How To Style Your Hair After A Hair Transplant

How To Style Your Hair After A Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Network

Styling your hair after having a hair transplant can be tricky. Some patients don’t know if they should cut their hair short or leave their hair long. Top hair transplant surgeons suggest that Knowing the proper length to wear ones hair is essential for maximizing a hair transplant result. If the hair is too short, the layering effect is diminished and thus the hair will appear thinner because more scalp will be visible. Conversely, if the hair is too long the hair will appear thinner because longer hair tends to clump together thus exposing the scalp and making it more visible.

Finding the right length is absolutely crucial for creating an appearance of fullness. However, this principal is not only applicable to the hair on the scalp, but also in the donor site. Generally, FUE patients should cut their hair short enough to conceal the scars, but long enough to mitigate the loss of density. Typically, most (FUE) Follicular unit extraction surgery patients can cut their hair as short as a #1 on the sides without exposing scars or a loss of density, but this can also vary from patient to patient. Conversely, patients who have had a strip procedure should maintain their hair at reasonable length long enough to conceal the linear scar.

Hair restoration patients should experiment with various hairstyles and lengths to find their desired style. Additionally, patients have the ability to grow their hair longer than before their procedure because newly transplanted hair is healthy and grows longer than miniaturized thinning hair. Thus, providing patients with a variety of different styling options.

In conclusion, the length of the hair will either provide an appearance of fullness or sparseness. Unfortunately, surgical hair restoration can never replace an individual’s hair loss hair for hair. Therefore, patients must maximize their results by styling their hair in a way that maximizes the “illusion of density” and most patients will find that there is a sweet spot in terms of length and styling. However, some experimentation is required to find what length and style works best. 

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