How To Suck Your Dick

How To Suck Your Dick


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Are you terrified of sucking d*ck? If you don't have one yourself, it can be quite confronting. Even if you're a guy and it's your first time getting one in your mouth, it can be daunting. It's not as if you've been able to suck your own!? (If you can, get in touch. We want to talk to you...)
Questions can fill your mind, 'Am I doing this right? Did I just use my teeth? What if it tastes gross?!' Well, fear no more.
We've spoken to a couple of the most qualified professionals out there on how you can get yourself comfortable and actually enjoy it. Here's what sex therapist Jacqueline Hellyer and Isla View, who teaches the 'Art of Fellatio' workshop, had to say when they were on the show.
You'll enjoy anything more if you’re in the mood - that's a given. But Jacqueline says that if you're doing a blowjob because you think you have to, then it's not going to be pleasurable for you OR them.
"If you're already turned on and you want c*ck, it's a completely different experience. The receiver of the blowjob always loves it when the partner is enjoying themselves," she told The Hook Up.
If you're 'in your head' thinking about whether you're doing it right, there is no way you're relaxing, and you're probably not enjoying it. Then if you're not, they probably aren't either. Think of it as a blowjob domino effect of no pleasure.
"You've gotta learn to relax", Jacqueline says. "Relax around your jaw, your throat, and your cheeks. It will also change the type of pleasure the other person receives. [If you're relaxed, your mouth is] soft, it's flexible and it moulds, and the tongue will work better."
"There's a big difference if you're receiving a relaxed blowjob rather than one from someone who's trying to simulate a vacuum cleaner."
The other bonus of being relaxed is there's less of a chance of you getting a sore neck.
Isla even suggests putting some music on: "Blowjobs are really rhythmical," she says. "While you're bobbing your head, there's no reason why you can't be bobbing the rest of your body as well. It really engages you and grounds you, instead of you thinking 'am I doing this right? OMG, my jaw is starting to hurt!'"
Isla suggests you could find yourself in a position where you're pleasuring yourself while pleasuring your partner. "This might be a pillow between your legs, pushing your body up against the person who's receiving the blowjob, or using your own hands to manually manipulate yourself," she says. (And by "manually manipulate", she pretty much means touch yourself *wink*).

"There is so much more to be involved as well", says Isla. "Use your hands; you can reach up and stroke their chest, reach around to their bottom. There are other parts of people's anatomy you can enjoy, like balls or ass. It doesn't just have to be your mouth on penis."
Jacqueline also suggests using your hands on the shaft of the penis, so your mouth isn't doing ALL the work. If you've got other skills, use 'em ;)
Of course, if you're not using a condom for your blowjob then you have STIs and HIV to consider. But if you've decided not to, then Jacqueline has this tip for you: "Make sure the penis is at the back of the tongue, because most of your taste buds are at the front of your tongue. That way it goes straight down into the digestive tract that is very tough on germs."
Further, avoid brushing your teeth beforehand as that can expose the gums or cause bleeding, which can increase the chance of HIV transmission if they cum in your mouth. If you're unsure of your partner's HIV status, it's probably best to avoid someone cumming in your mouth at all, especially if you have cuts or ulcers in your mouth or throat. These are hotspots for HIV transmission. There are plenty of other places they can blow their load, so get creative! (This is particularly relevant for men who have sex with men).
Ask! You'll probably get an idea from him if they're liking it or not. If there's moaning or saying, "ohhh yeahhhhh", that's probably a good indication that they're enjoying it. Plus, that can be a mega turn on for you, too!
But whether they're saying something or not, it's always a good idea to check in and ask if they like what you're doing. Everyone different; some people might not like it as fast or with as much suction, for example.
As Isla says, "ask what works for [them] so you're both enjoying it more"
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Тема начата Anonymous over 18 years ago, 22 ответов
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But it's a normal thing, or I need a penis enlargment??????

Please,, reply asap!!!!!!!!
get some of your ribs removed et voilà
No, I don't have an interest in Yoga.
Just try really hard, and hope you don't break your neck, like Brody's cousin Walt did...
some people say it tastes good,but still,
i couldnt suck something that vomits when feeling good [:
i dont trust him :P

on the other hand (hehehehand|:
inability to suck oneself,helps to meet people ...
lol @ trip lx. I'm not even supposed to be here today!
Yóga courses can teach you to even kiss your own ass.
Can you suck your own dick?

I'll get back to you on that one.
No. If I could I would not leave the house.
**Replied to merely for the sake of bumping starrgazer's friggin posts off the main page....**
I'm sucking mine right now. My trousers are ruined, and it's making me feel a bit dizzy...although that could be due to blood loss.
You should SUCK it, not CHEW it....
If I could do that i'd never leave the house !!!!

Like the old joke says .....

Q: Why do dogs lick their balls ?
A: Because they can !!
probably back in ancient times some neanderthals could, but as they henceforth didnt spend much time chasing girls, they didnt really reproduce. just a theory of mine...
lol @ kreutz
not a bad theory... just maybe that would go for the dinasours as well? *sss*
Well if you are a proud self sucker, do some stretches and you can probably toss yer own salad too...
Even if I could, which I can't, I don't think its a good idea to suck ur own. Come on people.
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