How To Write a Compare Contrast Essay Thesis

How To Write a Compare Contrast Essay Thesis

Aaren Riggs
How To Write a Compare Contrast Essay Thesis

Writing a strong thesis statement is crucial when composing a compare and contrast essay. The thesis statement is the central point or claim you will be arguing throughout the essay. Here are some steps to help you formulate an effective compare and contrast thesis:

Identify the Basis for Comparison:

  • Before you can write a thesis, you need to determine what aspects or criteria you will use to compare and contrast the two subjects. This could be anything from theme, character, plot, historical context, etc.

Choose a Specific Stance:

  • Decide whether you will be emphasizing the similarities, the differences, or both. Your thesis should reflect this choice. For example, are you arguing that one thing is superior to the other, or are you focusing on their shared qualities?

Craft a Clear Thesis Statement:

  • Clearly state your main point in one or two sentences. Your thesis should give the reader a roadmap for understanding the main ideas that will be developed in the essay.

Be Specific and Precise:

  • Avoid vague language and general statements. Instead, use specific terms that clearly indicate the direction of your analysis.

Use Parallel Structure:

  • If you are comparing and contrasting multiple elements, make sure your thesis follows a parallel structure. This means that the structure of your language should be consistent, making it easy for the reader to follow your argument.


  • Here's an example to illustrate the process:

In Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice" and Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre," although both protagonists navigate societal expectations, Elizabeth Bennet's wit and independence stand in contrast to Jane Eyre's quiet resilience, highlighting the differing ways in which the two authors challenge societal norms.

In this example, the basis for comparison is societal expectations, and the stance is that while both novels explore this theme, they do so in distinct ways through the characters of Elizabeth Bennet and Jane Eyre.

Remember, your thesis is a guide for your reader and should provide a clear indication of the focus and direction of your essay. It's a good idea to revisit and revise your thesis as you continue to develop your essay and refine your analysis.

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How To Write a Compare And Contrast Thesis

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