How To Text A Guy You Like Without Seeming Desperate

How To Text A Guy You Like Without Seeming Desperate


How To Text A Guy You Like Without Seeming Desperate

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Guys will run away at even the slightest hint of desperation and neediness. They don’t want to be with a girl who’s going to suck away their freedom. Even if you’d never do that, appearing clingy and needy will make him think that. Which is why you need to learn how to text a guy without seeming desperate.
Because we all know girls who send text after text without a reply definitely seem that way. They might not even be desperate. They might think they’re simply being funny or catching their attention. But they’re definitely coming off as overbearing.
The stereotype of the clingy girlfriend has forever ruined enthusiastic women
We see this all over the place. It’s always the girlfriend in movies who appears really clingy and she basically doesn’t allow her boyfriend to do anything he likes. Guys grow up watching this in movies and thinks it actually applies to real life.
Sure, there are definitely girls out there like that but not nearly as many as men think. However, they get a very small inclination that you’re clingy or desperate and they jump ship.
In reality, that “desperation” is probably just enthusiasm over meeting them but they won’t understand that. So you have to learn how to get a guy without seeming desperate if you actually want to be with them. [Read: 13 clingy girlfriend signs and how to avoid it ]
How to text a guy without seeming desperate so you can win him over
You may have heard some of this advice before and you may have never heard any of it at all. No matter the reason, you should take not because this is how to text a guy without seeming desperate.
#1 Let him text you first. This is by far the best way to get a guy to think of you as definitely NOT desperate. When he reaches out first, anything else you do won’t seem nearly as bad.
In fact, to stop yourself from texting him, give him your number and tell him to text you. That way, you don’t have his and you can’t. Waiting for that text might seem a little difficult but he’ll send it. Just be patient. [Read: 10 steps to determine if you should text him first ]
#2 Never send more than one unanswered text. Unless you made a huge typo, don’t send a bunch of texts, it basically screams “NEEDY!” The second a guy looks at his phone to see more than one text from the same girl, his warning lights go on.
He’ll look at this as both desperation and clinginess. Both of those are definitely things that scare men away even if you just had something urgent to tell him and it required a couple texts.
#3 Talk about something he’s interested in. The best way to steer the attention away from you appearing desperate is if you get him excited. Make him want to text you back right away and he won’t pay any attention to how fast you text back.
Bring up a band he loves, a certain hobby you know he likes, or even something you know will get his attention – like anything with females. Once he’s the enthusiastic one, the pressure is off you. [Read: 30 effortless ways to keep a guy interested ]
#4 Tell him you had fun together. Tell him he was really fun when you two met or got together. Guys love hearing how much fun they are and how funny they are. Starting with a compliment like this will play to his ego and he won’t think you’re desperate at all.
In fact, he’ll probably just ask you to elaborate on it a little bit. Once you have his attention, tread lightly. Don’t give him too many compliments or he might start to smell desperation on you anyways.
#5 Keep the conversation light. Don’t talk about anything serious, especially relationships. That will make him jump ship before you even establish one. Maintain casual conversation while also touching on things that allow him to get to know you. If you let him take control of the conversation, he won’t think you’re super desperate to talk. [Read: How to start a conversation with a girl over text ]
#6 If he’s busy, don’t try to have the conversation. When he’s busy or sounds buys, leave him alone. Guys get annoyed relatively quickly when they’ve got a lot going on and some girl just tries to text him all day.
If you ask what he’s doing and he says he’s working or playing a sport, tell him to have fun and you’ll talk later. This shows him that you give him the space he needs but that you’d also love to continue the conversation.
#7 If he’s out with friends, don’t text him. If you really want to know how to text a guy without seeming desperate, then avoid doing it all together when he’s out with friends. Unless he’s texting you, he wants his freedom. He wants to have fun with the guys. If he senses you intruding on that, he’ll start thinking you’re desperate and that’ll also make you look clingy and even controlling. [Read: 10 obvious hints guys give when they want space ]
#8 Avoid texting him late at night. Yes, this might get his attention, but it’ll be the very wrong kind of attention. He’ll basically smell the desperation on you the second he sees your name pop up on his phone after 10pm. You’re basically announcing that you want him so bad you’re willing to fall into booty call territory. Not good.
#9 Don’t be overly sexual. Again, this is something that’ll probably get him to give you his attention, but it won’t be good. It shows him that you’re so desperate for attention that you’ll disrespect yourself. Not only is this really unattractive, but it won’t make him want you for a serious relationship.
#10 Don’t reply ASAP. Since guys are so sensitive to clingy girls and you want to know how to text a guy without seeming desperate, you’ll have to stop replying right away. That just shows him you’re sitting around waiting for his text. Even if you are or even if you’re just near your phone often, this will look bad. [Read: How to play hard to get the right way ]
#11 Start with a flirty message. Flirting is a great way to show a guy you’re interested and doing it the right way will ensure you don’t seem desperate. Sending anything with a wink face will make him want to text you but it’s way less clingy than sending him a paragraph long message about how much you like him.
#12 Ask him a question he’ll need to answer. If you just text him to talk to him, it might look a little desperate. In order to make your text seem purposeful, just ask him a question. It can really be about anything but make sure it’s compelling enough that it’ll distract him from the fact that you texted first. [Read: 30 questions to ask a guy you like ]
#13 Don’t make it a big deal if he doesn’t text back. Some guys just won’t be interested. It’s just a fact of life. If you keep sending text after text in hopes that he’ll respond, you’re kidding yourself and making yourself look like a fool.
Accept that he just isn’t into it. It may have had nothing to do with the way you texted him, either. Don’t be desperate and don’t act like it because you deserve a guy who’ll text you back the second he gets the message.
Knowing how to text a guy without seeming desperate is something more women need to figure out. Even if you’re not desperate or the clingy type at all, guys read enthusiastic behavior as such and it won’t do anything good for you.
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October 22, 2021

Men will run away even the slightest bit of despair and poverty. They don’t want to be with women who will suck their freedom. Even if you’ve never done that. But being insulted and needy will make him think so. This is why you need to learn how to text a guy without feeling hopeless.
Because we all know that women who send messages one by one without a reply certainly seem like that. They may not be hopeless. They may think they are just funny or attract attention. But they are definitely going to be spoiled.
The stereotype of a flirtatious girlfriend has destroyed an active woman forever.
We see this everywhere. Always be the girlfriend in the movies who always looks tough. And basically she doesn’t let her boyfriend do what he likes. Guys grew up watching this in movies and thought it would work in real life.
Sure, there are women out there, but not as many as men think. However, they have a slight inclination of whether you’re tough or hopeless, and they jump on the edge.
in fact That “desperation” might just be the enthusiasm to meet them. But they don’t understand that. So you have to learn how to find men without despair if you really want to be with them. [Read: 13 clingy girlfriend signs and how to avoid it ]

How to text a guy without looking desperate so you can win him over.
You may have heard this advice before and probably never heard of it for any reason. You shouldn’t, because this is a way to text a guy without looking hopeless.
#1 Have him text you first. This is the best way to make a guy think you’re not desperate. when he reached out first Anything else you do won’t look that bad.
In fact, to keep yourself from texting him. Give him your number and tell him to text you. That way you don’t have his and you can’t. Waiting for that message can be a bit difficult. But he will deliver. Just be patient. [Read: 10 steps to determine if you should text him first ]

#2 Don’t send more than one unanswered message. if you don’t type wrong Don’t send multiple messages, it basically screams “required!” the second a guy looks at his phone for more than one message from the same woman. His warning light came on.
He will see this as both despair and attachment. Both of these things are sure to terrify men. Even if you have something urgent to tell him and need a few messages.
#3 Talk about what interests him. The best way to distract yourself from your seemingly hopeless is if you excite him. make him want to text you Go back immediately and he won’t care how quickly you text back.
set up a band he loves Some hobbies you know he likes. Or even something that you know will get his attention, like anything with a woman. When he’s an active person, you put pressure on him. [Read: 30 effortless ways to keep a guy interested ]

#4 Tell him you have fun together. Tell him he’s really having fun. When the two of you met or were together Guys love to hear how fun and funny they are. Starting off with compliments like this will affect his ego and he won’t think you’re desperate.
In fact, he may ask you to elaborate. Once you get your attention, tread lightly, don’t compliment him too much. Otherwise, he might start to smell despair from you anyway.
#5 keep the conversation light don’t talk seriously especially the relationship That will make him jump into the boat before you build it. Have a casual conversation while getting a feel for what makes him get to know you. If you let him control the conversation He won’t think you’re desperate to talk. [Read: How to start a conversation with a girl over text ]

#6 If he’s busy, don’t try to talk. when he is busy or likes shopping leave him alone Men are quick to get annoyed when they have a lot going on. And some girls try to text him all day.
If you ask him what he is doing and he says he is working or playing sports. Tell him to have fun and then talk. This shows him that you give him the space he needs. But you would love to continue the conversation.
#7 If he goes out with friends Don’t text him If you really want to know how to text a guy. without feeling hopeless Avoid doing everything together when he’s out with friends. unless he texts you he wants his freedom He wanted to have fun with the guys. If he feels that you intrude on that. He’ll start to think that you’re desperate and that will make you look reserved and even in control. [Read: 10 obvious hints guys give when they want space ]

#8 Avoid texting him late at night. Yes, this might interest him. But it would be a very wrong interest. He basically smells of despair on you the second he sees your name pop up on his phone after 10pm. Basically, you’re declaring that you want him so badly that you’re willing to fall into it. Thieves’ territory is not good.
#9 don’t have too much sex Again, this is something that might get him interested in you, but it won’t be good. It shows him that you’re so desperate for attention that you don’t respect yourself. This is not only unattractive, but it won’t make him want you in a serious relationship.
#10 Don’t reply as quickly as possible. Because men are often sensitive to overbearing women. And you want to know how to text a guy without looking hopeless. You must stop answering immediately. That shows him that you’re sitting around waiting for his message. Even if you are near or near your phone often. This will look bad. [Read: How to play hard to get the right way ]

#11 Start with a flirtatious message. Flirting is a great way to show a guy you’re interested and doing it the right way will help you not look hopeless. Sending anything with a wink will make him want to text you. But it’s less ingrained than sending him a paragraph about how much you like him.
#12 Ask a question he will have to answer. If you just text him It might look a little hopeless. To make your message look purposeful. just ask him a question It can really be anything. But make sure it’s interesting enough to distract him from your texting first. [Read: 30 questions to ask a guy you like ]

#13 Don’t make a big deal out of him if he doesn’t text back. Some men will not care It’s just a fact of life. If you send messages one by one hoping that he will reply. Show that you are joking and making yourself look like a fool.
admits that he doesn’t care about it It probably has nothing to do with the way you text him either. Don’t despair and don’t do it because you deserve a guy who will text you back the second he gets it.
Knowing how to text a guy without looking hopeless is something more women need to think about. Even if you are not hopeless or miserable at all. Men read such active behavior and it will not benefit you.
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12 Tips on How to Text a Guy Without Looking Desperate

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You met a nice guy, you’re sure you make a great couple and want to make it happen, but you don’t know how to tell him? It can be tough to know when, where, and how to approach a guy you really like. In this article, you will find some tips to initiate something special with him through text without coming across too clingy or desperate.
Men tend to avoid girls who seem overly desperate, needy, and clingy. Even if you’re not like that at all, just appearing that way might scare him off.
That’s why you need to know how to text a guy without seeming desperate. There is a fine line between coming off as interested and trying too hard.
If you text a guy over and over again without a reply, it might seem clingy – even if you’re not that way.
Most women make this mistake. You might think what you’re doing is being playful or funny, but the person on the other side is more likely to see you as overbearing.
One of the stereotypes leading single ladies to hold back from dating is that of the clingy girlfriend. The image in people’s minds makes them self-conscious and, in some cases, can even put a damper on their enthusiasm.
We often see clingy girlfriends in movies; she tries to control her boyfriend and doesn’t allow him to do what he wants.
It’s mainly because of all the experience men have with seeing this in shows or movies; they start thinking that this behaviour actually applies in real life.
Yes, there are some clingy girls out there, but not as many as people think. However, men seem to get turned off the moment they get a hint that a girl is clingy or desperate.
When you think about it, “desperation” is really just excitement or joy about meeting someone new. To get a guy without coming off as desperate, you’ll need to learn how.
You shouldn’t be worried about approaching a guy you like; the only thing you need to be afraid of is not trying.
So before we talk about how t
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