How To Tell If Your Vagina Is Tight

How To Tell If Your Vagina Is Tight


How To Tell If Your Vagina Is Tight

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What is considered the normal size for the vagina? To give an accurate answer, not only could it prove to be difficult, but the chances are high in upsetting a lot of women if they have an issue with the size of their vagina. Women are funny creatures that frequently worry over the least little thing involving parts of their bodies. If something appears slightly different from another woman's then more times than not they worry and think they are abnormal in some way or other. The vagina is high on the worry list that cause women unnecessary fretting. Aside from vagina size common queries involve, vaginal infections, vaginal itching and vaginal odors.
I am sure you're fully aware no woman is the same; they may appear so in many ways but very much different. Women differ in shape, height, how they handle situations, size, but more so in their personalities. This is why we have "certain" women worry over specific things while other "certain" women who when faced with the same specific things don't batter an eyelid.
Before we address the matter of what is the normal size for the vagina, we first have to find out what is meant by normal. Every vagina is normal, and the only difference you might see is in its appearance. Some vagina's may "look" big if the woman carries excess weight, while the thin woman, smaller. In relation to the above question I assume you refer to the more intimate side of the vagina i.e. tight or loose. The vagina is an organ of the body that comes in different shapes and sizes, just like pubic hair does in color; however the vaginal walls don't change there all elasticity, so a definite size for a normal vagina can't be given.
What can you do to get a tighter vagina? Is it possible to make your vagina tight like a virgin?
To learn how to make your vagina tighter than ever naturally, without surgery or drugs, simply click here .
The result of a relaxed vagina sees vaginal walls subside into each other. Diameter is less than 1 inch and the length about 3 to 4 inches. Size of the vagina alters when it prepares itself to accept the penis. Around the time of sexual intercourse - diameter of the vagina is not the same throughout the tunnel. The vaginas narrowest part is the opening which widens as it furthers in. Usually the vagina has a size of one and a half inches. The further inside you go the bigger the diameter. Towards the rear the diameter is commonly 2 1/2 inches. Whereas the front wall is 2 inches in length and the back end is 3 inches which gives us an estimated 6 inches. This may be sound like a load of gobbly goop when talking in terms of diameters etc, but I am afraid this is the way a normal size vagina is usually determined.
Your concern if I am right in saying is because you either, have a loose vagina and want it tightening, or you have a tight vagina that you would like to loosen.
Let us direct our attention to the loose vagina and some of the reasons why it feels slack
One common cause is childbirth. Giving birth to a baby can stretch the vagina caused by severe expansion. Women whose vagina has been damaged in delivery practice Kegel exercises to tighten their vagina. Speak to your GP if you have concerns over your vagina being too big or small. If anyone can help correct the problem it is the doctor. You don't have to become a mom to experience having a loose vagina because women in their twenties and under can suffer too. Nonetheless you're not to panic because if you haven't had a baby then it's highly unlikely the big vagina/vulva matter will happen to you. Also to set the record straight, lots of sexual intercourse will not cause the vagina to stretch and stay that way. No matter how many coupling sessions you have it won't affect vagina or vulva size, like childbirth can. Childbirth interferes with dimensions i.e. damaged muscles and other supporting tissues of the vaginal walls. Fortunately women can help prevent the vagina widening by doing postnatal exercises. Ask your GP or midwife who can advise you.
If the vaginal 'barrel' is extremely big then a result of this is unsatisfactory sex for both partners. Also due to surplus width there is a possibility of air getting into the vagina. If this happens then you may face the embarrassing situation of which we refer to as fanny farting. This is encouraged with the in out pumping movement of the penis which causes air build up in the vagina, which on release makes disturbing noises like that of someone breaking wind.
Tighten a loose vagina doing pelvic floor muscle exercises. Make yourself comfortable in a private room of the house or wherever you feel you won't be interrupted.
Squeeze the muscles at the front of the lower part of your body as if you were preventing yourself from weeing and hold this action for 10 seconds then relax, repeat and continue for 5 minutes. You are not to continue if you experience difficulty or feel pain. If possible do this 4 times a day. If over time you see no improvement speak to a gynecologist to discuss the possibility of a 'repair' operation. What this involves is drawing the weakened pelvic tissues together and firming them.
Childbirth and other factors go into making a vagina looser. This makes sex less enjoyable and definitely affects a woman's self esteem. If this is happening to you, then it is time that you did something about it. GET the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream that has helped thousands of women like you over the past few years.
As for the tight vagina, this in contrast to the loose vagina can bring pain in sexual intercourse and other. Statistically it is highly unlikely for a woman's vagina to be too small. The symptoms that could present themselves for what seems to be caused by smallness are:
* Pain during sexual intercourse
* Unable to have sex
*Discomfort when inserting a tampon
Vaginal tightness is normally linked to a condition known as Vaginismus which affects the vaginal muscles causing them to contract if genital contact is about to be made. There are several symptoms connected with this condition:
* Involuntary uncontrolled spasms of vaginal muscles
* Frightened of pain
* Fear of penetration
* Lack of sexual desire
* Pain from inserting a tampon, finger or penis
Women have no control over these happenings which is quite scary because the symptoms are wholly spontaneous.
If a woman has never been able to enjoy sexual intercourse (pain free) due to muscle spasms this is called primary vaginismus. Also the type women experience difficulty inserting sanitary tampons. It can occur after years of satisfactory sex, and happen late in life. This stage is known as secondary vaginismus reasoned usually by medical conditions, traumatic experience, giving birth, surgery, or menopause. The vagina isn't as quite complex as some women make it out to be when faced with matters concerning it. Ideal treatment for a loose vagina is exercise. Your vagina may seem big because its most probably relaxed. Exercise will help UN-relax.
With the case of a tight vagina we look towards another approach as it being the more sensitive issue. It is the root cause of vaginismus which determines appropriate treatments prescribed or suggested. If an injury/infection is the cause then it's easily treated with proper medication, however if not then treatment changes.
Sex therapy: Your doctor may recommend you see a health advisor who specializes in sexual health. You may be taught some techniques to retrain your vagina to respond to penetration without flinching. It can be costly if you go private for this treatment but it is available on the NHS. Aside from self help your health advisor may suggest counseling to delve deeper into any underlying psychological issues or cognitive behavioral therapy to help change any illogical or in accurate beliefs about sex
Vaginal trainers are used to help relax vaginal muscles and help widen the vagina. There are 4 cones which look similar to a penis; they come in different sizes. The smallest one is inserted first. Take your time and use a lubricant if needed. Once accomplished you up in size and so on. Some women feel uncomfortable with the cones and prefer the relaxation and touching method. Make yourself comfortable and start touching the genitals. If you tense up, stop and try again. Try this for a couple of days before going to the next level which is to try and insert a finger gently inside the vagina. If you've had problems with tampons try inserting one now.
I used to feel like my body and love life would never be like it was in my youthful 20s. Let's face it... if nature had its way, after children and a certain age, your vagina muscles get loose; sex doesn't feel the same for you or your partner. But this doesn't have to happen! Simple, natural exercises and remedies are easily available to you. You can regain and retain your youth, no matter what your age! Gain access to an awesome good quality cream that is clinically approved and do not have any side effects.
GET the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream that has helped thousands of women like you over the past few years.
Find out More on How to Get a Tight Vagina Naturally and Safely So That You Can Enjoy Better Sex!
Does size really matter, well this would depend on what we refer too. If we talk of a young child in a fight, then yes, because no toddler is able for the teen, or if you're hungry, then a small size food portion will not fill your belly. What on earth has this got to do with vaginas you may well ask; "satisfaction" that's what. Both instances are "unsatisfying" situations for the toddler and the tummy rumbler due to size restricting them from achieving, so this can apply to the size of the vagina also? If a person can get satisfaction from being well fed - or from beating their opponent, then why would not a person want satisfaction from their love making. Does the size of the vagina matter; yes it does if it interferes with, or stops you pleasuring in sex. If you or your partner gets no enjoyment while having sex because of looseness, then of course it matters. If you're sure the problem is in your department and not about your partner having a small willy, then you need to look for a way to tighten your vagina.
Is there a way of telling whether the vagina is either big or small, and of a natural size? Vaginal size is not a topical subject, so chances of finding out anything from friends and family through girlie gossip, is zero. The vaginal wall is elasticity so exact size can never really be ascertained. If the vagina is relaxed the vaginal walls collapse into each other. The diameter is less than one inch and the length will be around 3 to 4 inches. Vagina size alters when ready for intercourse. At this time the diameter of the vagina is not the same throughout the vaginal tunnel.
The narrowest part of the vagina is the opening which widens as it goes in deeper. Normally the front part of vagina has a size of one and a half inches. The deeper into the vagina you go the bigger the diameter. The back end is usually a diameter of 2 1/2 inches. The front vagina wall has the length of 2 inches and the back end is 3 totaling approximately 6 inches.
What can you do to get a tighter vagina? Is it possible to make your vagina tight like a virgin?
To learn how to make your vagina tighter than ever naturally, without surgery or drugs, simply click here .
Some pregnant women after giving birth find there vagina may have stretched through intense expansion. Most of these women turn to Kegel exercises to bring back vaginal tightness. Issues in relation to a loose vagina and vulva size are common, so no need to be embarrassed. Go along and speak with your GP if you`re worried over this. If you have never experienced giving birth, then it's highly unlikely that your vagina or vulva is too big. If you have been put off having sex because you have heard it stretches the vagina and makes it big, then you have heard wrong. What a load of codswollop, yes the vagina can stretch to accept the penis, but soon returns to normal size. Childbirth is a regular cause for vaginal looseness because it can affect dimensions, meaning, damaged muscles and other supporting tissues of the vaginal walls. Don't be put off having children thinking this is a natural happening for women having baby's, because it`s not, just ask the millions of moms the whole world over. There are things you can do to help prevent widening of the vagina by doing postnatal exercises that physiotherapists teach.
If the vaginal 'barrel' gives a feeling of largeness it can lead to the following effects:
- Unsatisfactory sexual intercourse.
- Likelihood of air getting into the vagina - known as 'fanny farting'.
- Lax muscles and ligaments can lead to a prolapsed womb
If you want to tighten a loose vagina start by doing pelvic floor muscle exercises. Practice includes you tense the muscles at the front of the lower part of your body - as if preventing yourself from weeing, hold this contraction for 10 seconds then relax and repeat and keep up for 5 minutes. If possible do this 4 times a day. You can speak to a gynecologist to discuss the possibility of a 'repair' operation. This draws the weakened pelvic tissues together and firms everything up resulting in a tight vagina.
Childbirth and other factors go into making a vagina looser. This makes sex less enjoyable and definitely affects a woman's self esteem. If this is happening to you, then it is time that you did something about it. GET the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream that has helped thousands of women like you over the past few years.
Some women on a huge scale tend "not" to worry over size as much as they do of appearance. These same women believe they have an abnormal vagina because their vulva is either too large or the labia too long, or that bits of it protrude unevenly. If you are one of these women it does not mean you have an abnormal vagina, what it means is, is you have one slightly different from others. Getting back to vagina size, we have women who think their vagina too small. Statistically this is most unlikely. Symptoms that show smallness: is
Many women who feel vaginal tightness find it hard to accept that their vagina is normal-size after seeking medical advice. Vaginismus is a condition and the primary reason why women get mixed up for the smallness. It causes the vaginal muscles to contract when intent on making genital contact. An internal examination is normal procedure carried out to clarify that this is the problem. Unfortunately women sufferers can do nothing to prevent the condition from happening because symptoms are entirely involuntary. Vaginismus can have a woman experience burning, pain, penetration problems, or complete inability to have intercourse.
The tightness is actually caused by involuntary contractions of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina. The tightness can be so restrictive that the opening to the vagina shuts altogether making penetration near to impossible for the man. As like with most conditions there can be several specific types, and this applies to vaginismus also. If a woman has always experienced pain while having intercourse due to this muscle spasm it is called "primary vaginismus." Recognized suffering from this type is not able to wear tampons. Another type is the "secondary vaginismus" more known more for developing later in life. Women can have this after years of uncomplicated sexual intercourse. It is normally hurried along by a medical condition, traumatic event, childbirth, or menopause.
The condition is curable and not a problem to be ashamed of. Your doctor is the person with all the answers if you need to know more. It is not a concern to deeply worry over, as treatment is pretty much straight forward. Vaginismus treatment does not require drugs, surgery, or any other complex persistent methods, so no need to hold back on seeking treatment and suffering any longer.
- Unintentional uncontrolled spasms of the muscles in the vagina
- Dread of pain
- Fear of penetration
- Loss of sexual yearning near to penetration
- Difficulty and pain, inserting a tampon, or penis
The quicker you address the issue about your tight vagina, then the quicker it will give you back the confidence to enjoy and have a wonderful sex life again.
I used to feel like my body and love life would never be like it was in my youthful 20s. Let's face it... if nature had its way, after children and a certain age, your vagina muscles get loose; sex doesn't feel the same for you or your partner. But this doesn't have to happen! Simple, natural exercises and remedies are easily available to you. You can regain and retain your youth, no matter what your age! Gain access to an awesome good quality cream that is clinically approved and do not have any side effects.
GET the Best Vaginal Tightening Cream that has helped thousands of women like you over the past few years.
Find out More on How to Get a Tight Vagina Naturally and Safely So That You Can Enjoy Better Sex!
Your body undergoes a lot of changes during pregnancy and childbirth and one of such changes is a looseness in your vagina. This can impact you both psychologically as well as physically. One of the most common impact of a loose vagina is that it can make you lose all you interest in having sex. Not just this, it can also make sex less pleasurable for both you and your man.
However, tightening your vagina is possible with the help of a vaginal tightening gel.
Such gels or creams are a blessing in disguise for most women. One of the best things about such gels is that they are 100% natural and are made with clinically approved ingredients. They do not have any side effects and can restore both vaginal tightening and elasticity to much youthful levels.
Some of the ingredients used in top notch gels include meroferm, oak gall extract, aloe vera, panax ginseng, vitamin E etc.,
Meroferm is an extract of the plant called Pureiria Mirifica. This plant is native to Thailand and the tuberous root of this plant is rich in phytoestrogens. These are compounds that act as the female sex hormone estrogen, when in your body. It helps restore vaginal tightness by increasing vaginal elasticity.
Oak gall has been used by women for hundreds of years to restore vaginal tightness after childbirth. It is extremely rich in antifungal and antibacterial properties. It also increased blood flow to the vagina that not only helps increase tightening sensations but also help boost your libido.
Panax ginseng is another herb that is used in such gels. This is perhaps, the oldest herb known and is a great body revitalizer. One of the most important properties of this herb is that it helps increase blood flow not just throughout the body but to the genitals as well. It is also highly effective in reducing stress. This helps increase your sex drive. Increased blood flow to the clitoris also helps increase response to sexual stimulation.
One of the most important advantages of such gels is that they can ensure instant tightening of the vagina on application. They can help you and your man enjoy sex amazingly. Not just this, such gels are safe and do not have any side effects. Another benefit is that they can help you get rid of vaginal odor as well.
What can you do to get a tighter vagina? Is it possible to make your vagina tight like a
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