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Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website. A list of the most popular web browsers can be found below. Just click on the icons to get to the download page. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction's annual report also noted large seizures of heroin as well as a scaling up of synthetic drug production. During the COVID outbreak, organized crime groups had 'quickly adapted their modi operandi' to keep up the cultivation, smuggling and sale of drugs. Increased seizures of large quantities of cocaine, cannabis resin and heroin -- transported by sea -- raised concerns that organized crime was infiltrating legitimate supply chains, shipping routes and large ports. Cocaine purity has increased and cocaine seizures were at an all-time high of tons in , the year for which data is examined in the report, some 40 tons more than in While street dealing had been affected by restrictions during the height of the pandemic, it said consumers and dealers had been turning to online 'darknet' markets, social media and home delivery. Smuggling by plane declined, but trafficking by ship 'continued at pre-pandemic levels,' it said. Seizures and intelligence data did not suggest 'any immediate major disruption' to drug trafficking activities using methods such as concealing drugs in shipping containers. Synthetic drug production and cannabis cultivation in Europe also 'did not appear to be seriously affected'. The report warned that 'the events of are likely to have a long-term impact on the future challenges arising in the drugs area'. During the pandemic there were signs of 'declining interest in substances like MDMA commonly known as ecstasy and cocaine that are commonly used in social settings'. But there were also reports of a greater use of more novel substances such as the psychoactive drug benzodiazepines, 'possibly driven in part by shortages of more established drugs'. Share your experiences, suggestions, and any issues you've encountered on The Jakarta Post. We're here to listen. Quickly share this news with your network—keep everyone informed with just a single click! Share the best of The Jakarta Post with friends, family, or colleagues. As a subscriber, you can gift 3 to 5 articles each month that anyone can read—no subscription needed! TheJakartaPost Please Update your browser Your browser is out of date, and may not be compatible with our website. LOG IN. News World. Share this article. Gift Full Article. Change text size. Log in Subscribe. Part of the kilograms of cocaine hidden inside the arm of a second-hand backhoe that was bound for the Belgian port of Antwerp and found by the Brazilian anti-narcotics authorities is pictured at the port of Santos, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, Nov. Record seizures of cocaine indicate that the drug is more available than ever in Europe, and there is little sign that the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted smugglers and dealers, the EU narcotics agency said Tuesday. R ecord seizures of cocaine indicate that the drug is more available than ever in Europe, and there is little sign that the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted smugglers and dealers, the EU narcotics agency said Tuesday. Prabowo unveils his new cabinet. Related Articles Mpox mitigation plan. Drug trafficker hanged in Singapore: Narcotics bureau. PKS councilor-elect arrested for dealing meth. Aceh authorities to ban marijuana-laced dishes in restaurants. Medan court hands death penalty to year-old meth mule. Related Article. Mpox mitigation plan. More in News View more. The Latest View more. Regional Elections. Get the latest news in your inbox. Bina Media Tenggara. Let us know what you think: Enter at least 30 characters. Thank You. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We appreciate your feedback. Share options Quickly share this news with your network—keep everyone informed with just a single click! Gift full article. Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit amet.


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Official websites use. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Email: jaroslaw. Email: jm. Emails: abhijit. Piper betle L. Hydroxychavicol is the most important bioactive compound among the wide range of phytoconstituents found in essential oil and extracts. The pharmacological attributes of P. Immense attention has been paid to nanoformulations and their applications. The application of P. The present review comprehensively summarizes the botanical description, geographical distribution, economic value and cultivation, ethnobotanical uses, preclinical pharmacological properties with insights of toxicological, clinical efficacy, and safety of P. The findings suggest that P. However, further research is needed to elucidate its underlying molecular mechanisms of action, clinical aspects, structure—activity relationships, bioavailability and synergistic interactions with other drugs. Keywords: Betelvine Piper betle L. About a hundred varieties of betel plants are found across the world, among them 40 varieties are found only in India and of which 30 are recorded from West Bengal and Bangladesh. The use of P. In the Ayurvedic medicine system, P. The juice prepared from the betle leaf is generally used as an adjuvant in many herbal combinations with different other medicinal plants for better results in Ayurveda. Pharmacological properties of medicinal plants are primarily attributed to a variety of bioactive phytochemicals with biomedical and pharmaceutical significance. A wide diversity of bioactive compounds is present in the leaves of betel, this difference is based on the environment, soil types, the location of growing and types of landraces. This review comprehensively summarizes the botanical description, economic status, pharmacological properties, nanoformulations and their applications taking into account the safety and toxicity. In addition, the underlying molecular basis of the action of plant extracts or phytochemicals are also discussed. Considering the immense potential of this underexploited medicinal plant, the present review comprehensively describes the present state of the art research on this plant with an interdisciplinary approach that includes the pharmacology, nanotechnology, preclinical and clinical studies and also potential toxicological considerations of using P. However, more studies are needed to enumerate the structure—activity relationships behind the pharmacological activity of plant constituents. Detailed clinicalstudies are also needed, and the pharmacokinetic properties and druggability ofsuch preparations need to be elucidated. Species: Piper betle L. The plant Figure 1 is a dioecious root climber, and the shoots reach any height from 3 to 10 m according to available facilities for climbing. The plant bears lateral branches along its entire length that grow a couple of feet from the ground. The stems are swollen and articulate, with dichotomous branching and rooting at the nodes. The stems are stout, almost terete, slightly flattened; when young, they are light green and marked by short, raised, whitish streaks and with pinkish stripes along the node. The internodes generally attain a length of about 12 cm. Leaf blades are glabrous, coriaceous, fleshy, greenish to yellowish, shining, broadly ovate, width 7—8. The inflorescence is an axillary spike up to 5. The male inflorescence forms a cylindrical pendulous catkin of 10 cm in length and 2 cm in diameter. Female spikes are also cylindrical, pendulous; length 2. Individual flowers are very minute and unisexual, reduced, consisting of a couple of stamens and stigmas inserted into the axil of each bract. The bracts are orbicular, peltate, arranged in a thickly crowded spiral series. The mature inflorescence is strongly aromatic. Fruiting spikes are 3—5 cm in length, orange and drupping, entrenched on the rachis of the mature inflorescence. Kapampangan: Bulung samat 36 , The betel vine is believed to have originated in Malaysia. China and Vietnam. Piper betle is believed to have first emerged in tropical Asia and then spread to East Africa and Madagascar. Piper betle is generally propagated asexually by cutting stems rather than germinating seeds. Betel vine cultivation is a very typical type of farming. For betel cultivation, the best choices are highlands and especially fertile sandy or sandy clay or sandy loam soil with a well drainage system and a pH range of 5. The farming land is well dug into furrows of approximately 10—15 m long, 75 cm wide and 75 cm deep. The furrows are thoroughly manured with cow dung, rotten farmyard manure, oil cakes, leaves and wood ash. After proper dressing, the cuttings are planted at the beginning of the monsoon, in the months of May to June. Then, the plants are parallelly arranged in rows with a distance of two feet between each plant and are bound with a string around upright sticks of split bamboo or short plants for support. Proper shade and frequent irrigation are necessary in areas where rainfall is lower about — mm; regular watering is required in summer and watering every 3—4 days is sufficient in winter, and a proper drainage system is mandatory at the time of rainy season for the successful cultivation of this crop. After 1 year of planting, the leaves of the plant turn out to be ready for plucking, and the production of betel leaf from the barouj lasts for more than a few years from the time of planting. In the Indian climate, the female plants of Piper betle rarely produce flowers or fruit. The leaves were exported to various countries around the world where the plant is not grown naturally or the local supply could not meet the requirements. Traditional medicine has played a crucial role in the health care of the rural and urban people. Elderly people chew betel leaves to prepare quid. In weddings, the family members of the bridegroom place money along with the betle leaves in a bowl, which together is known as khun maak. They use betel leaves as stimulant, exhilarant, antiseptic and antioxidant, to treat kidney inflammation and thirst resulting from diabetes, strength to stomach, as expectorant for asthma, coughs and bronchitis, and antiflatulent element. They oil the leaf with mustard oil and place it on the naval area to relieve liver pain. Piper betle is one of the extensively investigated plants for its various phytochemical constituents present in it, and the study revealed that the plant contains a wide range of phytochemicals that are biologically active. Compound concentrations depend on the different varieties of the plant, season, climate and may geographical location and also might be influenced by various factors such as soil, humidity, agronomic practices, rainfall, season and type of plant. Leaf quality is basically dependent on the phenol content; more phenol content comes with better leaf quality. Preliminary photochemical studies of aqueous and methanol extracts of betel leaves revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, sterols, phenols, glycosides, saponins and terpenoids. Younger leaves of betel contain more amount of essential oil. Figure 3 represents the chemical structures of some phytochemicals reported from the species. The following section summarizes the various pharmacological attributes of P. One of the promising therapeutic strategy to inhibit cancer cell proliferation is to facilitate apoptosis. However, of late few compounds obtained from natural sources, which cannot even be synthesized in the most advanced chemical synthesis laboratories, have shown great promise in the cancer treatment. The first report of antitumour activity of P. When leaf extract was administered orally at higher doses, it showed the inhibitory result on tumour emergence. Abrahim et al. Numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease as well as epilepsy, migraine and essential tremors have caused severe human morbidity and mortality. Although oral antidepressants have some advantages, they also present few limitations like side effects, interaction with other medications, incompatibility and inefficiency. To find a better and safer alternative treatment of neurological conditions, natural compounds of plant origin such as terpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids, lipids and phenolic acids are being studies extensively. The antidepressant activity of the ethanol extract of betel leaves was evaluated in Swiss albino mice using the forced swim test and the tail suspension test. Anxiety is characterized as being an unpleasant emotional state for which the cause cannot be identified or perceived as uncontrollable, which impairs efficiency and induces insomnia, as well as resulting in a wide range of medically unexplained symptoms. The effect of P. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is cleaved by acetylcholinesterase AChE and butyrylcholinesterase BchE ; therefore, inhibition of AchE and BchE is important to enhance brain activity. The in vitro anticholinesterase activity of P. Both the aqueous extract and the ethanol extract exhibited strong inhibitory activity on AchE and BchE. Hydroxychavicol was found to have a more potent cholinergic effect than chlorogenic acid, but a combination of both showed the highest inhibitory activity with an IC 50 of The effects of P. The hydroalcoholic extract of P. Formation of reactive oxygen species ROS is one of the major markers in any disease pathology. An antioxidant acts as a protective barrier against ROS, which causes chronic and degenerative diseases. Antioxidants are very beneficial because they scavenge these free radicals and help prevent these kinds of disorders because they reduce the oxidative injury of cell proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The hepatoprotective activity of P. Histological studies showed that the extract reduced central vein dilation, leukocyte infiltration and normalization of the hepatocellular architecture,the extract also reduced LPO levels and increased the depleted GSH level and SOD, CAT and GPx glutathione peroxidase by methotrexate. Majumder et al. The extract reduced the ulcer index by The results showed a decrease in ulcer index, gastric fluid volume, and an increase in gastric pH. An experiment was carried out using HAE hot aqueous extract and CEE cold ethanolic extract of betel leaves to assess gastroprotective efficacy in gastric ulcer induced by ethanol in crossbreed albino rats. The antihyperglycaemic efficacy of P. The result showed a decrease in blood glucose level from The Wistar rat brain when treated with ethanol showed that lipid peroxidation, lipids and turbulence in antioxidant protection are increased. Different doses of administration of the aqueous extract of the P. Atherosclerosis is a major health problem, which subsequently leads to cardiovascular disease caused by hypercholesterolemia. Venkadeswaran et al. The extract and eugenol also reduced AST, alkaline phosphatase, ALT, enzymes for lipid metabolization and lactate dehydrogenase in serum, decreased the antioxidant enzyme, and induces malondialdehyde in liver tissue and hemolysate. The effectiveness of P. The first report on the antifertility potential of P. The extract suppressed sperm mobility and cauda epididymal sperm count, reduced fructose content in the seminal vesicles and weights of reproductive organs, and also increased cholesterol in the testes. The altered parameters were found to recover after discontinuation of the extract, suggesting P. The extract revealed that cholesterol was not used and there was no mobilization of ascorbic acid, irregular oestrus cycle and no change in haematological parameters. The following section presents the antibacterial and antifungal properties of the plant Table 4. The global epidemic of infectious diseases caused by microbes has a high mortality rate, resulting in a high global health burden. Antimicrobial resistance and the lack of novel vaccines make infectious diseases one of the greatest threats to human health globally. Various factors are contributing to the rise in antibiotic resistance among human invasive organisms. Among the extracts, the ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts exhibited remarkable activity, the hexane and benzene extracts exhibited moderate activity towards the majority of the bacteria. Lubis and Marlisa collected S. The results showed that the cured leaf essential oil exhibited higher antimicrobial activity towards M. The Barguna showed a MIC minimum inhibition concentration value of about 2. Different solvent extracts, viz. Various preclinical studies proved the antifungal potential of P. Essential oils and ethanolic extract from leaves showed potential antifungal activity against Candida albicans. Essential oil, methanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of betel against Candida albicans and Malassezia pachydermatis and leaf extract by hydrodistillation against Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans exhibited significant antifungal activity. Ali et al. Helminths produce substances, which have substantial toxicity towards humans, that are found in foods acquired from livestock, causing a serious hazard to human health, including lymphatic filariasis or elephantiasis, onchocerciasis, and schistosomiasis. The anthelmintic activity of P. The results showed that the time required to cause paralysis and death is less in ethanol extract and aqueous extract than in the standard drug albendazole. The result expressed anthelmintic activity in terms of less time for paralysis and death of the earthworm. Giardiasis is the most common protozoan parasitic infection of the human intestine. Ethanolic betel leaf extract showed antileishmanial potency towards both promastigotes with IC 50 value of 9. In vivo antifilarial activity of P. The insecticidal activity of P. The mosquito larvicidal activity of P. For essential oil, the LD 50 values were found to be 86 and 48 ppm at 2 and 24 h; for the methanol extract, the LD 50 values at 2 and 24 h are and ppm, respectively. An in vitro study showed that all three compounds have potency in inhibiting PA. Halitosis is the degradation of proteins and amino acids present in saliva, gingival cervical fluid or food retained in the teeth that causes bad breath or oral malodour due to microbial activity. The methanol extract and fractions of leaves isolated compound allylpyrocatechol—APC showed antibacterial activity against oral bacteria and reduced the production of volatile sulphur compound VSC by oral anaerobic bacteria using an in vitro saliva chip model. APC also potentially reduced methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulphide and prevented periodontal infection. To know about the antiallergic activity of the ethanol extract of P. This experiment suggests that P. To evaluate the dermatological activity of P. The broth dilution and disc diffusion assay revealed significant antifungal activity with a range of IC 50 values The result suggests that P. Different solvent extracts, such as water, ethyl acetate, petroleum ether and methanol extracts from leaves, were used in the study, and the result showed reduced haemolysis without any toxicity as compared to ascorbic acid, taken as a positive control. Panda and Kar in an experiment found that P. The leaf aqueous extract was administered to Swiss albino male mice and changes in the concentrations of thyroid hormone, LPO lipid peroxidation , SOD and CAT activity were investigated. Higher doses decreased triiodothyronine T 3 and increased thyroxine T 4 concentrations, while the lowest dose increased T 3 and decreased T 4 concentrations. Many in vivo and in vivo experiments were performed to prove P. Furthermore, the activity of P. Mitochondria from rat liver and plasmid DNA pBR , the two models were used to evaluate the radioactive property of the P. Acne, an inflammatory skin disease, caused by Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus aureus due to blocking of polysebase. To evaluate the efficacy of P. The result showed antibacterial efficacy with MIC values of 4. An acute and chronic preclinical toxicity study was performed using the alcoholic extract of P. The petiole extract of P. The morphology and crystalline phase were characterized by selected area electron diffraction SAED and transmission electron microscopy TEM. GdT NP showed high antibacterial activity against S. These PZnO exhibited antibacterial activity towards pathogens related to dental infections such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and St. The result exhibited This bimetallic composite nanoformulation significantly inhibited B. Planticola with higher antibacterial activity against B. The mention of betel leaf is found in various ancient medicinal literatures, and the plant is still used in traditional and folklore medicinal systems. Traditional knowledge and preclinical studies revealed the use of P. Essential oils and extracts showed great results in antifertility, cardioprotection, hepatoprotection and antiplatelet. Various researchers have reported remarkable inhibition efficacy against insects, larvae, and improvement in microbial infections, parasitic infections. The plant contains a treasure of bioactive phytochemicals belonging to different classes such as phenol, tannin, terpenoid, alkaloids and flavonoids, which are responsible for healing of various diseases. The beautiful and pungent aroma of the plant is due to its phenolic and terpenoid compounds, which made betel an eminent flavouring agent. In addition to that, betel has a notably nutritional value and is considered GRAS generally recognized as safe for consumption. Piper betle is found in many varieties and cultivars, and there is a problem in synonym and proper authentication; therefore, proper taxonomic identification of landraces is the most important criterion in research. Genetic and molecular markers must be used to differentiate the different varieties of betel. Different landraces contain different amounts and combinations of chemical constituents; therefore, efforts must be made to identify phytochemicals using modern extraction and detection techniques. Standardization and validation of chemical constituents for quantitative and qualitative evaluations must also be taken care of. Although there are many reports available on preclinical treatment using P. Therefore, more attention must be paid to the mechanism of action in different disease management in clinical studies that may open up an innovative avenue in therapeutics. Unexplored landraces must be further studied, and new varieties with a high number of bioactive compounds can be developed by the use of biotechnological methods. The present review encompasses the traditional uses, preclinical and clinical aspects of P. However, further studies are needed to explore its efficacy via proper elucidation of its underlying molecular mechanisms of action against various disease pathology, structure—activity relationships, bioavailability and synergism. Nishi Kant: Methodology equal. Tulika Mishra: Methodology equal ; writing, review, editing equal. Harison Masih: Methodology equal ; writing, review, editing equal. Ananya Bar: Methodology equal ; writing, review, editing equal. Devendra Kumar Pandey: Data curation supporting ; formal analysis supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Niraj Kumar Jha: Formal analysis supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Madhumita Majumder: Formal analysis supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Neela Das: Formal analysis supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Vijaykumar Shivaji Gadekar: Methodology equal ; writing, review, editing equal. Mahipal S. Shekhawat: Formal analysis supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Manoj Kumar: Formal analysis supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Radha: Data curation supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Abhijit Dey: Conceptualization lead ; formal analysis lead ; project administration lead ; resources lead ; supervision lead ; validation supporting ; visualization supporting ; writing, review, editing supporting. Betelvine Piper betle L. J Cell Mol Med. Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study. This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Find articles by Protha Biswas. Find articles by Uttpal Anand. Find articles by Suchismita Chatterjee Saha. Find articles by Nishi Kant. Find articles by Tulika Mishra. Find articles by Harison Masih. Find articles by Ananya Bar. Find articles by Devendra Kumar Pandey. Find articles by Niraj Kumar Jha. Find articles by Madhumita Majumder. Find articles by Neela Das. Find articles by Vijaykumar Shivaji Gadekar. Find articles by Mahipal S Shekhawat. Find articles by Manoj Kumar. Find articles by Radha. Find articles by Abhijit Dey. Open in a new tab. Microsporum canis , Microsporum gypseum , Trichophyton mentagrophyte and Candida albicans very effective antifungal activity with IC 50 values ranging from Effect Extract isolates Active against Result Reference Antibacterial activity stalk ethyl acetate ethanol, hexane, benzene extract Vibrio cholerae Ogawa, Staphylococcus aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae , and Klebsiella aerogenes ethyl acetate, ethanol extract showed significant activity, hexane, and benzene extract showed moderate activity Methanolic and aqueous extract of leaves Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. The water extract did not show activity against E. Insecticidal, larvicidal and adulticidal activities of P. Insecticidal activity essential oil Sitophilus zeamais motschulsky, Rhizopertha dominica, Callosobruchus maculatus inhibition of living and emerging progenies methanol extract of leaves Bruchus pisorum, Tribolium castaneum, Sitophilus oryzae good insecticidal activity Larvicidal activity essential oil and methanol extract of leaves Aedes aegypti for essential oil at 2 h and 24 h LD 50 value of 86 and 48 ppm; for methanol extract at 2 h and 24 h LD 50 value of and ppm, respectively methanol extracts of leaves Aedes aegypti LC 50 values Protha Biswas and Uttpal Anand contributed equally to this study and are the first authors. Similar articles. Add to Collections. Create a new collection. Add to an existing collection. Choose a collection Unable to load your collection due to an error Please try again. Add Cancel. Rabha community of Mataikhar reserve forest, Kamrup district, Assam, India. Leaf aqueous extract of varieties bangla, bagerhati, manikdanga, meetha, kalibangla, chhaanchi, ghanagete and haldi. Leaves volatile compound from five varieties bangla, khasia, misti, sanchi, bari. H 2 O 2 , superoxide, hydroxyl radical scavenging assay. DPPH scavenging assay, reducing power activity, hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay. Wistar rats liver fibrosis induced with carbon tetrachloride CCl 4 and corn oil. Significant protection against gastric lesions, increased SOD and CAT activity, increased mucus, hexosamine and total thiol group content, reduced oxidative damaged protein and peroxidized lipid level, increased free radical scavenging action. Microsporum canis , Microsporum gypseum , Trichophyton mentagrophyte and Candida albicans. Vibrio cholerae Ogawa, Staphylococcus aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae , and Klebsiella aerogenes. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. Bacillus sp. Mycobacterium smegmatis, S. Barguna showed MIC of 2. Candida albicans and Malassezia pachydermatis. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum f. Sitophilus zeamais motschulsky, Rhizopertha dominica, Callosobruchus maculatus. Bruchus pisorum, Tribolium castaneum, Sitophilus oryzae. LC 50 values

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