How best Mycrojob provides innovative solutions

How best Mycrojob provides innovative solutions

Hokky darmawan

Background to the creation of the platform Mycro job

Have you noticed that these two concepts always go somewhere nearby. Very often you can meet people who have a lot of money, but little free time. I think that each of us is surrounded by at least one such person. He seems happy to spend his earned wealth, but, unfortunately, can not fully devote time to family, children, spouse. Thus, leaving a certain negative residue on the soul.

But in life it is often a completely different situation where a person feels that he has a lot of free time and he can spend more time with his family, but he does not have sufficient financial income. Thus, a kind of vicious circle is formed. But what does a person need to break this vicious circle? And I already have an answer to this question. Rather, there is a suggestion from the class team, whose project is aimed at solving the current problem.

What is a "Mycrojob"?

The project that we are considering today is called - MYCRO. The main idea of ​​the project is to create an innovative solution for which the problem of lack of time and money is relevant. This project is a mobile application that will accommodate various types of short-term work for all types of people, where they can delegate part of their work or care to other people and get the desired result (free time or money).

How does mycrojob work?

For example: you do not have enough time to spend your only day off with your family, relax somewhere in the park with them. Instead, you are doing a huge list of household chores that have long been accumulated and require urgent execution. Here you can include anything: cleaning the apartment, mowing the lawn, washing and ironing.

MYCRO - The Equalizer of Time and Money

Mycro will create an innovative solution for people with time and money problems and symbolize the imbalance between time and money. In addition, it will play an important role in a decentralized peer-to-peer network using an easy-to-use mobile application. Simple short-term vacancies can be posted directly on the microphone network for free. Thus, helping a person find the right job. Thus, one person gains time, another money.

How will Mycro help you find a job?

Mycro uses a special sorting function. Both jobber and provider can indicate their preferences and rank them according to their importance. Thanks to an intelligent self-learning algorithm that sorts available vacancies, taking into account the pre-selected preferences, job history and ratings resulting from this. Jober will find all individually sorted jobs in the Mobile application. All of this is based on a user manual or user surface comparable to networks such as Tinder. Jobber is simply obliged to hold his finger to view job offers and find a suitable offer. Jobs are sorted in descending order based on compatibility level.

For more information about the MYCRO project, please visit the following link :

Website :

Whitepaper :












Author : Hokky darmawan

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