How To Stop A Yeast Infection Before It Gets Bad

How To Stop A Yeast Infection Before It Gets Bad


How To Stop A Yeast Infection Before It Gets Bad

How To Stop Getting Yeast Infections – The Simple Way

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Yeast infections are brutal . You are probably wondering, as I oftentimes have; how on earth do I manage to get rid of these recurring infections? Trust me, I know what you are going through. In this post, I will teach you how to stop getting yeast infections.
Yeast infections arise because of (over)consumption of grains, dairy, starches, and other forms of processed foods. A complete reversal is possible, but only if you stop feeding pathogens with the consumption of these foods. 
Why do you think low-carb diets are so popular? Pathogens aren’t fed by their main dishes anymore, and the overgrowth starts to disappear . As a result, people report their autoimmune symptoms pretty much vanishing.
I’ve had times where my body would go absolutely f’ing haywire if I ate something bad, or something I was very sensitive to. A lot of it had to do with my immune system going bonkers from an overgrowth of pathogens. I’ve been struggling with gut dysbiosis to this day, but have made definite improvements.
It’s about not getting overconfident, and when you do eat something that feeds pathogens to not go overboard. 
Naturally, we all have a certain amount of pathogens like yeast, bacteria, and other microorganisms inhabiting our bodies- mainly in our gut.
But, even other parts of your body have a microbiome. Even your mouth. Can you imagine?
Whenever these pathogens start to overgrow, however- we can be in deep trouble. A lot of autoimmune issues arise exactly because of these imbalances. 
Some symptoms of yeast infections are:
You probably have ample reason for coming to this post. In all likelihood, you are very aware that something is wrong internally, and it needs to be addressed. You might have one of the symptoms in one degree or another.
In this post, I will give you my experience and exactly how to stop getting yeast infections- and if they come back- why ? And how severe? Let’s get into it!
As I’ve stated before, ‘’wrong foods’’ add to the yeast infection, and feeds parasites. Whenever you eat foods that are harder to digest (heavier foods that I mentioned before, grains, dairy, etc.) it leaves residue in the body.
This residue stays stuck in mainly the GI tract and stomach, and makes for the perfect breeding place for pathogens, like yeasts. A great tip I can give you is to gradually start eliminating the foods that are contributing to your yeast infection. 
I know what you’re thinking. No more pizza? What about a donut every once in a while, it can’t hurt that much right? Wrong.
I understand how you feel. Comfort foods are nice. They are comfortable. But at the same time, we must understand what certain foods do to us, and how sensitive we are to these foods, as compared to people around us.
Stop feeding yeast infections by gradually eliminating these types of consumption from your diet:
Whenever you limit these foods as much as possible, at least you’re not feeding the overgrowth and making it worse. If overgrowths like these remain unchecked, they can cause serious long-term damage and conditions .
We crave these foods because we have an overgrowth of candida. This is their preferred food source, and they only thrive in our bodies because we supply them with it.
We will have to change our relationship with food. But how do we do that you may ask? We’ll have to look at our food consumption if we want to know how to stop getting yeast infections.
In this post , I talk about how you can overcome food addiction and create healthy habits and thinking around food consumption. I know what it’s like to have food as my only friend. And you might have experienced that feeling before.
But every effort I made to get a grip on my consumption, has paid off in truckloads . 
Switching to a mucusless diet is a miracle in my life. I have a better relationship with myself, others, and my former unhealthy habits. I no longer feel the deep sadness that can come from grasping outside yourself for happiness.
People are addicted to food because it simply is the last thing to go.
Heroin is horrible. Smoking is bad for you. Don’t drink too much alcohol. Duh. That is obvious.
But as I said, the last thing on the list is food. It’s the dealer that never goes out of town. Food is the friend that is always around when you are feeling sad or want to escape. 
However, overeating has consequences and I encourage you to look at your eating habits critically.
Overeating is rampant. We see it all around us.
The truth is, our body doesn’t need that much food to function, especially when a lot of it just obstructs your body. That’s why the yeast is there in the first place, it has food to feed off of- these foods that a lot of people can’t eliminate completely.
On this site , you find figures for obesity among adults in the USA. ‘’From 1999-2000 through 2017-2018, the U.S. obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% to 42.4%. Severe obesity has also grown from 4.7% to 9.2%. Need I continue? You get my point!
The point is this: the weight we accumulate is not just fat. A lot of it is indigestible foodstuffs, sitting in the stomach and colon. The perfect food for pathogens like yeast!
I can tell you from personal experience that cleaning yourself out is of great benefit. With a proper diet, enemas, and or herbal supplements for your GI tract, you’ll become a different person.
I’ve studied a lot on how to stop getting yeast infections, and it greatly paid off in my life, especially considering the place I came from. I was a wreck and knew it was because of the foods I ate.
A mucus-free diet has probably been the best discovery I’ve made in my life. It’s an absolute godsend for somebody struggling with conditions like these, and I’m sure you’re the type of person that wants to get at the root of your problems.
You already know: masking symptoms or suppressing them doesn’t really do you any good. You want to get the root of the problem fixed. Then the symptoms will start to disappear, naturally.
I hate to say it, but about 90-95% of all foods we have available to us form mucus. This mucus is the perfect breeding place for pathogens like yeast and is fermenting all the time.
Whenever you go on a mucusless diet or fast for a bit, this mucus will definitely be showing up in your urine. This mucus is exactly what is the precondition, the food, for all the pathogens. 
‘’All diseases begin in the gut.’’ This is a quote attributed to Hippocrates. Daily we are feeding our disease or fighting it. If the gut is full of undigested food, we are in big trouble.
You’re probably wondering; if our gut is getting fuller and fuller of more and more mucus, basically undigested foods, where does it all go? Into our bloodstream .
And this is why it is of paramount importance to keep your guts clean, and to (try to) eat a diet that facilitates that. Bummer, but I think we both know that a great diet doesn’t necessarily consist of pizzas, hamburgers, and fries. 
I’m very excited to share my experiences with you, which might inspire you to walk a path of higher health. 
More mental clarity, better gut health, a more open heart, sharper senses, a connection with nature. You’re probably jumping out of your chair out of excitement. Hold on! There’s more to this .
When getting to the root cause of your overgrowth, your disease, your pain, and unhappiness, and you eliminate it, there’s no feeling in the world like that. When you have clean blood, clean bowels, and a sharper mind and healthier appearance, that , in my opinion, is the real prize of life. These foods do not leave behind mucus, and as a matter of fact, they clean mucus deposits in the body. 
But there must be a word of caution . This diet is not to be jumped straight into. Don’t just start to eat a lot of fresh fruit. Don’t go on a radical fruitarian diet overnight.
It will end badly, trust me. I’ve done it all before and failed horribly , and I will tell you precisely why.
There is a lot of confusion and misconception about these kinds of diets. People equate cleaning your body with starvation. I’ve found that eating this way has only rapidly improved my health (if I kept eating mucusless that is!) But there are pitfalls .
There are ways with which the whole mucusless diet, and or fasting, will fail miserably for you.
Fruits do not feed candida . What fresh, sweet, juicy fruits will do, is stir up a ton of mucus in the body, mainly in the stomach and bowels. Maybe even 1, 2, or 3 days after you’ve eaten your fruits, you might be feeling miserable . 
But this is not because of the fruit. This is because the fruit loosened the junk (formed by eating gushers and Oreos in your life, that have never been properly eliminated.)
So don’t just jump into eating mucusless. Really think about what you’re doing, and most importantly, inform yourself on this diet and all there is to it. This blog and this YouTube channel are excellent guidance for looking to start a mucusless diet. I hope you like it!
So again: The first step is to eliminate the harmful foods listed before from your diet.
Then (hopefully!) you’ll be gradually shifting into a more mucusless diet. This book teaches everything there is to know about this diet, by the author Arnold Ehret. You’re hopefully looking into these resources I’ve provided for you just now, and I hope the explanations about mucus made any sense.
Mucus is the main thing people are really unaware of when eating. They don’t understand that pretty much all the foods they eat form mucus. This mucus is not being fully eliminated without having a proper diet and or regular fasting to help you excrete it.
I don’t know about you- but I personally think it is a universal law. How would you ever experience true health and happiness by feeding your body like that all the time? 
So step #2, would be to read about the mucusless diet and transition with baked fruits, not fresh fruits. That is to not aggressively loosen up as much mucus, which will make you feel terrible !
I can’t possibly go into full detail here about the mucusless diet. But if you keep posted and subscribe to my e-mail I will definitely keep you posted on such matters. How to stop getting yeast infections is one of the many topics I want to write about for you.
Mind, Body & Spiritualism is dedicated to providing information on natural, holistic health. In no way do we attempt to diagnose or treat any reader. All material on this site is for informational purposes only and is not the substitute or the advice of a physician or doctor.
If you’re reading this post, you’re probably aware of the tons of medicines and supplements out there to fight yeast infections. There’s so much it’ll make your head spin.
Another word of caution (geez). When you’re going on these protocols, and start adding in anti-parasitics, you may end up in bad shape .
But why? Aren’t anti-parasitics made to instantly make you feel better?
Well, that depends. Some people that use these types of products instantly feel better and have seriously cut away their yeast infection. Others can experience severe die-off symptoms. These include:
Be very careful with these products. They are not to be taken lightly or consumed haphazardly. You need to have a protocol in place.
My brother and I have had struggles with severe die-off symptoms too. You can use charcoal, for example, that binds to all the toxins being released because of the die-off.
You’d also want to make sure that you are eliminating correctly and regularly from your bowels so that you don’t suffer die-off symptoms.
There’s a lot more to this, and I hope you won’t just jump into a radical detox because of this article. You want to know what you’re doing with anti-parasitics and a mucusless diet. Educate yourself!
The first 2 tips I gave you were to stop feeding the yeast, and then to switch your diet to more natural, cleaner foods.
So to sum it up for you: #1. Stop feeding yeast. Gradually, or immediately, remove dairy, sugars, grains, starchy vegetables, beans and legumes, and unsoaked nuts from your diet.
#2. Start looking into The Mucusless Diet Healing System . Another great resource on this is Prof. Spira, who coaches people following the mucusless diet healing system. You can find him here .
#3. Consider using an anti-parasitic oil or herb to kill off yeast and parasites.
I hope I managed to offer some value to you in any way. I really appreciate my readers and I want to thank you for reading this post! If you want to receive more content like this in the future, consider subscribing to my e-mail list.

Medically Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on September 20, 2021
If you’re like 75% of women, you’ll get at least one yeast infection during your lifetime. Half will get two or more.
You're more likely to get one when you:
It may not be possible for all women to prevent yeast infections , but here's what you can do to lower your odds. “Vaginal Yeast Infections”
Mayo Clinic: “Yeast infection (vaginal)” “Vaginal Yeast Infection”
FDA: "Getting Rid of Yeast Infections."
Johns Hopkins Medicine: "Vaginal Yeast Infection."
© 2005 - 2022 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved.
WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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Eat probiotic yogurt. There is a type of yogurt that has helpful bacteria in it that can help combat developing yeast infections. Yogurt with lactobacillus acidophilus has been used by women, either orally or applied vaginally, to help combat developing yeast infections. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a good bacteria that can help you to fight the bacteria causing your yeast infection. You can buy this kind of yogurt at most grocery stores. Make sure to check the label to ensure that it has active and live lactobacillus acidophilus cultures in it.
Studies have shown that yogurt may be effective at decreasing symptomatic relief in some women. However, as other studies have shown, it isn't effective in all women. [3]
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Mayo Clinic
Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals

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Mayo Clinic
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Bathe twice a day. While taking a shower or bath two times a day can throw off your daily schedule, it is important that you stay as clean as possible to combat your yeast infection. When you bathe, do not use any chemical soap or body wash. These kinds of soaps can kill good bacteria that you need to fight your infection, while doing very little to reduce your infection. [5]
Research source
Domino, F. (n.d.). The 5-minute clinical consult standard 2015 (23rd ed.)

Women with vaginal yeast infections should take baths rather than showers. Taking a bath can help to clear yeast from the vaginal area.
Make sure your bath isn't too hot. This can cause yeast to multiply. [6]
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Mayo Clinic
Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals

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Use clean towels. When you bathe, go swimming, or dry off with a towel, it is important that you dry off as thoroughly as possible. Yeast thrives in warm, damp places, so use a clean, dry towel to get rid of any lingering moisture. If you use a towel that you used before, you might transfer yeast to it, which can thrive on the dampness left behind from your previous shower. Instead, wash your towels after you have used them once. [7]
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Wear loose clothing. If you have a skin or vaginal yeast infection, it is important to wear loose-fitting clothes that will allow your skin to breath. This is particularly important if you have a vaginal yeast infection. Wear cotton underwear and avoid any underwear made with silk or nylon, as these two fabrics do not let any air through.
Avoid activities that cause unnecessary heat, sweat, and moisture in affected areas in order to help prevent further growth of the yeast. [8]
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Mayo Clinic
Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals

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