How To Write An Escort Ad

How To Write An Escort Ad


How To Write An Escort Ad

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Advertising , Guest Blogs , Marketing

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August 21, 2018 January 23, 2021

Advertising your escort business isn’t easy.
Confusing laws and various crackdowns on online adult marketing mean there are a dwindling number of platforms offering the traffic, earnings and functionality needed to run your business.
As a result, everyone is piling onto the same directories, which puts a lot of pressure on your escort ad content. 
Writing an escort ad that intrigues and engages your ideal client is a big step in keeping busy. But when you’re not a writer, you’re writing in a foreign language, or you simply hate writing, how do you craft a persuasive, original ad? 
I’ve been a copywriter for the adult industry for over a decade and spend a lot of time reading escort website copy and escort ad content.
What follows are five super simple writing tips that I’m confident will give your escort ad a boost and help you stand out against the competition. 
Headlines are a pain in the arse to write. A lot of information needs to fit in a tiny amount of space, which isn’t easy. But if you want to capture the attention of your ideal client, you need a strong headline that says something interesting about you. 
Rather than leading with the generic, ‘Hello and welcome gentlemen, ladies and couples’ which I see a lot, put your best foot forward by saying what’s different about you.
Highlighting your main unique selling point (USP) lets someone quickly and easily see what sets you apart from everyone else. For example, your USP could be:
By including a USP in your headline you catch the attention of the right clients for your business and create intrigue.
Listing out your personal features, or the features of your services is kinda helpful to a client. It tells them in very simple terms what to expect. What a list doesn’t do is help someone build a connection with you. To do this, sell the benefit of the feature and answer the question every customer is asking, ‘What’s in it for me and why should I care?’
Taking your advert copy to the next level means understanding how features benefit your audience. How does it make their life easier? Better? Sexier? Here’s an example.
Let’s imagine one of my unique selling points is that I’m fluent in French, German and Spanish.
This is interesting, but why should my client care and what do they get out of this?
How about highlighting the benefits of physical features? Let’s take a popular one: legs. How does the fact you have great legs benefit your client?
When working out the benefits, put yourself in your client’s position. Think about what’s motivating them to seek out your services. This is known as empathy marketing . It’s your chance to show your audience that you “get them”.   
Long, complicated sentences are hard to read. You can help your clients digest information by:
Use the Hemingway app to check how easy your writing is to read and understand. The app grades your writing and highlights complex sentences. 
A call to action is vital for moving a potential client towards booking. Someone reading your ad shouldn’t need to ask, ‘What next?’ when they reach the end of your copy. Tell them what to do.
Should they text you, email you or phone you? What information must they include when they contact you?
A clear call to action removes the potential client having to guess or assume what you want them to do. They shouldn’t have any anxiety or fear about saying or making a wrong move. 
The very last tip is checking your advert for mistakes. One or two slipping in isn’t a big deal. We’re human after all. But adverts that don’t make sense can turn clients off. If writing isn’t your thing or you’re writing in a second language, give your copy a thorough edit. 
Rewriting your advert isn’t a 10-minute job.
Crafting a strong headline, identifying your USPs and working out the benefits of your features can take hours. Maybe even a whole day. And that’s alright.
Putting in the work so your advert is strong, clear and concise will always pay off in the long run. 
If it all feels a bit overwhelming, there are two ways I can help.
Feel free to contact me to let me know how you get on. Or leave your questions below and I’ll be happy to help.
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As I have been writing quite a bit on Escort Ad sites I have been receiving emails and messages with questions like “Where is best to Advertise?” or “Which site…
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Any and every genre of business undoubtedly operates on one golden rule and that is marketing or advertising is key to success. The escort industry is completely lawful in the UK and hence there is no hindrance or obstacle involved in advertising or publicising your escort agency. The more appealing and attractive the adverts are, the greater chance you have of gaining clients. Most importantly the escort industry operates on the basis of its appeal and vigor. These adverts are the little peep holes through which a client can estimate whether a particular escort agency is right and whether it's what he or she is looking for.
Being a part of this agency one must always understand that age acts as a huge hindrance in the industry since your prime days are accounted somewhere in the age group of 19 to 35. Beyond this you find it extremely difficult to allure clients hence you should always target to maximize your business within the stipulated window of opportunity.
Hence without wasting any further time both escorts and escort service agencies need to get a compelling and alluring escort website which will not only fetch but incite a large number of clients to contact you. This industry is a very lucrative industry and a good catchy website is all you need to see your sales soaring high.
Let us begin by discussing the various strategies which would help an escort agency to create successful escort service commercials:
It is always advisable for escort agencies to use original and authentic photographs of your male or female models rather than using stock photos. These photos should be of good quality, candid and clear since in this sector a lot depends on the visual part. Men are mostly visual beings and a photograph needs to be appealing enough to titillate or excite the senses. This will fetch you more clients. Professional photographs initially might cost you a bit but they are worth the cost and will instantly attract plenty of clients. These photographs add all the drama and mystery required to fetch potential clients.
Attractive attires are the perfect recipe for commercial gain. This allows you to portray your vital assets in settings of different varieties. You can flaunt a peppy cocktail dress or a sun dress, hot pants with bikini tops and even rich lacy intimate wear. This will enable the client to have a better image of you in his mind and he would feel confident enough to hire you, thus increasing your business.
This is very important and forms a crucial part of your ad’s description. You should incorporate words which would help capture one’s imagination. The adjectives used should be compelling and bold enough to convince clients to call you and assign you or a model from an agency for companionship. Use buzz creating words which are fetish and desired by most clients.
No one wants to book an escort who is unrefined and unsophisticated. Write escort descriptions with elegants, floral and refined language which would attract more upscale and high end clients to show more interest. Language should be so refined and elite that rich and a-la-mode clients would feel comfortable to contact you or your agency for articulating and up to date companionship.
The escort agency’s commercial needs are to make sure the website is very client oriented. It should contain in itself certain qualities which should look promising to a client. No matter how bold and beautiful the models are, the agency or the escort oneself should regard the client and his or her satisfaction as the most important factor. Your website advert should articulate that you not only meet your client’s and promise comfort and relaxation but also provide them a good dose of excitement, stress relief and sexy fun.
Escort profiles should always have catchy and snappy taglines since these punch lines entice clients to learn more about your escorts. Your profiles should be self explanatory and should articulate well all kinds of escorting services provided by you, for example, erotic massage, fetish, dinner dates or regular escorting services. This will facilitate the client to have a plethora of choices from where he can choose the service of his desire. This will not only fetch more calls but will also increase your customer base and earn you more money.
Have a personal website. Here in this website you can upload and post as many pictures as you desire and here you can even elaborately discuss and talk about your escort services and your other expertise. You can even mention the different donation rates pertaining to the various services provided. Your website must look attractive and very professional. Let your clients know that you provide what you promise and your entire effort is targeted to maximize your client’s satisfaction. Spice up your website by making it look alluring, sensual and very much inviting and make sure that it does not come across to the client as a piece of trash or a scam page. It should be elegantly styled.
Incorporate testimonials on your website. These testimonials are great. They almost act like reviews and help new prospect clients to get assured of your services. These testimonials enhance your reputation by shwoing off your credibility, quality and integrity. They are great promotional tools and assure new clients about your expertise by convincing them to be a part of your exquisite escort service.
Hence, if one follows and incorporates these strategies while drawing up their escort service adveritisng plan then they will be surely successful. These advert tricks will invite more potential clients and will help you to establish your escort service agency as a renowned one in the escort industry.

November 2, 2020 September 20, 2021

December 31, 2018 December 10, 2020

November 29, 2017 December 10, 2020

I know it can be super overwhelming when it comes to Escort Advertising. There are so many Escort Advertising options available it is hard to know which sites to choose! I am well versed in knowing what reels in your ideal client because I have created thousands of escort ads over the past 20 years! I know what to do…and what not to do to make sure that your ad pops!
With these blogs, I aim to share my knowledge, ideas, and concepts to help you to maximize your online visibility and increase your business success!
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As I have been writing quite a bit on Escort Ad sites I have been receiving emails and messages with questions like “Where is best to Advertise?” or “Which site…
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SERPs for the Keyword ‘Sydney Escort’ Since the closure of Backpage and other escort advertising sites, we have all been scratching our heads to know which sites are the ones…
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It’s all just smoke and mirrors… On Twitter yesterday a UK based escort posted an email she had received from a Sydney based private offering escort tours to Australia. Australian…
Just saying, if I rattled off all of my experience with escort advertising and the escort world…we’ll need another drink. With almost 30 years in IT as an analyst/programmer/developer & 20 years of experience in the escort industry, I have learnt a thing or two about Escort Advertising. Which is fantastic for you because now I can endow you with all of my knowledge so that you can make your escort websites run with ease!
I know exactly what your client is looking for and how to hook them in. I have been walking through various roles in the Escort Industry for a while and the more I’m in it the more I know that times may have changed in the way we book work, but the clients have not.
My experience extends across oceans as I have worked internationally and was actually based in London and South East Asia for a good while! We’re talking years here. So I know my stuff!
I have consulted on Escort Directories, classifieds, and advertising platforms. If you’re poor on time but know deep down that you need some sort of web presence to get yourself in front of your clients then my Digital Agency Atlantic offers Web Development, SEO, and various digital marketing for Adult Brands. We also have many clients who are non-adult, which is a lot easier with fewer roadblocks.
Otherwise, peruse through my blogs! These are based on my experience and musings, don’t worry- there are tons of facts in there too! I aim to educate you and give you some ideas on how you can maximise your exposure.
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