How To Tie Up Your Girlfriend

How To Tie Up Your Girlfriend


How To Tie Up Your Girlfriend
Part of HuffPost Women. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
We sat on the judo mats in a small studio in downtown San Francisco surrounded by 20 other strangers in yoga clothes. Over the last few months, my husband and I had been exploring different ways of connecting physically and this class in Shibari, an ancient Japanese form of rope bondage, seemed full of possibilities.
Sep 21, 2015, 02:51 PM EDT | Updated Dec 6, 2017
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Part of HuffPost Women. ©2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved.
We sat on the judo mats in a small studio in downtown San Francisco surrounded by 20 other strangers in yoga clothes. Over the last few months, my husband and I had been exploring different ways of connecting physically and this class in Shibari, an ancient Japanese form of rope bondage, seemed full of possibilities.
After we settled in, the couple leading the class began with a short demonstration of him tying her arms together behind her back. It turns out there are certain places one might not want rope burn, so he emphasized the importance of pulling the rope slowly. He also talked about holding it with intention as rope under tension has better energy. The couple was the absolute picture of harmony with her receiving his adoration with all of her being, and him doling out his love in measured and deliberate motions.
Then it was our turn. With some seductive music floating through the studio, I sat with my legs crossed as my husband began the process of learning how to tie a hitch knot. I'm not going to sugar-coat this kiddos... we were NOT the picture of harmony. I tried to provide helpful feedback, "pull the rope more slowly here" or "hold it less taut there", but the more direction I gave, the more frazzled he became.
It may be clear at this point in the story that trust in others is not one of my strengths. My default state is to plan, organize and direct in a very detailed way. I write down the exact brand and fat percentage of the ground turkey that I put on my grocery list. The concept of giving control to others or sitting back and receiving is not comfortable territory for me. Yet that was what I was being asked to do.
Fortunately for my frazzled husband, the instructors ended the exercise, telling us it was time for another demonstration. This was a free-form exploration where he worked rope after rope around her body, binding together various limbs with her torso. After she was fully bound, he reversed the process, with the same measured movements, slowly and beautifully unbinding her from her colorful cocoon.
Again, it was our turn to practice. This time, I tried to keep my mouth shut and trust that my partner could learn this new skill without my verbal feedback. Unexpectedly, it turned into a meditative experience for me. Since I was no longer talking, I was able to shut down the thinking part of my brain and tune into the music and the physical connection between myself, the rope and my husband.
Along the way, as I began to place trust in his actions, my husband seemed to be able to tune into my body and adjust accordingly. For instance, a small squirm from unpleasant tightness in the rope would result in loosening. A purr would result in a pleasant tightening. It felt counter-intuitive that by trusting him and providing less direct feedback that I was actually providing even better feedback, yet there we were.
In the months since our Shibari lesson, I've been able to notice when my control-freak self is getting in the way of some otherwise tantalizing scenes and can pause in that moment and ask myself "What if I were to let him continue on exactly the way he is right now?" And though I'm still demanding as ever in my grocery list, sometimes it now has things on it like 20 feet of red rope.
"Wait, that's it?" Transformation takes time, so I'm intentionally sharing in bite-sized doses that reflect my experience over the last year. I'd love to hear your questions and thoughts, let's continue the conversation in the comments section below. Or visit my blog at

How To Arouse A Woman By Touch – Turn On A Girl Physically
Categories Categories Select Category Inner Game  (9) Insecurities  (5) Self Improvement  (9) Stories  (1) Techniques  (39)
Deal with Your Insecurities and Become Successful with Women!
It’s time you knew how to arouse a woman by touch so you can get more sexual action in your life. Because a lot of men don’t know how to advance sexually onto a girl so she enjoys it and is eager to sleep withy ou.
Below, I’ll show you the exact techniques I use so you know how to turn on a girl physically when you bring her home. I’ll also mention where to touch a woman to arouse her specifically since not every kind of touch is arousing.
I’ll also mention some huge mistakes that men make which kill attraction and arousal instantly, like being touchy-feely too soon and too hard. Because believe it or not, plenty of guys go a little too far and get carried away after learning how to turn a girl on with touch, thinking that they need to do it as much as possible.
First things first, do not try any of these techniques below if you’re not sure the girl already likes you a lot and finds you attractive.
That’s because if you start touching women too soon and do it way too much, then you’re only going to freak her out. She’ll start calling you weird and creepy and instead of becoming aroused, she’ll become afraid of you or find you repulsing.
So make sure you actually know how to create attraction first when you’re on a date , before you even think of trying to learn how to arouse a woman by touching her. Otherwise, things may end in disaster and she’ll never want to see you again.
This next part is super important as well:
Make sure the girl is already super comfortable with you and your touch.
You accomplish this by being physical with her throughout the date. Touching her gently at first in places where it’s normal for acquaintances to do so. And then, as the date progresses, increasing the intensity and the frequency of your touch. So that she gradually becomes used to it and to you being close to her.
Another important point is PRIVACY.
Do not start touching women all over their bodies if you’re in a very public place. Because most of the time, they won’t like it. For best effect, take them somewhere private, where they can relax and know that you’re away from prying eyes.
Now that we got these critical parts out of the way, here’s how to get arouse a woman physically:
So let’s say you had a great date and the girl likes you now. There’s undeniable mutual chemistry and attraction.
A great way to arouse her instantly using your physicality would be to pin her against the wall .
This may sound a bit cliche or corny, but it’s one of the absolute best ways of how to turn on a girl physically and do it really quick. Especially when she’s back at your place.
I do this very frequently when I bring a woman home and see that she’s already into me and ready to sleep with me. I just say “Come here…” and either pull her in, spin her around and gently push her against the wall. Or, if the mood is right and she’s someone who appreciates dominant men, I simply push her firmly against the wall. (But not too hard to actually hurt her!!!)
This creates massive arousal and is the best way of how to arouse a woman fast.
Another way you can do this if you don’t like to pin women against the wall is to pick her up in your arms. And then walk up to a wall and lean her on it. It works just as well and there’s no actual pushing if you’re against something like it.
The important part of all this is the following:
To turn a woman on physically with your touch, you must show DOMINANCE and CONFIDENCE.
Dominance and confidence are the two secret and most important ingredients of how to arouse a woman instantly and make such a move work. You can’t be wishy-washy about it, showing discomfort or hesitating because then she won’t get aroused by your action. And you have to be firm.
Besides learning how to turn a girl on with touch by pinning them against the wall, there are several other ways to do it.
One of them is the following and you can do it on your date when she already likes you:
All these actions will create an immediate effect on her. That’s because she’s already attracted to you and is sitting very close and your arm is around her. She’s waiting for you to make your move and do more, so start off gently and ramp it up.
I use this a lot on my dates and it works really, really well.
Here are a few other tips to quickly turn women on physically and make them melt with anticipation:
Other than using specific techniques to quickly turn a girl on physically, there are many other things you can do.
In fact, if you’re wondering where to touch a woman to arouse her, then know that there are many different erogenous zones on a woman’s body. And I’m not just talking about her breasts and her groin.
For most women, the neck and the neckline are the most important erogenous zones for quick physical arousal.
You can gently run your hands on her neckline when you’re close together. For better effect, you can even run your lips ever so slightly so she gets massive goosebumps. Because it’s one of the best ways to make her wet before you proceed to having sex with her.
Other places where to touch a woman to arouse her include her inner thighs, her ears (yes, the earlobe has a ton of very sensitive nerve endings), her stomach, her butt, as well as her mouth and lips. For some women, it can even be their eyelids, forehead and cheeks, as well as wrists and knees.
Do not underestimate the sensitivity of these areas if you want to arouse a woman by touching her. Some women even love it when you touch their feet gently and run your fingers through their legs up to their inner thigh and eventually groin. But for that, you’d have to already be somewhere more private.
The final important point is that there are simply too many erogenous zones to list that are sensitive for a lot of women.
Pretty much all women respond very positively when you try to turn them on physically by touching their breasts, nipples, vulva, neck, earlobes, and ass. But when it comes to the other erogenous zones, you have to actually experiment to find out if your particular girl is sensitive to them.
That’s because virtually every single part of a woman’s body can be very sensitive to the touch. And for each girl it’s very specific and very different.
So the best advice of how to arouse a woman by touching her would be to try everything you can think of and see what she responds to the most.
So get somewhere more private with her and simply explore each other’s bodies. Cuddling is perfect for learning what erogenous zones your girl has apart from the very obvious ones.
Don’t be afraid to run your hands or your lips, very gently, over various parts of her body when you’re at your place or hers and are about to have sex. Women will appreciate this greatly. Especially if you happen to stumble upon and find some very sensitive places that arouse them.
Now that you know how to arouse a woman fast by touching her in various places, make sure to practice.
I just gave you the basics so you can move things towards sex. However, don’t stop with just these examples because there are tons of other ways to turn women on physically. And the more of the you discover, the more confident you’ll be around women.
Just imagine how cocky you’d be if you knew you’re able to arouse a girl simply by touching her in various places, without even saying a word. But just like with everything else, this takes lots of practice with different women.
And there lies the problem — not many men know how to seduce women the right way so they can have many casual sexual relationship (or even one serious relationship if that’s your cup of tea).
Lucky for you, I explain how to do all this in a lot more depth in my book on how to get laid on the first date .
Very good job writing them in this blog post King regards, Demir Henneberg
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How To Arouse A Woman By Touch – Turn On A Girl Physically
Categories Categories Select Category Inner Game  (9) Insecurities  (5) Self Improvement  (9) Stories  (1) Techniques  (39)
Deal with Your Insecurities and Become Successful with Women!
It’s time you knew how to arouse a woman by touch so you can get more sexual action in your life. Because a lot of men don’t know how to advance sexually onto a girl so she enjoys it and is eager to sleep withy ou.
Below, I’ll show you the exact techniques I use so you know how to turn on a girl physically when you bring her home. I’ll also mention where to touch a woman to arouse her specifically since not every kind of touch is arousing.
I’ll also mention some huge mistakes that men make which kill attraction and arousal instantly, like being touchy-feely too soon and too hard. Because believe it or not, plenty of guys go a little too far and get carried away after learning how to turn a girl on with touch, thinking that they need to do it as much as possible.
First things first, do not try any of these techniques below if you’re not sure the girl already likes you a lot and finds you attractive.
That’s because if you start touching women too soon and do it way too much, then you’re only going to freak her out. She’ll start calling you weird and creepy and instead of becoming aroused, she’ll become afraid of you or find you repulsing.
So make sure you actually know how to create attraction first when you’re on a date , before you even think of trying to learn how to arouse a woman by touching her. Otherwise, things may end in disaster and she’ll never want to see you again.
This next part is super important as well:
Make sure the girl is already super comfortable with you and your touch.
You accomplish this by being physical with her throughout the date. Touching her gently at first in places where it’s normal for acquaintances to do so. And then, as the date progresses, increasing the intensity and the frequency of your touch. So that she gradually becomes used to it and to you being close to her.
Another important point is PRIVACY.
Do not start touching women all over their bodies if you’re in a very public place. Because most of the time, they won’t like it. For best effect, take them somewhere private, where they can relax and know that you’re away from prying eyes.
Now that we got these critical parts out of the way, here’s how to get arouse a woman physically:
So let’s say you had a great date and the girl likes you now. There’s undeniable mutual chemistry and attraction.
A great way to arouse her instantly using your physicality would be to pin her against the wall .
This may sound a bit cliche or corny, but it’s one of the absolute best ways of how to turn on a girl physically and do it really quick. Especially when she’s back at your place.
I do this very frequently when I bring a woman home and see that she’s already into me and ready to sleep with me. I just say “Come here…” and either pull her in, spin her around and gently push her against the wall. Or, if the mood is right and she’s someone who appreciates dominant men, I simply push her firmly against the wall. (But not too hard to actually hurt her!!!)
This creates massive arousal and is the best way of how to arouse a woman fast.
Another way you can do this if you don’t like to pin women against the wall is to pick her up in your arms. And then walk up to a wall and lean her on it. It works just as well and there’s no actual pushing if you’re against something like it.
The important part of all this is the following:
To turn a woman on physically with your touch, you must show DOMINANCE and CONFIDENCE.
Dominance and confidence are the two secret and most important ingredients of how to arouse a woman instantly and make such a move work. You can’t be wishy-washy about it, showing discomfort or hesitating because then she won’t get aroused by your action. And you have to be firm.
Besides learning how to turn a girl on with touch by pinning them against the wall, there are several other ways to do it.
One of them is the following and you can do it on your date when she already likes you:
All these actions will create an immediate effect on her. That’s because she’s already attracted to you and is sitting very close and your arm is around her. She’s waiting for you to make your move and do more, so start off gently and ramp it up.
I use this a lot on my dates and it works really, really well.
Here are a few other tips to quickly turn women on physically and make them melt with anticipation:
Other than using specific techniques to quickly turn a girl on physically, there are many other things you can do.
In fact, if you’re wondering where to touch a woman to arouse her, then know that there are many different erogenous zones on a woman’s body. And I’m not just talking about her breasts and her groin.
For most women, the neck and the neckline are the most important erogenous zones for quick physical arousal.
You can gently run your hands on her neckline when you’re close together. For better effect, you can even run your lips ever so slightly so she gets massive goosebumps. Because it’s one of the best ways to make her wet before you proceed to having sex with her.
Other places where to touch a woman to arouse her include her inner thighs, her ears (yes, the earlobe has a ton of very sensitive nerve endings), her stomach, her butt, as well as her mouth and lips. For some women, it can even be their eyelids, forehead and cheeks, as well as wrists and knees.
Do not underestimate the sensitivity of these areas if you want to arouse a woman by touching her. Some women even love it when you touch their feet gently and run your fingers through their legs up to their inner thigh and eventually groin. But for that, you’d have to already be somewhere more private.
The final important point is that there are simply too many erogenous zones to list that are sensitive for a lot of women.
Pretty much all women respond very positively when you try to turn them on physically by touching their breasts, nipples, vulv
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