How To Treat A Sagittarius

How To Treat A Sagittarius


How To Treat A Sagittarius

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10 Ways to Really Love a Sagittarius
Learn about Sagittarius's love horoscope--from their most compatible signs to what lights them up to how to love them forever.


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Your Sagittarius beloved is a joy to be with, but the Sag personality is famous for its need for adventure and freedom. The Sun sign is just one part of the whole astrological chart, but anyone with a Sagittarian Sun or Moon sign needs to feel that the door is open for them to take off at a moment's notice. Keep reading to learn more about what your Sagittarian love is looking for, and how to rein in their adventurous spirit and keep them in love for a lifetime.
Lynn Hayes, Beliefnet’s Astrological Musings blogger, has been an astrological consultant for over 25 years, working with clients all over the world in person and by phone. She focuses on therapeutic and healing approaches that encourage empowerment and personal growth. Visit for more info.
Sagittarius is the adventurer, longing for the freedom to explore the realm of ideas, learning, and truth. They need to be able to share their ideals and their yearnings for truth with their lover—to share a Grand Adventure that helps them realize your greater purpose as a couple. For Sagittarius, nothing in life is small or unimportant, and this is as true in love as in any other quest.
It’s the rare Sagittarian too shy to express himself or herself clearly and directly. And when Sags are in love, they just come out and say it. They appreciate the gift of freedom and will gladly give it in return—even when it’s not wanted. While love itself is part of life’s Grand Adventure for Sagittarius, commitment and marriage are a whole other story. Expectations that love will lead to marriage may not work for your Sagittarian love.
Sagittarius is most compatible with other astrological types that appreciate the freedom they can offer, such as Leo and Gemini. Libra and Aquarius will provide plenty of mental stimulation, and another fun-loving Sagittarian can enrich their lives as well. Sag is least compatible with more stable types such as Taurus and Scorpio, or those who need a great deal of security like Cancer and Virgo.
The phrase “If you love someone, set him free” must have been written for a Sagittarian lover. You can’t pin them down, or demand fidelity from a Sag—it just won’t work. They need to feel they have choices and that they can be off at a moment’s notice. It requires patience and time until they see that you are more fun than anyone else, more loving than anyone else, and the one they want to come home to at the end of the day.
Sagittarius is turned on by new experiences, so anything that offers a touch of sexual adventure and new kinds of stimulation will excite them. Lovemaking in new places such as out in the woods, in a canoe—anywhere that sex combines with their thirst for adventure will be quite stimulating for them. They will quickly become bored with meat-and-potatoes sex, so devising new delights will help keep their interest.
Sagittarius is one of the more open signs of the zodiac, so their biggest secret—fear of commitment—is not much of a secret. They dread the moment when the big “C” word will emerge from what they perceive as a tremendously fun love affair, and they will do just about anything to avoid it. In many cases they will like the IDEA of marriage and a family, but the reality is somewhat frightening and will take some getting used to.
Trying to fence in your Sagittarian love with too many rules and boundaries will quickly dampen his ardor. There are very few things sadder than a wild stallion captured and corralled in a paddock, and that is true for your Sag as well. If your love is true he will expect you to accompany him on many adventures, and that will help cement your bond and enhance your shared joy.
Sagittarius is usually more interested in religious and spiritual ideas and teachings than the actual mystical experience of God . Although they search for the One Truth, they are often fascinated by theologies and religious perspectives from all different cultures unless there is more of a dogmatic influence in their chart from an earthier sign—in which case they can become more rigid in their ideology; in any case, connecting with Sagittarius on a spiritual level means sharing their ideas and philosophies about life.
Sagittarians are famous for their blunt speech and tendency towards thoughtlessness. When communicating with Sagittarians, it’s important to remember that they don’t mean to be insulting, it’s just their way. Don’t expect them to sort through your subtle hints or read between the lines; they see the long range view and usually have no interest in mysteries. Speak up and be direct, and you’ll find communication with your Sagittarian a snap!
It may seem paradoxical, but the best way to hold onto Sagittarius is to let go. To be happy, Sagittarians need to feel the field of limitless possibilities is available. The more they’re penned in and restricted, the more miserable they’ll be – and eventually they may just break down the fence in an effort to escape. Keep your life with your Sag exciting and full of adventure, and you just might be able to enjoy it for a lifetime.

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Have you been dating your Sagittarius partner for a while but now are wondering how you can further progress? Want to know all the ways that you can expand your love to new heights? 
As a Relationship Astrologer, I know that getting a Sagittarius to stay still long enough to create something of substance is tough. However, I have five great tactics that will guarantee a full-fledged love with your Sagittarius! 
If you’re ready and prepared to take your love and commitment to the next level then keep reading to find the secret ways to do so with your Sagittarius lover.
A Sagittarius will try a relationship out with almost anyone, but the type of woman he wants to keep near him will have a smile on her face even when the clouds begin rolling in. This is because Sagittarius is so naturally optimistic, that they really won’t relate to a Debbie Downer. He needs someone who can easily match his chipper spirit.
Sagittarians won’t change their naturally happy nature for anyone, and so if you are unintentionally bringing them down, they won’t fall any deeper in love with you and may in fact leave if it persists. This is concerning, but easily remedied by you expressing your gratitude and zest for life as frequently as you can. 
This will lead a Sagittarius to wonder if they didn’t just find someone to date, but perhaps the love of their life as well! A woman who is on their optimistic wavelength is going to activate a committed side that the Sagittarius didn’t even know existed within him. 
A Sagittarius will follow the Sunshine, perhaps why he is such a notorious wanderer. If you can keep your bright side showing as much as possible when near the Sagittarius then you will find him following you! 
The Sagittarius perceives no limits and laughs in the face of danger. His assuredness that everything will work out for the best will keep him feeling as if he can go anywhere and do anything with no consequences. This is such an admirable quality, but you must ensure that you can be the type of person who is just as ready to venture into the unknown. 
You don’t have to go on long trips every other week to scratch this itch (though the Sagittarius would appreciate this more than anyone else in the Zodiac!). Just keeping circumstances fresh and new will assist in this basic need that lives within the Sagittarius. 
Think trying out new foreign restaurants in your area, going rock climbing, trying out some day-cation destinations around you, or going to shows and concerts. This is going to keep the new experiences rolling in, and if you love this just as much as the Sagittarius man does then he soon will be thinking to himself that he’s found his lifelong one-and-only. 
More than any other sign, the Sagittarius is thinking about his future and where those around him fit into it. Sagittarius likes the company of others, but it isn’t totally necessary, per se. He’s independent enough to build his own life ahead of him if others tap out. 
What I advise here is to offer him something he can’t see getting from anyone else in the future. Whether that’s the depth of your love, your willingness to go on adventures, or your great sense of humor, show that part of you off to him. He’ll begin pondering the many long and joyful years where your unique talents and gifts are a natural part of his existence. 
Soon enough, he won’t be able to imagine where else he could possibly get your one-of-a-kind personality. He’s going to learn to lean on and value what you have to offer and he’ll begin to allow himself to create that once in a lifetime love that you bother are dreaming about!
A Sagittarius sees the world with glittering eyes that never cease to stop seeing the good in people. He is the type to donate $100 to the homeless person on the street because he simply can’t imagine that they’d abuse his trust! He believes that others usually have intentions as good as his own, which can be his downfall. 
A Sagittarius will never stay with someone once he realizes he is being taken advantage of or manipulated. It could take him a while to recognize, but once he does, he will simply leave. This is why it’s so important to respect his trust and to just say no to attempting to stoop down in order to keep him by your side. 
If you want the Sagittarius to consider staying with you for the long haul so the two of you can experience that storybook romance you’ve always dreamed of, then it’s important to say what you mean and mean what you say. Head games will surely drive away the Sagittarius forever since he’s independent enough to not continue to subject himself to that sort of treatment. 
Open, honest communication is the bread and butter of the Sagittarius. He will be so open that he hurts feelings unintentionally at times, and that’s exactly how honest he expects you to be. No burying the truth, or diverting attention, or any other manipulative tactic. Only honesty will win the heart of your Sagittarian lover forever! 
Perhaps this is one of the hardest parts of dating a Sagittarius for most women, but he needs to have copious amounts of freedom in order to stay in one spot with you. Sound like a contradiction? To most of us it is, but this is precisely what the Sagittarius needs from you. 
He won’t be the type to want you to come absolutely everywhere with him. He will like you to come along for the ride sometimes, but a large part of him needs to stand on his own two feet. He doesn’t typically crave constant interaction, and instead craves the feeling of the wind in his hair. 
It’s a hard truth to come to for some women, but he needs a much longer leash (or no leash at all) than all other Zodiac signs. If he sees that he can have the relationship he wants with you as well as the freedom he needs, then you’ve got yourself a long-term partner who will never let the smile fade from your face!
Have you been head over heels in love with a Sagittarius for the long haul? What kept the romance alive between the two of you? Let us know down below in the comments!
If you’re looking to grow your love with Sagittarius guy to greater heights, then check out my guide Forever Love With A Sagittarius Man to find out how to sustain your love with him for all time!
And if you feel like you need private guidance on how to reach your maximum love potential, you can book a ‘VIP consultation’ right here !
Wishing you all the luck in the Universe, 
Where to start?
He pursued me after being infatuated with me for close to two years. From the get good he was wanting sex but when I said I wouldn’t do FWB or be a rebound he said okay.
He was hot and cold the entire time and so afraid to get “caught” as we work together. I was and am still more professional with him. I made the mistake of believing him when he said he wanted long term.
But he’d say things that indicated he saw himself alone in the future and when I said that hurt he’d apologize ….
The biggest turning point was after his trip with his kids because his son freaked out saying it was “weird” if he started dating. Seems his daughter was a little more accepting but that issue and his having an anxiety attack led him to tell me he was “pulling back” after two months.
I was crushed because I had fallen in love as after two weeks he had asked to be exclusive.
Now he has days where he just ignores me and treats me like I don’t exist. I’ve done nothing wrong. I have not been clingy and gave him space …. Our connection and chemistry was amazing and I still desire him.
What to do? I feel like I should have a talk and let him know he needs to treat me better at work. A guy friend says to ignore him and he may come back….
Heart broken
(I also bought your books on what to do… but still stuck)
It takes kids a while to adjust to their parent with someone new. That’s pretty normal. If he’s making a huge ordeal out of that then he may just be using it as an excuse to pull back. It sounds like he is unsure if he should keep pursuing this or if he should give it up. His confusion is what is making him go hot and cold. I’m not sure there is anything you can do that you’re not already doing. Well he could go either way with ignoring him. Either he will decide you’ve moved on or he’ll miss you and come running back. It’s a toss up really. You absolutely should have a talk with him and be very honest with him. Yes, he does need to treat you better at work as that’s professional. Talk to him. It’s the only way you can clear the air or try to mend things.
Been with my Sag for 9 months now. I’ve know from the past that Leo and Sag get along. But when I met ‘Him’ I consulted info again. He needs a very long leash! I support him in his career. I tell him I care about him. (He says he knows this). I tell him I want to be a peaceful place for him with no drama. I tell him I miss him but I don’t demand anything and tell him he is always welcome! I do challenge him from time to time with a relationship question but it is NOT about marriage. It’s more about how we interact with each other. He tells me about his days at work and issues he has. I don’t give solutions (that’s too masculine). I just listen and support. Just 3 months ago he requested me as a ‘friend’ on Facebook. He has stayed over early in the relationship but just this weekend he came over, I cooked for him and he stayed over. He has a very labor intensive job and I know he is exhausted so he needs rest during the week. But he did warn me that Summer was his most busy time of the year. I’ve met him at his work for different functions so he is inclusive. He says I can come anytime. He’s has an BIG heart and that is one of the most important things that I admire about him.
Well it sounds like you’ve got something blossoming between you two and that’s great. Take it nice and easy. If you two are going to be together, he will appreciate your approach to the relationship. Brave sweetheart! I’m proud to hear how well you are doing this. Keep up the momentum! If you need more Sagittarius help, check out my books on Sagittarius Man Secrets!

My name is Anna Kovach, and I’m a Relationship Astrologer.
Welcome to my blog about the Sagittarius man.
If you’d like, you can learn more about me on this page here .

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