How To Suck Your Own Dick Porn

How To Suck Your Own Dick Porn


How To Suck Your Own Dick Porn
March 18, 2020 , updated on
June 10, 2022

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Admit it, you have tried to suck your own dick. If you haven’t, you’re about to. Out of curiosity, to prove a point, or for whatever reason but you will do it.
I remember trying to suck my own penis for the first time when I was around 13-14 years old. I didn’t find much info on the internet back in the day. Naturally, I had to trust my guts and figure out how to suck my own dick by myself.
Well, the experiment failed miserably as I came pretty close. I could actually lick the tip of my penis but not more.
I returned to the experiment a couple of years later, however, it wasn’t easy at that time either. However, I took up the challenge and actually managed to suck my own cock.
Spoiler Alert: it’s more fun when someone else gives you a blowjob.
Also, it’s worth mentioning that currently, I’m not able to perform self fellatio. I guess I lost my flexibility over the years since I didn’t train much.
Well, as you can see from the intro, it is indeed possible to suck your own cock.
However, it will require some training and even weight loss. Unless, of course, you have a huge penis that reaches your nipples once erect. Or if you want to have one, take a look at penis extenders . It’s the only way to have permanent or, at least, semi-permanent results.
I looked around the internet and there are various reports from guys who actually can suck their own dick sharing their stories. Also, there are plenty of those that start like this:
The guy I dated showed me a trick that can’t be unseen…
So, if you’re the average dude with an average penis, you can, in fact, learn how to suck your own cock. However, it will require some time and dedication.
Self-sucking can be a pleasant activity if you do it right. However, before you even consider learning to suck your own dick, you need to evaluate your body properly.
As you probably understand, it will require quite some bending and stamina, so, in case you have some health issues, better find someone who can do the job for you, or consult with a physician who can help you work on your flexibility. Stay safe and don’t do stupid things.
Now that we have our safety 101 covered, let’s see what it takes to learn to suck your own dick.
Yes, unfortunately, you will need to lose the beer belly if you don’t have a super long penis and want to self-suck.
When it comes to penis length vs belly size, a shorter penis wins over a big belly.
Overall, penis size has very little importance when you have the obstacle (the belly) out of the way.
So, lose the fat. You’ll look and feel better. Also, will be able to reach your penis with your mouth as well.
Back in the day, I weighed around 155 – 160 pounds and my height is around 6’1.
As you can see I wasn’t super skinny but didn’t have a beer belly in front of me either.
Working on your flexibility is essential in order to be able to suck your own dick.
If you haven’t been practicing yoga or Pilates, it’s time you start to. Unless you’re super flexible by nature. However, most of us aren’t.
So, you can either sign up for a yoga class or check out this yoga for flexibility guide . it has some very useful exercises for self-sucking.
When it comes to sucking your own dick, you need to be an expert on stretching and bending. Especially in the neck and back area.
Having strength in your whole upper body is also useful. This way you’ll be able to stay in the position longer.
TIP: do bending exercises with a friend. Sit down and try to bend yourself in half. Ask a friend for an extra push on the back to help you bend even more.
Another thing you need to do is chill and relax.
First – don’t get pissed if you won’t be able to suck your cock from the first try, practically no one can do that.
Second – do a warm-up before the action. This way your muscles will loosen up and you’ll be able to get into position easier. Also, warming up reduces the risk of any trauma. As I said before, don’t do stupid things and don’t go over your limits.
This step is easy. The harder you are, the longer your dick is. The longer the dick is – the easier it is to reach it.
Overall, my suggestion would be to not play with yourself or your partner for at least a couple of days before you suck your own dick.
This way you’ll build up your excitement and get a harder dick to start with.
To reach the super erection and keep it for as long as possible, you can consider getting a cock ring .
A penis ring increases the blood flow to your penis and stops it from getting out. So, your erection will be longer and, of course, harder. Another way to quickly add an inch or two is using a penis pump .
Also, if adult content gets you in the mood faster, find some videos in advance. Otherwise, when you’re in the position – you will struggle a lot.
There are a couple of positions that are comfortable enough to suck your own dick. Unless you’re one of those superhumans that can bend like a snake.
The sitting down position is very easy and straightforward. Basically, you need to sit down and bend your waist while bringing your head towards your erect penis.
However, the fun part is discovering the perfect place for sitting. For some men it’s the floor, for the others it’s a chair or any other object.
Well, this is the method I used on myself back in the day.
Since I wasn’t much of an athlete and wasn’t super flexible, I found that the easiest way to do it is laying on the floor and getting some help from a wall.
Also, having a pillow under your head can be helpful.
So, put yourself at a 90 degrees angle with your legs up against the wall. Once you have your super erection in place, start bending your head and shoulders towards your private parts.
At the same time, bring your legs and penis towards your face. Best outcome – they meet in the middle.
Since you’re a man, you know that orgasms don’t come clean. You’ll have your dick in your mouth, so you have to decide whether you’re swallowing or spitting.
If you haven’t tasted your cum yet, try it before self-sucking, it will help you decide.
If you’re a spitter, choosing self-sucking while sitting should be more comfortable.
If you’re a swallower, cumming when on your back won’t cause you any problems.
As you can see, sucking your own dick is possible and can be done by most men.
However, just like most pleasures in life, it will require effort.
Even though self-sucking is not for everyone, I am sure that nearly everyone has tried it once.
So, if you decide to give it a go, be sure to be safe and don’t perform any actions that are above your physical capacities.
Also, get a cock ring to keep the super erection longer. Or if you feel like you want to have a longer penis, consider getting a penis extender .
When I was in 6 th grade I stated trying to suck my dick. After 6 months I was able to get the head in my mouth. Then in7 th grade I was able to deep Throat my dick suck my balls and lick my own butthole until I was in middle twenties
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Michael B. Banks

/ August 23, 2022 August 23, 2022
The myth is that the world-famous singer/artist Price removed his bottom ribs so he could suck his own penis. And although that is total nonsense, it does make you think a bit. Would you suck your own penis if you could reach it with your mouth?
Don’t answer that question just yet. And especially not if you have sciatica.
Learning how to self-suck , or technically known as ‘auto-fellatio,’ might only be possible if your set of personal circumstances or anatomy allows it. Does it take the yoga skills of a 20-year stretching veteran, or can you train yourself to contort into a self-suck position?
It’s definitely a subject that needs more research and discussion.
If you’ve ever tried to self-suck before, you don’t need me to tell you how difficult it is. If you’re double-jointed, you probably don’t have that issue unless you have a minute penis. However, if you have a really long penis and are a bit flexible, you might achieve it or at least get close.
If you are planning to have a go, preparation is the key. Don’t just start doubling over right away, or you might cause a hernia or give yourself long-term back and spinal problems doing so.
Sorry to break this to you, but if you don’t have a long penis, you might want to give it a miss. But if you do have a big one or even one that’s larger than average, I might be able to help you. There are plenty of flexible medium size guys out there who manage to self-suck. It can take a couple of months to train yourself, but it’s worth it in the long run.
Let’s discuss some of the techniques you can use to make this sexual fantasy a reality .
It is possible to self-suck your own penis. There are loads of videos out there that prove it’s possible. You will seriously need to train your body, and you might even need to lose some weight.
So, here are some exercises and techniques you can use on your self-sucking journey to make the impossible possible without removing a rib or two.
Having a flexible neck and back is the cornerstone to a successful self-suck session. A flexible neck makes it possible to bend far enough to suck your own cock. And you’ll need back flexibility to create a perfect back arch in order to get your cock into the desired position.
Only a handful of people naturally have this kind of flexibility. The rest of you will need to do daily stretching exercises or some kind of yoga regularly to make it happen.
The longer your spine, the easier it is to suck your own penis . If you have a short upper body, you are already at a disadvantage. Body length, and more importantly, upper body length, is the key to achieving it. This is why taller people generally have a better chance at getting in self-suck positions.
Size might not matter to your significant other, but it matters when it comes to self-sucking. Some might say it’s the most important trait. If you have a really long penis, you won’t have to be as flexible as someone with a medium-sized penis.
Sorry for stating the obvious, but you have to be realistic here. Being delusional or in denial about your penis size could result in you damaging your back and neck. If you have a medium or even small penis, you will have to put in the work in terms of back and neck stretches and exercises.
Preparing to self-suck is essential when it comes to contorting your body into the ideal positions. I would suggest that in the lead up to the act that you relax your body and muscles once you have gained an erection. This is essentially like a warm-up technique to get loose and limber.
Watch some sexy videos to get your cock hard beforehand, or you might find it difficult to get erect after flexing your back and neck muscles.
Here are some step-by-step tips for giving yourself a blowjob . Not everyone will be able to do it, but by following these steps, you can give yourself the best chance possible.
Start by laying down on your back, preferably on the floor or on a harder surface than your bed. Before you lay down, take off all your clothes because it’s easier and more convenient to do that now. When you lay down on the floor or even your bed, make sure you are near a wall. One foot away from the wall should suffice.
While laying down on your back, put your feet high on the wall and slowly walk your feet down until your cock is in a position near to your face. Now you need to raise your head towards your penis to see if you can suck it.
One of my favorite ways is to self-suck in a seated position. Again, take off all your clothes and then sit down on a solid and suitable surface to get in a sitting position. Just remember that you are aiming to bend over forwards to suck your penis with this technique.
Hook your arms under your knees, relax your body, and then lean forward to attempt. Slowly bend forward until your penis gets close to or in your mouth, and then you can start to suck. I prefer this position to laying on my back because it seemed to put less strain on my spine.
Sucking your own penis isn’t for the faint-hearted or the weak-jointed. Being a contortionist in a traveling circus is easier because they perform immense flexibility moves without the need to concentrate and climax to orgasm. My final self-suck technique would be getting your legs over your head. If that sounds a bit risky for you, don’t bother trying.
Get naked again, roll your back until you can put your legs over your head. You will need to be very relaxed to make this happen. Now let your penis get closer to your mouth until it’s close enough to suck, and that should be it.
Did you know that six in ten people have suffered some kind of injury during a sex session? Experts in a recent study showed that sex-related injuries are in ascendance.
It’s difficult to self-suck and orgasm when you’ve got a broken back. You don’t need a doctor to tell you that. It’s always important to listen to your body when you are performing any sexual act in a strange position. Our sexual passion can sometimes override common sense logic in the pursuit of a mind-bending self-suck orgasm.
If you feel you are stretching too far, stop right away, or you might cause irreversible damage to your neck, back, or spine. Back problems are a nightmare, and if you don’t usually suffer from this issue, be careful and listen to your body. If you have pre-existing neck and back issues, sucking your own cock should not be on your sexual itinerary list.
And if you do successfully find yourself in the self-suck position with your own cock in your mouth, always be careful not to suck too hard. This can happen to the first-time self-sucker. Use some lube and some common sense.
I recommend a water-based option such as the excellent
A water-based one is usually best Bathmate Anal Lube Waterbased 3.15oz , or if you want something a bit cheaper, the Zero Tolerance Anal Lube Water Based 2oz .
Or why not try an edible option, like the delicious China Anal Balm Cream Cherry Flavored Home Party .
Why stick to self-sucking when there is a whole world of pleasure to be had. So, take a look at our in-depth Guide to Making the Perfect Homemade Cock Ring , the Best Homemade Lube Substitutes , the Best Homemade Vibrator Ideas , as well as the Best Homemade Sex Toys for Men and Women in 2022.
You will probably also enjoy our reviews of the Best Squirting and Ejaculation Dildos , our Clone-A-Willy Kit Review , or the Best Chastity Cages on the market.
If you are able-bodied, have a large to medium size cock, and don’t have any pre-existing medical neck and back conditions, go for it. There is nothing more strangely erotic and naughty than sucking your own penis. It can be quite addictive. It’s a strange sensation to feel a mind-blowing orgasm in the pipeline while you are sucking away.
Don’t be scared to get in there, but never go too far.
Always limber up and do some stretches or yoga while preparing to self-suck. Ideally, you should perform neck and back stretches as a daily routine for a couple of months before you try auto-fellatio for the first time. But please bear in mind how weird it feels moments after a self-suck orgasm as you lay there with your own cock in your mouth.
It’s a sobering experience and feels like you just walked in on yourself at an impromptu moment. But apart from that, it’s pretty goddam amazing! And always remember that you don’t have to remove any ribs to get the job done.
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Michael was brought up in New York, where he still works as a journalist. He has, as he called it, 'enjoyed a wild lifestyle' for most of his adult life and has enjoyed documenting it and sharing what he has learned along the way. He has written a number of books and academic papers on sexual practices and has studied the subject 'intimately'.

His breadth of knowledge on the subject and its facets and quirks is second to none and as he again says in his own words, 'there is so much left to learn!'

He lives with his partner Rose, who works as a Dental Assistant.
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