How To Write a Preliminary Thesis Statement

How To Write a Preliminary Thesis Statement

Will Robinson
How To Write a Preliminary Thesis Statement

To write a preliminary thesis statement, follow these steps:

  1. Understand the topic: Read and research the topic thoroughly to gain a clear understanding of what you will be discussing.

  2. Identify the main idea: Determine the main idea or argument that you want to convey in your thesis statement. This should be a concise and specific statement that summarizes the focus of your paper.

  3. Brainstorm supporting points: Think about the main points or arguments that you will use to support your thesis. These should be related to the main idea and provide evidence or reasoning to back up your claim.

  4. Narrow down your focus: Consider any specific aspects or angles of the topic that you want to focus on in your thesis statement. This will help you make your statement more specific and targeted.

  5. Make it arguable: A good thesis statement should present an argument or position that can be debated or challenged. Avoid statements that are purely factual or obvious.

  6. Write a draft thesis statement: Based on the above steps, write a preliminary thesis statement that captures the main idea and supporting points of your paper. It should be clear, concise, and arguable.

  7. Revise and refine: Review your preliminary thesis statement and make any necessary revisions to improve its clarity, specificity, and arguability. Consider seeking feedback from others to get different perspectives.

Remember, a preliminary thesis statement is not set in stone and can be revised as you continue your research and writing process. It serves as a starting point to guide your work and can be refined as you gather more information and develop your ideas.

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