How To Write Literature Review in Thesis Paper

How To Write Literature Review in Thesis Paper

Frankie Harrell
How To Write Literature Review in Thesis Paper

Writing a literature review for a thesis paper involves critically analyzing, summarizing, and synthesizing existing scholarly sources relevant to your research topic. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a literature review:

Step 1: Define Your Scope and Objectives

  • Identify your research question or thesis statement: Clearly define the focus of your literature review.
  • Determine the scope: Decide the range of sources (e.g., time frame, geographical location, specific disciplines) that you'll include.

Step 2: Search for Relevant Sources

  • Use academic databases: Search in databases like PubMed, JSTOR, Google Scholar, or specific journals related to your field.
  • Use keywords: Utilize relevant keywords to find scholarly articles, books, theses, and other credible sources.

Step 3: Evaluate and Select Sources

  • Evaluate sources: Assess the credibility, relevance, and reliability of the sources. Consider factors like author credentials, publication date, methodology, and peer-reviewed status.
  • Select sources: Choose the most pertinent and high-quality sources that contribute to your understanding of the topic.

Step 4: Organize the Literature

  • Create an outline: Structure your literature review. Common structures include thematic, chronological, methodological, or theoretical organization.
  • Group sources: Categorize sources based on common themes, theories, methodologies, or any other relevant criteria.

Step 5: Analyze and Synthesize

  • Summarize each source: Briefly summarize the main points, methodologies, findings, and conclusions of each source.
  • Compare and contrast: Identify connections, disagreements, or gaps among different sources.
  • Synthesize information: Analyze and synthesize the findings and concepts from various sources to develop a coherent narrative.

Step 6: Write the Literature Review

  • Introduction: Provide an overview of the topic, its significance, and the purpose of the literature review.
  • Body: Organize the review based on your chosen structure. Discuss the key themes, theories, or methodologies found in the literature, providing critical analysis and synthesis.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main findings, highlight gaps or areas needing further research, and emphasize the contribution of your review to the field.

Step 7: Edit and Revise

  • Check for coherence: Ensure logical flow and transitions between paragraphs and sections.
  • Cite properly: Use appropriate citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) and ensure accurate referencing of all sources.
  • Proofread: Eliminate grammatical errors, typos, and improve clarity.


  • Stay focused: Keep the literature review closely related to your research question.
  • Stay critical: Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each source and relate them to your thesis.
  • Keep it updated: While writing, ensure you're using recent and relevant sources.

Writing a literature review requires meticulous research, critical thinking, and careful analysis to present a comprehensive understanding of the existing literature on your chosen topic.

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