How To Win A Point Spread Bet

How To Win A Point Spread Bet


by VOdds Trading Resources | Декабрь 7, 2020
Если вы знакомы со ставками на спорт, , тогда эта статья о том, что они бывают разных видов. И у вас всегда есть выбор. Одним из видов спортивных ставок, который становится все более популярным, являются ставки с разбросом по очкам. Возможно, это связано с тем, что он широко используется в футболе и баскетболе. Чтобы узнать, как выиграть ставку на спред, читайте ниже.
Информация предоставлена Street Bettings
Спред в очках известен тем, что уравновешивает операторов букмекерских контор. Потому что, как все мы знаем, не все команды созданы одинаково. По этой причине букмекеры делают ставки на игру. Это даст каждой играющей команде почти равные шансы на победу. 
Информация предоставлена Online Betting
Когда дело доходит до ставок на точечный спред, он дает игрокам возможность делать ставки на обе команды. Лучшая команда будет называться фаворитом. Они отмечены знаком минуса (-) в пунктах спреда. С другой стороны, худшие команды известны как аутсайдеры и отмечены знаком плюса (+). Если вы выбираете фаворита, вам нужно выиграть по количеству очков от букмекера. Тем, кто выбрал аутсайдера, необходимо либо выиграть игру, либо проиграть на сумму, меньшую заданного разброса по очкам. 
Если вы хотите серьезно относиться к ставкам на спорт, очень важно открыть счет на сайте онлайн-ставок. Большинство из них предлагают бонусы за регистрацию и другие рекламные предложения. Вы можете использовать их как дополнительный денежный ресурс, на который можно сделать ставки. Вы также можете попробовать зарегистрироваться на нескольких сайтах для ставок, чтобы получить несколько потенциальных доходов. Но не забудьте выбрать те, которые заслуживают доверия.
Помимо использования бонусов, которые вы получите при регистрации на нескольких сайтах ставок, вы также можете использовать эти сайты в своих интересах, т.е. вы можете сравнивать их различные спреды по очкам. Итак, проверив их, вы узнаете, какие сайты предлагают самые выгодные. Если для вас это занимает слишком много времени, вы всегда можете воспользоваться агрегаторами букмекерских контор.
Большинство начинающих игроков совершают ошибку, увлекаясь и делая ставки на множество любимых или лидирующих команд. По большей части это не всегда работает, поскольку основная цель разброса по очкам - сделать его равным игровому полю. Вот почему у него всегда будет 50/50 предложений. 
Если вам нужен надежный сайт для ставок на спорт с разбросом по очкам или если вы ищете советы и стратегии по ставкам на спорт, приходите к нам. Вы можете узнать больше о VOdds , зарегистрироваться у нас!
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Second only to moneyline bets, point spread bets are the next most popular type of sports bet that you can make. Whether you are an expert sharp who crushes the books or you’re a brand-new bettor, point spread bets are most likely going to be a big part of your winning betting strategy. In fact, some successful professional bettors exclusively utilize point spread bets to make up their winning strategy.
In this guide, we’re going to walk you through all the details you need to know to understand point spreads, make point spread bets, and hopefully start turning a nice profit with them. We’ll start with some basic information for the novice bettors, including what a point spread bet is, how to make one, how they typically pay out, and the benefits of utilizing this type of bet.
Following that, we’ll get into some basic and advanced strategies of betting point spreads for the more seasoned sports bettors. Regardless of where you fall on the skill scale, you’re hopefully going to get some value from this article.
If you’re brand new to sports betting or it’s been a really long time, we recommend reading the guide from top to bottom, as the sections will build on information from prior sections. If you’re a seasoned bettor looking for a specific piece of information, you can go right ahead and skip down to the section you need or to the bottom of the page to see the point spread betting strategies.
Without further ado, let’s jump into the world of point spread bets.
Before we can talk about how to crush point spread bets, we need to make sure that everyone reading this fully understands exactly what a point spread bet is and how they work. A point spread bet is a wager in which you bet which team is going to outperform their expected performance. The sportsbook will set a line based on how well they think each team will do during the game, and then you choose which team will perform better than that set line.
It’s okay. Point spread bets are actually really easy to understand when you see them in practice. Let’s look at an example that should clear everything up. Let’s say that the Jacksonville Jaguars and playing against the Miami Dolphins. Now, the first thing that the sportsbook is going to do is decide who they think is going to win the game and by how many points they think they will win by. Let’s say they decide that they think the Dolphins are going to win the game by 5 or 6 points.
Since they can’t write “5 or 6,” they decide that they think the Dolphins are going to win by 5.5 points. If they think the Dolphins are going to win by 5.5 points, this obviously means that they think the Jaguars are going to lose by 5.5 points. A team can’t win the game by a different number of points than what the other team loses the game by. That should be common sense, but sometimes basic stuff can be confusing when you’re taking in a lot of new information, so we wanted to clarify.
So, the line for this game would look something like this.
You’ll notice that one of the teams has a plus sign in front of the point spread line, and the other has a minus sign. The plus sign indicates the team that is the underdog (Jaguars), and the minus sign indicates the team that is the favorite (Dolphins). The number after that, as we’ve already pointed out, is by how many points the sportsbook thinks each team is either a favorite or underdog.
If the game were to go exactly as the sportsbook predicts, the Dolphins would win by 5.5 points. Now, there aren’t half points in NFL football, so it’s either going to be 5 or 6 points. We’ll talk about why they use half points in point spreads here in a minute.
As we stated, to win a point spread bet, you have to bet on the team that outperforms their predicted results. Does that mean the team has to win? Nope! All the team has to do is do better than the predicted line, and you win your bet. This means that a team can lose the game, but you can still win your point spread bet on them. On the other side, a team can win their game, but you can still end up losing your point spread bet.
The Dolphins are expected to win by 5.5 points. So, since they can’t win by half points, if they win the game by 6 or more points, you would win your bet. What happens if they win the game by 5 or fewer points? You would lose your bet because they are underperforming how they were supposed to do. If they lose the game, you obviously will also lose your bet because they are way underperforming.
What about with the Jaguars? Well, they are expected to lose the game by 5.5 points. What happens if they lose the game but by only 5 points? You’d win your bet because they are outperforming what the point spread said they would do. If they lose the game by 5 or fewer points, you will win your bet. If they win the game, you will obviously win your bet because they are way outperforming what was predicted of them by the point spread line.
You may already be seeing the point why, but let’s talk about why half points are often used in point spreads by the sportsbook. The sportsbook will do this to ensure that there is a winning side to the bet. If they made the point spread 6 points or 5 points instead of 5 and a half, there becomes the possibility of a tie. If the line is 6 points, and the Dolphins win by two field goals, then the bet is a tie, and all the money is returned to everyone.
This isn’t that bad for each bettor, but the casino will make $0 off the bet, and they don’t like that. You will see whole number lines when they are necessary, but the sportsbook heavily prefers to use half-point lines for obvious reasons.
That’s all there is to a point spread bet! You bet on which team will outperform their predicted results, and that is it. In the next section, we’re going to talk about how point spread bets are paid out and how to calculate your potential winnings.
Now that you fully understand what it takes to win a point spread bet, let’s talk about how the sportsbook makes money and why that is important. If you recall from our discussion on moneyline bets, the sportsbook will alter the payouts to bring in the desired amount of money they want on each side of the bet. Remember, the sportsbook’s entire goal with any bet is to get the same amount of action on each side of the game, take a small percentage off the top, and make money no matter who wins the game.
If the sportsbook gets $500 bet on the Dolphins and $500 bet on the Jaguars, it doesn’t matter to them who wins. If the Dolphins win, they’ll pay them with the Jaguar bets. If the Jaguars win, they’ll pay them with the best from the Dolphins fans. They then will take a small percentage off the top for their profit for facilitating the bets.
This is the sportsbook’s goal. Obviously, though, bets are not always going to come in evenly on both sides of a game. The sportsbook has to do something to try and encourage and discourage action as they need to in order to try and get the equal action they desire. With moneyline bets, they accomplish this by changing the payouts. If they need more bets on one team, they’ll change the payouts to be higher for that team and lower for the other team. Remember, with moneyline bets, it does not matter by how many points a team wins, just that they win.
With point spread bets, though, they rarely will change the payouts (as you will see in the next section). What they do instead to encourage and discourage action on each side of the bet is to change the point spread. For example, let’s say that all the money is pouring in on the Dolphins, and the sportsbook needs to try and get some more money in on the Jaguars to even things out.
What they will do is shift the point spread. Currently, the Dolphins need to win the game by more than 5.5 points for someone to win that bet. To discourage action, they might change that to 6 or 6.5 points. Now, if the Dolphins win by those two field goals, instead of someone winning this bet, they will now lose.
So you don’t get confused, once you make a point spread bet, you are locked in at that point value. If you make your bet for the Dolphins -5.5, no matter what happens to the line, you will still have them at -5.5. If it goes to Dolphins -6.5, you still have it at -5.5. On the same token, if it moves the other direction and goes to Dolphins -4.5, you still have it at -5.5.
When they adjust the Dolphins line to -6.5, it at the same time shifts the Jaguars line from +5.5 now to +6.5. This means the Jags can now lose the game by up to 6 points, and you would still win a bet on them. This would hopefully encourage action on that side of the game. If the line shift does not get the desired results, it will shift further until it does. If it gets way too much of a result, then it will shift back the other direction. The sportsbook will continue to do these shifts all the way up until bets close to try and get an even amount of money on each side of the game.
As you may guess, this can create some unique opportunities to get better lines if you can accurately predict the point spread movements. We will talk about that much more in depth in the strategy section of this guide.
Now that we’ve covered the basics of the point spread bet, let’s talk about the more fun side of things – what you’re going to get paid when you correctly pick a winner. The nice part about spread bets is that most of the time they are going to pay out the exact same regardless of which team you bet on. The reason for this is that the only reason the sportsbook ever moves a line is to get more action on one side of the bet or the other. Since they are already doing this by moving the actual point spread number, there is no need to do it with the payout.
The one exception is when they really don’t want to move a point line, but they still need to try and switch action. We will look at an example of this shortly that will show you what this will look like and when you might expect to see it. Here’s what the point spread bet from earlier might look like in an actual sportsbook.
Sometimes, they will look like this:
The first way that we presented it is like the “shorthand” version of the second way. It’s how you’re going to end up seeing it most of the time. In the second way, you see that both bets are going to pay out at a rate of -110. This is the standard payout for almost all point spread bets. Regardless of which side of the bet you are on, you can expect to be paid out at -110. We will cover the one exception shortly.
So, when you don’t see any payout odds listed, you can safely assume they are going to be -110. If you make a $100 bet at -110, you will get back a profit of $90.91. Notice that you are not getting paid back at even money. What’s going on here? Well, that $9.09 is the sportsbook taking their percentage for their profit.
Remember earlier when we talked about the sportsbook taking $500 in bets on both sides? Let’s imagine that happens, and each side is five separate $100 bets. So, the bets they take in look like this.
The sportsbook successfully achieved their goal of getting the same amount of action on both sides of the bet. Let’s see what happens for the sportsbook if the Dolphins win and if the Jaguars win.
The sportsbook will keep the $500 from the bets on the Jaguars. They will then pay out each Dolphins bet at a rate of -110, or $90.91 each. The total they pay out is $454.55. This means the sportsbook profits $500 – $454.55 = $45.45.
The sportsbook will keep the $500 from the bets on the Dolphins. They will then pay out each Jaguars bet at a rate of -110, or $90.91 each. The total they pay out is $454.55. This means the sportsbook profits $500 – $454.55 = $45.45.
As you can see, they will make a profit no matter what. You may also start seeing that winning 50% of your bets will not break you even. You’re going to have to do a little better than that to break even or turn a profit.
The majority of the time you make a point spread bet, you will be paid at this rate of -110. But on rare occasions, the sportsbook will change the payout odds and leave the point spread the same. This happens a lot when they don’t want to put out the possibility of a tie or if they think that the half-point move is going to cause an avalanche of action that would leave them heavily unbalanced the other direction.
For example, in football games, the sportsbook rarely likes to move off a +-2.5 line to +-3. This usually causes that avalanche of action and also puts out the big possibility of a tie and no profit for them. Instead, this is what you might see. Let’s say the Jags and Dolphins game is actually a lot closer, and the current spread is this.
Let’s say that the sportsbook has an unbalanced number of bets with too much action on the Dolphins. Normally, they’d shift the line to -3, and the problem would fix itself. However
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