seconds before lowering your leg and arm.



Another combined exercise that successfully trains numerous muscles in your body is the squat. This is an exercise that will help you strengthen your core, legs, hips, and back. Squats are an excellent way to strengthen your lower body. They also help to build muscle, strengthen joints, and enhance balance.

Body weight squats are simple to include into your everyday routine because they simply require your legs.

Stand with your chest raised and your feet shoulder-width apart to squat. As though you were sitting in an imaginary chair, bend your knees and push your buttocks back. Maintain a small bend in your back while keeping your head high. (Be careful not to keep it circular.) Reduce your weight until your thighs are parallel to the ground (or as parallel as you can go). Maintain your weight on your heels while pushing through your heels. You can only squat with your body at first, then gradually add weight as you become acclimated to it.



Not all fats are bad. Healthy fats help maintain cell integrity and aid the proper functioning of various organs and biochemical reactions. They have anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the constant state of inflammation or stress, thereby lowering the chances of inflammation-induced weight gain.

Include coconut oil, clarified butter (ghee), almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, sunflower butter, rice bran oil, olive oil, melon seeds, and pumpkin seeds in your diet. Make sure you practice portion control or check the serving size as consuming them in excess may do more harm than good.



Eating healthy is not expensive if you know what you need and where to find it. Restock your fridge and kitchen with healthy foods like veggies, fruits, herbs, spices, healthy fats, full-fat milk, full-fat yogurt, and lean protein. Make sure you don’t buy any processed foods like salami, sausage, frozen foods, and potato wafers.

Have five different types of veggies and space it out in three servings. Have three different types of fruits and space it out in three servings. Avoid using packaged sauces and canned or ready-to-eat foods. Where can you find the healthy stuff? Try the local vegetable market or supermarket. Avoid going to the “junk food” aisle at the supermarket.



We've been bombarded with a flood of weight-loss tactics and ideas that have left us more perplexed than before. The majority of people were perplexed as to which ones worked and which ones didn't, and they were only one of the seemingly infinite list of weight loss procedures that joined the bandwagon. However, there is one sure-fire technique to lose weight: by introducing green tea for weight reduction.

In fact, studies have shown that drinking green tea for weight reduction can help a person lower their cholesterol, enhance their thermogenesis (the rate at which the body burns calories), and finally, increase the rate of fat oxidation in the body. The most prevalent query is, "How can it be?" Some of green tea's weight loss benefits include assisting the body's metabolic rate, or the pace at which food is broken down into energy.

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Green tea for weight loss also burns fat naturally by reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Green tea for weight loss slows the release of carbohydrates, preventing rapid spikes in blood insulin levels and, as a result, fat burning. Green tea promotes weight loss by promoting thermogenesis, which is aided by its caffeine level.

Green tea use for weight loss can have a major impact on the body's glucose production. As we all know, weight gain occurs when sugar and fat are deposited as fat cells in the body. Green tea contains catechins, a molecule that promotes the rapid burning of calories in the body, blocking glucose from moving into fat cells, making green tea for weight reduction a terrific and natural approach to shed unwanted pounds.

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