How To Tighten A Vagina

How To Tighten A Vagina


How To Tighten A Vagina







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How to Tighten Your Vagina Naturally: 4 Best Ways December 10, 2020

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🌈 Quiz: Are you living with the symptoms of weak pelvic floor muscles? 🌈

There’s a common misconception about what happens to our bodies, and more specifically our vaginas, as we get older or as a result of having a baby . There’s this idea that we’re irreversibly weakened and that we need to turn to surgery or other unsafe means to try to put a bandaid on the problem.
The reality is that our muscles weaken over time, just like any other muscle in the body unless we have a strong pelvic floor training routine to keep us strong. For 43% of women, weak pelvic floor muscles result in sexual dysfunction, including vaginal dryness , anorgasmia, and laxity/looseness.
Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case. There are several natural pelvic floor and vaginal “tightening” exercises to help women not just get back to the strength they are used to but rather achieve their strongest body ever.
Before we can address how best to “tighten” your vagina, it’s important to understand a second misconception at play. Namely, a tight vagina is not a healthy one nor an ideal. The ideal to aim for is to have strong muscles that can squeeze but also relax and release.
In reality, what most women really want when they use the word “tight” to describe it is to improve the squeeze and strength of the vagina. So to be clear, when I write about how to make your vagina “tighter,” I put the word in quotation marks since we now know that is a colloquial expression to describe strong, healthy pelvic muscles.
For example, a common surgical method used to tighten the vagina after childbirth is called the husband stitch. This essentially removes excess skin in an attempt to address laxity, but really it just makes the vaginal opening more narrow, but that doesn’t address the root problem. So after that kind of surgery, the skin and muscles can just be stretched or become lax. Even worse is the surgery itself that may result in cutting through nerves, which can leave one with pain or numbness or a combination of the two.
Vaginal rejuvenation surgery performed by a plastic surgeon is similar to the husband stitch technique. Still, even more muscle is cut into to artificially narrow the entrance to the vagina. Again, that creates a false sense of “tightness” as the true goal are muscles that can contract and release, and again, cutting into a sensitive part of the body can leave one with numbness or pain if there is nerve damage.
Pelvic mesh surgery, which is now considered high-risk by the FDA, tried to address weak pelvic floor muscles by inserting a mesh that was supposed to hold up the organs when the muscles were too weak to do so. Instead, many women ended up with life-long pain and side effects. A woman would be mistaken if she thought pelvic mesh would in any way make her vagina “tighter” or able to squeeze more, just the opposite. Since the hammock of muscles is interrupted with a piece of plastic, the woman loses the muscle’s integrity and loses the ability to squeeze. How to “tighten” your vagina naturally, or rather strengthen it, is by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles responsible for generating the squeezing and sucking capacity of healthy and toned female genitalia. This can start as early as you want through kegel exercises and other natural pelvic floor strengthening solutions . Fortunately, there are many ways to make your vagina “tighter” that will keep you strong instead of just a short-term solution.
Kegels are free and medically proven to address several vaginal and pelvic floor problems, including how to “tighten” your vagina naturally. Think of Cardi B singing in W.A.P “I do a kegel while it’s inside” and why that movement gets a special mention in a song devoted to amazing vaginas. Kegels are an exercise that consists of isometrically squeezing the pelvic floor muscles. Not only do they treat and prevent laxity/looseness, but also incontinence , prolapse , sexual dysfunction, and vaginal dryness. Unfortunately, to maintain your pelvic floor muscles with kegels, it’s required to kegel at least three times a day every day, which can add up to 100 minutes a week. Not only that, but numerous studies have proven that most women can’t do them properly, even with instruction.
Pilates is one of the few full-body exercises that can help tighten and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This is achieved by focusing on engaging the core muscles, including the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles, throughout the different movements. While Pilates is a great way to support natural pelvic floor strengthening, the classes can be expensive. Unless the routine is consistent with an instructor who emphasizes pelvic floor exercises and guides one properly to focus on the pelvic floor, it may not provide enough strengthening to be effective when it comes to making your vagina “tighter.”
This 28-day challenge is run by one of our favorite vagina experts , The Vagina Coach . She has created an app-based challenge to help change the way women workout for the better and create a healthy pelvic floor fitness routine. This challenge is a great option for women who want to be proactive about strengthening their pelvic floor muscles.
For those wondering how to “tighten” your vagina naturally, Kegelbell is one of the fastest and safest ways to do it. Kegelbell is the first externally weighted way for women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles and decrease laxity/looseness . In muscle-building mode, women use Kegelbell five minutes, three times a week in the privacy of their own home or once a week in maintenance mode. Unequivocally, one’s vaginal squeeze becomes extremely strong as a result of holding in the insert much the way one gets strong bicep muscles with a kettlebell workout. Not only is it the first externally weighted solution, but the Original Kit is also the heaviest vaginal weight kit on the market before adding the Extension Kit that doubles the weight further. Kegelbell is made with medical-grade ingredients and is comfortable to use, with the insert similar in size to a large tampon. Learn more about how Kegelbell can tighten your vagina naturally →
When women are trying to figure out how to keep it “tight” down there, it’s easy to get distracted by all sorts of different “home remedies” to make your vagina tighter. The reality is that at best, these are ineffective, and at worst, they could be harmful to your body. When it comes to any sort of juices (lemon, apple cider, etc.) or herbs to tighten your vagina, we like to generally advise that it’s not healthy to put any chemicals that aren’t medical-grade inside your body. Your vagina has a natural pH balance, and adding these sorts of intense substances can throw off your body’s natural way of self-regulating. Many of those so-called home remedies are very acidic. The herbal chalky wands/sticks are simply just irritating the tissues so that they get inflamed, which gives the illusion of a tighter vaginal canal when really the lining of the vagina becomes puffy with inflammation. This is not the right way to approach the issue. Moreover, irritation certainly will not make intercourse more pleasant for the woman, nor would the pH imbalance those substances cause her long after applying the foreign substance. Some women also wonder if just doing squats “tighten” your vagina. The reality is that most exercises and activities that we engage with cannot target the pelvic floor muscles. That’s why it’s so important to establish a routine that is specifically intended to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
While it’s not possible to just snap your fingers and instantly have strong pelvic floor muscles and great squeeze, Kegelbell is pretty close! By using Kegelbell just five minutes, three times a week for two weeks, we guarantee that you’ll see an improvement or your money back! Kegebell was created to solve the gap in the market of effective ways for women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. So often, women turn to surgery or other unsafe solutions to address a problem that is actually quite easy to solve with the right tools.
- Improve bladder and bowel control
- Reduce the risk of pelvic organ prolapse
- Treat Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD)

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Women have been influenced to believe that having a tight, well-lubricated vagina is necessary for sexual attractiveness. However, that is not true. At the same time, a loose or lax vagina can impact a woman's health, comfort, and sexual well-being.
When the muscles in your pelvic floor weaken due to ageing or childbirth, you may inadvertently leak urine or pass wind, feel compelled to go to the bathroom frequently, suffer from pelvic pain, feel pain while having sex.
There have been a lot of assumptions around what causes the vagina’s looseness.
Many individuals believe that having frequent intercourse will 'loosen' your vaginal canal, but this is not true. The vaginal muscles are quite flexible.
It does not matter the number of times you have had sex; it remains its regular form and size thereafter without losing its suppleness. While many people also believe that loose vaginal lining is the result of having too many sexual partners; It is a pure fallacy.
As previously said, your vagina is quite flexible. It only relaxes while you are excited or turned on and then contracts back to its original shape.
If you are not going through any difficulty due to the loosening of the vagina, then there is no need to go for vagina tightening treatment. However, many women believe it is vital because of urinary incontinence (involuntary pee leakage) or sexual pleasure. So, here is what causes a loose vagina:
There are a lot of pelvic floor and vaginal tightening exercises that can help women regain not only their previous strength but also attain a strong body. Pelvic floor exercises are an excellent technique to strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor. These muscles are a part of your core and support the bladder, rectum, uterus, and small intestine.
It comprises of pushing the pelvic region. Lay the top half on a platform, and move your lower body down and up. In this, you can use barbells or weighted plates to apply pressure to the lower abdominal area. Your core gets stimulated, and the pelvic region is worked out as a result of the excess weight on your abdomen region. The pelvic strength you require to move aids in the contraction and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, which aids in vaginal tightening treatment.
This is the yogic method that comes under vaginal tightening exercises. It is essentially a pelvic floor plank. Simply lie in the bridge pose, compress your buttocks, suck your lower abdomen, and hold the position. The longer you retain this position, the more your pelvic region will contract, causing your vagina to constrict.
Weighted squats serve to strengthen pelvic floor muscles as well as offer you a rounder buttock. However, make sure that whenever you are doing weighted squats to tighten your vagina, you will need to apply pressure to the pelvic region to get the best results!
Kegel exercises can be used to help strengthen the pelvic organ, improve bladder control, and reduce the risk of faecal incontinence during pregnancy or after childbirth. To begin, you must first recognise your pelvic floor muscles. To do so, come to a complete stop in the middle of peeing. If you succeed, you have identified the correct muscles. During Kegels, try not to tighten your thighs, abs, or buttocks. Concentrate solely on your pelvic floor. Practice three sets of Kegels five to 10 times each day for optimum results.
Once you are done with that, follow these instructions:
Pelvic tilt exercise improves your vaginal muscles to help tighten the vagina.
Start by facing towards a wall with your shoulders and buttocks. Keep your knees soft on both sides. Draw your belly button closer to your spine. Your back should flatten against the wall as you do this. Tighten your belly button for four seconds before releasing it. Repeat the exercise 10 times, up to five times each day.
It is common to experience vagina loosening after giving birth naturally. Here are some vagina tightening exercises and tips that can help you tighten your vagina after childbirth.
Were you aware that during orgasm , the pelvic floor muscles clench and release? This implies that orgasms can aid in vaginal tightening. The more and better you orgasm, the stronger your pelvic floor muscles become.
A vaginal cone is a cone-shaped device with weights attached that appears like a conventional tampon. Place the lowest weighing cone into your vagina and attempt to keep it in place with your muscles. This can be done twice each day for 15 minutes every time. Then, as you get stronger, progressively increase the weights. Make sure you wash the cones with warm soapy water after each use.
Ben Wa balls are small marble-sized balls that constrict the vagina and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. You can also lubricate the balls to have them glide in easier. Clenching your leg muscles and practising kegel exercises will help you keep the balls inside you. Begin your routine by doing this for 15 minutes, and then mend your timings up.​​
You are what you eat; it means the same for your vaginal health as well! Fenugreek, sesame seeds, pomegranates, soybeans and their products, carrots, wheat berries, and apples are high in natural estrogens and can help tighten your vagina after giving birth. Lots of wholegrain organic carbs, fresh organic veggies and fruits, and organic lean animal protein are also excellent since they contain anti-inflammatory amoeba three that will keep the muscles of the vagina tightened.
Movement is the key to these vaginal tightening exercises. Your pelvic floor muscles move as you practise these movements, resulting in maximal contraction and relaxation.
But, ladies, remember that you can only do these workouts when you have fully healed from your pregnancy. Otherwise, it will place undue strain on an already frail and susceptible area, leading to other pelvic problems.
So, try these vagina tightening exercises and get back on track with your healthy self naturally.
A. One can follow a diet high in estrogens and protein.
A. There are many home treatments that claim to strengthen your vaginal muscles. Heat, chemicals, or food ingredients are frequently used in these cures, resulting in burns and infections. So, no, you cannot use hot water to tighten your vagina.
A. After intercourse, wash your lady parts with a non-fragrant soap. Simply swab outer parts with a warm washcloth and soap and water (or just warm water), going from front to back. At the same time, you should avoid interiors; the vaginal wash cycle keeps the vagina clean and balanced on its own.
Custard apples are known by many other names such as sitafal, cherimoya, sugar apple, etc. It is not a very popular fruit, especially in India.
Yoga has proved its strength in almost every aspect of our body fitness. Yoga dominates as the most reliable and effective way to nourish the
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The personal benefits of tightening your vagina through Kegels delight men and women. Those who practice Kegels seriously know how to use kegel weights for the benefits of eccentric and concentric weight training that gives them power and control.
Learning how to tighten your vagina involves knowledge of what tightness means, what it isn’t, and how to achieve it through Kegels and weight training. Read this post to find out how you can tighten your vagina through a simple exercise.
Health experts understand that the vagina is amazing in its ability to expand, contract, and sustain itself through intercourse and childbirth. The shape of the vagina lasts in its resilience, but pelvic floor muscles do weaken over time and after these events.
An expert would recommend tightening your pelvic floor muscles to regain strength and control after an event like childbirth. While the shape of your vagina will remain, your enjoyment of sex can greatly improve from exercising your pelvic floor muscles.
Even after childbirth, the shape of the vagina is not worn or stretched. Its shape doesn’t change. Millions of years of evolution have perfected the vagina to bounce back from these events. Any other theory is really just gossip according to experts.
In practice, vaginal tightness is not about changing the shape of your vagina (which can only be achieved through surgery). It is about strengthening the muscles that control your vagina. Like any other muscle, they can be fortified by exercise.
If you want more enjoyment and more control over your vagina through “tightness,” you can start without any equipment and in any setting.
At first, unlike other forms of exercise, you will not need to find time in your schedule to take your vagina to the Kegel gym. You can exercise your pelvic floor muscles at work and home (even while you’re watching reruns).
There are three essential steps that anyone experienced with Kegels would recommend. After mastering them, you can move on to more advanced techniques like eccentric and concentric weight training offered by products like Gynie.
The first step in your vagina-tightening routine is to target the muscle group you want to work out. If you are struggling to find the Kegel muscles, you can stop midstream next time you are urinating. These will be the pelvic floor muscles in question.
Continue to identify and contract them throughout the course of the day in different positions and settings. Try them in the car, at work, and while you are home watching television. If you can control them any time, continue to the next step.
Once you can control your pelvic floor in many positions, try tightening your vaginal muscles for a count of 5 or more. Relax for the same amount of time, and repeat. (If you use a menstrual cup, you may want to work around its use.)
Over time, you may find yourself able to do five repetitions of this exercise with a count of 10 seconds or more. If you do, you should aim for even mor
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