How To Write an Argument Paper Thesis

How To Write an Argument Paper Thesis

Carol Webb
How To Write an Argument Paper Thesis

Writing an argument paper thesis involves crafting a clear and concise statement that presents your main argument or position on a particular topic. Here are some steps to help you write an effective argument paper thesis:

  1. Understand the assignment: Read the assignment prompt or guidelines carefully to understand the requirements and expectations for the argument paper. Identify the topic or issue you will be addressing.

  2. Choose a specific position: Determine your stance on the topic and decide what you want to argue. Consider the evidence, research, and analysis you have conducted on the topic to support your position.

  3. Make it debatable: A strong thesis statement presents an argument that can be debated or challenged. Avoid statements that are purely factual or universally accepted. Your thesis should express an opinion or claim that can be supported with evidence.

  4. Be specific and focused: Your thesis should clearly state your main argument and the specific aspects of the topic you will be addressing. Avoid broad or vague statements that lack clarity.

  5. Be concise: Keep your thesis statement brief and to the point. A thesis statement is typically one or two sentences long and should not be overly complex or convoluted.

  6. Use strong language: Your thesis statement should use clear and assertive language to convey your position. Avoid weak or tentative language that undermines the strength of your argument.

  7. Revise and refine: After writing your initial thesis statement, review and revise it to ensure it accurately reflects your argument and is effectively worded. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to improve your thesis statement.


Original thesis statement: "Climate change is a global issue that needs to be addressed."

Revised thesis statement: "The significant rise in greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities is directly contributing to climate change, and urgent action is required to mitigate its detrimental effects on the environment and future generations."

In this example, the revised thesis statement presents a specific argument (human-caused greenhouse gas emissions leading to climate change), is debatable, and uses strong language to assert the need for urgent action.

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How To Write an Argument Essay Thesis

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