How To Tell If A Guy Has A Boner

How To Tell If A Guy Has A Boner


How To Tell If A Guy Has A Boner
Last updated on June 6, 2022 by April Maccario
I'm a huge nerd when it comes to understanding how relationships between men and women work, and what drives a certain behavior. I spend much of my time getting into the nitty-gritty and try to share my findings on this site with the hope of making life a little easier for women that are struggling in their relationships or love life.
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If you're honest with yourself, you would agree it makes you feel good when a guy you like gets a boner around you. You start thinking up stuff like ”He likes me” ” He wants me ” ”I’m hot”. That generally takes your confidence up a notch. Especially when you’ve been trying to figure out how to tell if a guy likes you. 
However, you should also know guys can get hard over a lot of things. In fact, the circumstances surrounding the hard-on points directly to why he's erect at the time. So, I wouldn't be so quick to conclude a man likes me ”because he got a boner” if I were you. 
First off, a boner out of nowhere is creepy (especially that of a stranger) plus, this man could just be horny at the time. However, if both of you have been flirting for some time and you want to figure out how to tell if a guy likes you, then let's discuss some of the ways to tell when a guy is aroused.
I know, it's not such an ”undercover” way to tell he's got a boner, but it's one of the most effective, less creepy methods. Some men get embarrassed by this; so you might not get a direct answer, but his body language after the question would tell you everything you need to know about what's going on in his pants. 
Please do not touch a stranger’s hot-rod. This only works with your boyfriend or partner. If the goal is to turn this man on , touching his penis over or under his pants is the best way to find what you're looking for. Observations take a little more time, but touch is proof. Touching a man's body a lot, even in a non-sensual manner, can cause a hard-on. 
If, for no particular reason, this man has his hands or any other random item covering his crotch while he's around you, he is probably hiding a boner. As I said, some men are embarrassed by this type of thing. It's a lot more visible if he's wearing loose trousers or sweatpants; that's why he's covering it. 
When you're making out and rolling over with a guy, there's a likelihood you both get turned on by that activity. When guys get turned on, there's a boner to show for it. This means during physical intimacy; guys will get a boner because it's a natural reaction to what's going on at the time. An erection is also a sign that he likes what you're doing. 
It's not myth honey; guys do wake up with boners. This is one of those situations where it's not about him being aroused by anyone or anything in particular, he just woke up like that. It doesn't happen all the time, and it's less with older men. A good time to spot an innocent boner is when your man just gets out of bed. 
Guys have opened up about boners being very uncomfortable in tight pants. Do you notice him adjusting his pants over and over? He probably has a sturdy boner. Does he look stressed out in that sitting position? It's perhaps the boner as well. If he keeps going around to fix or shift something around his crotch area, he's most likely dealing with an erection. 
This is one of the typical things a man would do to hide an awkward boner from a woman he likes. Just like when he covers it with his hands, when he sits with his knees up, he's also trying to conceal a bulge in his pants. However, don't put all your money on this sign; some guys just find it a comfortable way to relax while sitting. 
It's impossible not to feel a boner rub against you when it does, if he’s dancing with you or hugging you , it will surely be evident. It’s one way to tell when guys have an erection, a boner would be so easy to detect in that kind of close-up situation with a man. There's no surprise he's erect if you are close enough to feel it. 
Some boners just can't hide (which says a lot about his tool). This also depends on the type of pants he has on - either it's loose or too tight. When you notice a bulge in his pants, that's a boner. The thing about this bulge is, it has to move around with him for you to be sure it's a boner. If not, it could just be his pants bunching in a way that makes it look like he's erect. 
When a man is talking with you about how he is turned on by you at the moment, he most likely has a boner to prove it. Men only say stuff like that to a lady they feel confident around. Sometimes, it's plain horny talk. Next time someone is talking about being turned on, there’s probably proof. 
Keeping his hands in his pockets is another one of those typical signs a man is trying to hide a boner. He most likely did this while standing or perhaps walking by a group of people. The hand is in his pockets to control the rage down there and make himself feel more comfortable as well. If those hands stay in there awkwardly and don't leave his pockets for a while, he's taming a boner. 
A shy man with a boner would try to keep you away from that area. He wouldn't want you sitting next to him or any part of you brushing against his crotch, so you don't feel it. While talking or flirting with you , he would look you in the eye to make sure your gaze stays on his face and not dart it anywhere else. 
When you're flirting with a guy and vice versa, it could get heated and turn you both on. Best believe that if you are turned on, he is as well and, of course, has a boner to show for it. We all get aroused by the consistent thought or idea of sex. By flirting with a guy, you're sort of asking for it. It does feel good when you turn your partner on by flirting. 
Enough about shy or embarrassed men. Some guys don't care that they have a boner at all. Most of them are proud of their manhood size and want to show it off to you. As I said, a random boner is creepy. From your partner or boyfriend, it's acceptable (if you're up for it). A man you're with would simply show you the boner when he wants some. 
Another very non-sensual moment for a guy to have a boner is when he wants to pee. He would surely have a boner then. Sometimes, men use this fact to hide an erection. So, pay attention to his body language the next time he says “just give me one minute, I need to use the restroom.”
Well, there is no need to guess anything if there's nothing between your eyes and his manly spatula. You can tell just by looking at it that it is erect, and probably ready for action . When you’re in the same room with a guy you’re dating, you’ll tell he has a boner if he gets naked in front of you.
I'm not sure how true this is, but some women say they can smell a boner when it's up. I'm assuming that would have something to do with if the man lets out a little juice. However, I'm giving you all the methods there are to tell he has a boner, so count smell in! 
This could be embarrassing, weird, or funny, depending on the situation. Imagine going out on a date with your friends, and one of them points you to a man who's trying to hide a boner while talking to his partner, awkward right?
There's something called the “naked mom” trick amongst men. They put up a mental image of their mom nude to suffocate the mood. Other men just mention their mom in the middle of a sensual conversation or just out of the blue to get rid of the boner. 
When some parts of his trousers are wet (he would probably say water spilled on him), he threw some ice in there to get rid of a boner. That’s how you can tell if he was aroused but tried to manage the situation.
If he's holding something like a box of chocolates, flowers, and irresistibly good things around his crotch, he may be hiding a boner. He’s probably trying to get your attention off what’s really happening down there.
Frustrated that he doesn't pay you as much attention as he used to? This is one of the most common issues our female readers face. The number #1 factor that causes men to behave this way is actually relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him today.
Watch this free video (click on the link to watch) that my friend recorded which explains how you can become his priority!
Guys like to be asked questions that make them feel manly . If a guy can help you accomplish a task, he’ll love you to ask him for help. Guys also like questions about their favorite things, favorite places, food, moments, football clubs, etc.
The most common way to test a guy on his love for you is by observation. It would help to pay maximum attention to what he says, what he does, and, more importantly, how he acts around you and others. If there’s disunity between these three, his feelings may not be genuine.
Suppose a guy is experiencing reduced libido , facing difficulties conceiving with his partner, experiencing reduced urination, or has noticed his penis bending more than usual. In that case, he might have a problem that needs to be addressed by a doctor.
Asking a guy his thoughts on sex and what turns him on are juicy questions he’ll like to hear. You can also ask him about his bedroom fantasies and what he would like to try with you.
Guys avoid answering questions that they feel have sensitive subjects . If he knows you won’t like the response to the question, or it’ll make you emotional, he prefers to avoid having the conversation at all.
Well, that's that on how to know if he got a hard-on, I doubt there's more on the subject. Let me know what you think about this article in the comment section and please, educate someone else about “boner dictating” by sharing, thank you! 
Do you hate it how everything seems to always revolve round him while you just seem to be an afterthought sometimes? We hear this all the time from women that contact us asking for help with their relationship. The thing is that which causes men to behave this way is actually something how men are wired. Once you understand how this works, it's relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him today.
My friend uploaded a quick video which you can watch here (click on the link to watch) where he explains how you can turn this behavior around!
OMG, my female friend in high school one afternoon put her hands in my pocket and felt my erection. I had NEVER thought of anything sexual involving her, but I could my persuaded VERY easily that way.
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How can you tell when a guy has a boner?
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We don't know, but we'll answer anyway
Just curious about any behavioral cues.
There's a lump in his trousers, sherlock.
Yes, I'm aware that is the definition of a boner.
Hand in left pocket when I'm in a suit.
I rarely wear anything tight enough to clearly define that I have a boner, so I would look totally normal, but I guess you can look for him standing with one foot forward or really insistent on sitting.
or if he insists he's coming out the swimming pool in a moment :)
He's walking while bent over at a 90 degree angle.
He's holding a book, laptop, bag, or other foreign object over is crotch.
Unless I actually want someone to know I'm sporting a boner, I flip it up into my waistband and act normal. In other words, short of him deliberately telegraphing it or you grabbing it, you won't know.
Yes. I probably should have rephrased it as "How do guys hide their boners" instead. My mistake.
I have to shift around avoid making it noticeable.
Behaviorally, I transform into a werewolf, really hairy and angry. I often run into the woods and kill a deer and wake up naked the next morning. I only have boners when there are full moons though.
(just kidding, there aren't any behavioral cues except trying to make the lump more/less noticeable depending on the circumstances)
When he's got one hand in his pocket and no obvious reason it should be there. He's hiding the bulge.
I was really hoping this was going to be a joke..

How do I know if a guy's got an erection? Is there a way he can hide it? How often do guys get them? What causes an erection? How to tell if a guy has a boner in pants?
How do you know if a guy's got an erection? How to tell if a guy has a boner in pants?
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1. Guys get erections because they get sexually aroused but a lot of the time a guys body can get sexually aroused without the guy really being aroused. Eg a guy can get an erection just from a girl holding their hand on sitting on their lap or even smiling. 2. The second way guys can get erections is because the body has to circulate more blood around the penis every so often for cell regeneration etc. Sometimes people call them "random boners". You get a lot of these during puberty especially when you've just "dropped your balls" (Penis triples or more in size in what seems like a day but is probably a year or so). There are several ways guys can hide erection. Video below shows various ways that are all the tried and tested ways with a funny slant.
Guys get them all the time because they're not always because they're horny. And absolutely any sexual thoughts (which we have lots of) can set it off. You'll know if someone has an erection because you'll feel a big hard lump of flesh in an area where you were sure there were no limbs.
holdup, a guy ca get an erection by having a girl SMILE at them?
You know he has an erection if you could see it in his pants or if he's sitting down and really doesn't want to stand up or he's pulling his shirt down. Basically, if he's paying too much attention to his movements and his appearance, it usually means he has an erection. If the guy doesn't have loose clothing or a jacket, it's hard to hide. A good way to put his hand in his pocket, it stretches the pants out so the erection's harder to see. I'd say that guys get erections at least once a day, I know I do. Usually they're caused by getting turned on. It could be from seeing or even thinking about a hot girl. But sometimes they just happen randomly.
Look by his pants, by his penis. If something is sticking out, he's got an erection. Unless his pants are 3XL lol I don't think he can hide it. It depends on how often they get them. When a man gets happy, that is what causes an erection
I've felt them through their pants and sometimes if you are swimming with the guy and he rubs against you can feel it too. Some guys seen to be horny all of the time and some of the guys get horny over anything lol.
They have an EXTREMLEY large bump in their pants and if they have a jacket they try and pull it down really low. They may sit down or walk around a bunch to hide it. Or sit in a secluded area.
Guys get erections for all kinds of reasons and they can hide them if they know how. Most do. They don't like walking around with there pants poking out, especially in public.
The sight or sound of a pretty girl can make an erection happen in a guy. But if he is trying to hide it, there is no way that you will know. The last thing he wants is for the people in his class to see him with one. The only real way you could know is if you tried to touch him there.
Most of the time you see a guy slouched over more than usual or he has his elbows on his knees (esp. If they are a teenager) they most likely are hiding a boner as when you are bent over enough your dick will end up between your legs instead of sticking straight up
If you fancy the guy, just reach out and feel it. If he asks what you're doing, tell him you wanted to check out if he has an erection. If he likes that, that's a good start, and if he doesn't you will know immediately and save time.
there are many ways to hide it in very little bikini. Boys can gaff penises in thongs or in women bikini or panties where penises are keepet press. its very great to feel in that way. I can look like a girl when i where bikini even if I am a big penis
well I don't know but when I wear my TYR tight swimshorts an if I get out of the water an it hard to hide if I get an erection I try to not think about it cause it will get bigger an anyone will see it if don't think about it. it goes away it doesn't always happen.
It depends of what he's wearing, the shape of his dick, and the way it comes out. Like I have to be careful what I wear and when cause some of my pants /shorts will show all the shape of my dick, even if not hard..
It depends on how big he is. With most guys it will usually be a little bit of a guessing game.
Guys have erections when they have sexual excitement. The dimension of the penis increases and. A guy can hide it only wearing large, I think
It can be hidden with tight pants or underwear

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